Affordable housing Dunlaoghaire Rathdown-Parkview, Belarmine & Thornwood

Yep I collected my Confirmation to lender letter when dropping back my form to the council to speed things up, I am now waiting on other parties again!
Just re-reading the terms, once you send in your acceptance they will send out an acknowledgement. The 5 days to forward loan approval count from when they send out that letter.

I've already rung the broker so that the loan approval will be ready to go straight away.
Apples, I am making it clear to others that once you have handed in your acceptance you have 5 days to show the council your loan is approved. Some people might want to wait towards the last day if their loan hasn't reached the approval stage to buy more time. The approval letter is formal document you sign with your bank, thats what you give them - this is well after valuations and so forth. So those eager enough might mess up if their loan is only in the early stages.
One final point, you don't need your confirmation to lender to get your approval letter from the bank - but they will need it before meeting the final cheque issuing conditions.

i rang the bank too and they are sending out there valuer to the APT so by the time i get the letter off DLR Co Co for the lender the bank will be ready to give me the full home loan

Happy Days

If you are talking about plimiary aproval they asked me for that last month i just thought maybe they asked everyone k
Hopefully once we've done our part, it is now just down to the council to give landmark the go ahead and issue contracts. According to landmark, from the invitation to snag you then have 14 days to close.
Its getting exciting :)
Woohoo! :) Any word yet on when we will be invited to snag? Thats probably next after the mortgage loan letters get into the council.
BTW, did anyone who has gotten and 'affordable' mortgage ask about a delayed start to payments other words, asked about the option of starting to pay off the mortgage a few months after you have gotten the cheque? Apparently this has become a much bigger practice with regular mortgages in recent years. It would be fantastic to have that breathing space for a few months!!! Just wondering if anyone asked and if so, what sort of response you got.​
I know EBS do reduced payments for a couple of years - but really you are just increasing the amount of interest you'll be paying off in the long term - i.e. higher payments after the easystep runs out.
got the other letter from the council this morning so at last things seem to be moving..... all my bank need now is the block cert of home insurance. it's getting exciting! what happens now? do we need to go back to the council?
Get the offer letter signed back to the council. Get from the council the letter to lender, get the loan approval doc to council - hand that in and then sit back and wait for the council to give the thumbs up to landmark. . The block cert comes as part of the management fees and all of that will come from landmark to your solicitor.

The next round of viewings is this Friday afternoon for those of us who were contacted in February about BSQ, just got the email.
They don't say what is left, that would be too helpful!

Viewing is 2pm to 4pm.

It does say that due to considerable interest "please be advised that you have been pre-allocated a specific apartment to avoid disappointment" .... did you guys in the first batch get this and if so do they stick to it?

If so it could be a nice quick and easy process on Friday.
Interesting! I was in the second batch, we were allocated numbers when we got there and we were able to choose ourselves from what was left. I wouldn't have thought that there is a huge amount left at all going by what was available to us unless there have been cancellations since then.
Definitely there has been cancellations, we were allowed to make our choices and depending on where you were in the queue you would get hopefully your choice. I definitely wouldn't want them saying to you this apartment here is your option take it or leave it.
Interesting! I was in the second batch, we were allocated numbers when we got there and we were able to choose ourselves from what was left. I wouldn't have thought that there is a huge amount left at all going by what was available to us unless there have been cancellations since then.

Maybe they mean a number system and it is just a posh D18 way of phrasing it?? :) Hoping to put off any queues before 2pm, I think they don't want people hanging around all day to get there first.

Also, we are guaranteed an apartment (once we can reach the finance) as otherwise we would not have been put forward by DLRCOCO.

Another thought is that maybe they realise how wonderful I am and have reserved a penthouse for me and don't want me worrying and everyone else just got an email telling them to turn up at 2pm!!!!!!!!

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Haha, good luck with that :) Still, to ease the pain of not getting a penthouse, think of it this way - they have the largest management fees :)