Affordable housing Dunlaoghaire Rathdown-Parkview, Belarmine & Thornwood

Hi Lucie

Were you at an affordable housing viewing?
Which block are they in? Duplexes or apartments?
What were they like size-wise?
Do you think you'll accept?

Sorry... lots of questions. Being dying to hear about Parkview for ages.

Hi Cheesus, yeah I was a viewing about a week ago, they were all apartments. Sizes fairly mixed, some have v small bedrooms. A couple of the two beds are massive. I find it hard to judge the sizes of rooms without furniture in them, but think most of the living areas were good enough.They're vey nice, no ensuites or built in wardrobes tho. I would accept one if i liked the one i'm offered!
Thanks Lucie,

Hope you get something that suits you! I thought that they'd let you choose one when you went in. They'll just offer you one though and that's the one you have to accept or refuse? It's a bit of tease then showing you them all.

Good luck... hope you hear something soon.
is it worth losing your ftb status if you would not be willing /capable of living there for a few years.

Hi Ted1

I turned down lots of places in other councils because I felt it wasn't worth losing ftb status to live a few years in the places offered. For me it was dependent on the area. Losing a few grand in stamp duty for me would be worth it to stick around the Dundrum/Stillorgan area. I also think that in a couple of years the stamp duty laws might have changed anyway. There's already big pressure to change them under a certain threshold so I wouldn't be surprised if the situation is different when we go to trade up - my opinion only of course.

If AH is the only way you can buy in an area you really want I think it's worth it. Also, you could buy privately and with a downturn could make a loss on the property upon resale. At least with AH, at the very least, you will get back what you've put in.
Beacon buyers, the residents of BSQ have got wind of the affordable/social block, they posted a link to this this thread on their page on so felt it was only fair to give you the link to their page

Be sure to take the suits off the second you get home from work and throw on the tracksuits
Hi Cheesus

You get to view a few apartments and then submit a list of your preferences, then based on your number on the list you get offered one of them. Seems like a fair enough way to do it....
Thanks for the update Lucie.

The way they are administering the apts seems very fair. I hope you get the one you want! I took a look at the show apts in Parkview and thought they were lovely. I'd actually prefer not to have fitted wardrobes because they're not big enough for two anyway and they limit the layout. I also thought the smaller apt (76sqm) was nicer than the big one which is good because we'll probably end up with smaller ones. I know the affordable block is different anyway. Did they give you the name of the affordable one?

Best of luck. Let us know how you get on!
Apparently the valuations have been done and they are waiting on confirmation of them. They are aiming to get the provisional offers out next week. Anyone else heard anything else?

Also, does anyone know what happens after we get the offers? Anyone know how long the rest of the process might take?
thats shocking, ya know maybe if they read over the rest of the threads they might realise that we have not gotten them half price or even at that matter 3/4 of price, they'd also realise we're getting into a mortgage that in some cases is even more than what they are. Simple when i read things like this i laugh, jelousy is all that is wrong with these people. They're jelous they didnt have the cop on to go and do it themselves, they're annoyed they've gone and done 100% mortgage desperate to get on the housing ladder and then realise they're property now is worth alot less. My advise to you guys is egnore any comments from them, they're close minded twats!!
after some thought and talks with the bank manager i think i'm going to pass over the offer.

the lack of parking and high maintenance fees are a bit off putting. the restrictionon renting etc, are also very off putting.

as regards buying to stay in the area, i'm currently living in real killiney (not ballybrack ) and payign half the rent my mortage would be to live in BSQ.
I was told last week that we should be receiving the offers this week for BSQ - is this no longer the case? According to the foreman they've to finish that by March 17th and be off site. The snagging should be well completed by then and I'd hope we'd be closing then.
Latest word I have from the council was that they were waiting on confirmation of the valuations and that hopefully the letters will be sent next week.

March 17th? That fits in with when I rang Landmark the day after my viewing and asked when the projected snagging/closing for block 8 was to be. They said Feb to close in March. If things are delayed, I really hope that dosen't mean that there will be delays with our snagging because most of the builders have left the site!!!!!
Hi guys,

I received a phone call from dun laoghaire rathdown about property coming up in goatstown close. they said they were going to pass my name on to the agent looking after these units and i will be called for an offical viewing.

i sneaked up to have a look at them they are really nice but tiny houses with two bedrooms. there is about 50% affordable units and 50% social units. im really interested so will keep my fingers crossed.

Did anyone else get a phone call about these?

Does anyone know how it works when u go to view? do u need to put a deposit on the first day to secure a unit?
That's great you've got a viewing. Goatstown's a great location.
Is it in the Dundrum ward? Do you mind me asking which list you were called from? Just wondering if the Dundrum one is moving at all.

Thanks and good luck - very exciting!
Lucky you

As far as I know these units are affordible housing rather than affordable initiative. I'm low on the Dundrum list for the initiative and was told nothing would be happening there for a long time.
hi again,

im actually on the blackrock list rather than the dundrum list but nothing is coming up in blackrock so i think this must be off the general list where i think im around 120?

can you tell me what the difference between affordable housing and the affordable initiative is?

As far as I know the Goatstown ones have lower salary limits which is the difference, here's extract from brochure................

1999 Affordable Housing Scheme – Eligibility​
Affordable units provided by the Council on its own lands (1999 Affordable Housing
Scheme) will be offered in accordance with this Scheme. However, not all applicants will
be eligible as specific income limits apply and are determined from time to time by the
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. Current income limits
are as follows: -
Where household income in the preceding tax year, when calculated as follows does not
100,000: -

in the case of a single income household, two and a half times the borrower’s
income in the preceding tax year.

in the case of a two income household, two and a half times the income of the

principal earner, plus once the other income.
Hi Devonclose,
I got a call about Goatstown too, which was a bit of a surprise as even though I knew my number was coming up soon, I hadn't heard any mention of that development before.
May go take a look this evening.

hey wurzel

well what do u think? Numbers one to ten are the best as they look seperate to the rest of the estate but looks like there are loads yet to b built.
they r cute arent they, small but at least they r two beds for a really good price.

They said they have passed my name onto the agent who would ring me to arrange a viewing but still havent heard back from him. Tried calling loads of times but the phone always just rings out.

have you heard anything about setting up a viewing yet?

i am definately interested because of the location, its perfect. Not sure how it works after the viewing.