Affordable housing Dunlaoghaire Rathdown-Parkview, Belarmine & Thornwood

Does anyone know anything about affordable homes in Stocking wood??
Has anyone who got on well in the Affordables lottery in May\June been offered a pad ? I understand that Dun Laoaghaire Rathdown was to offer the first twenty applicants Thornwood, Bootertown. Then 10 or so in the Priory. 60 apartments in Parkview and then 50 or so in Belarmine Stepaside.

My question is,has anyone got an offer? I get the impression that Dun laoghaire co co have made little progress since May when they conducted the lottery. Probably understandable in view of large number of applications but it would be nice to hear they are making progress.
Hi New at this.......... hoping to get an application in March, whats the average wait time?
There is no longer a lotto system and they say 2.5 years wait before you reach top of list.
Hi Ruby Penny

Congratulations on getting your first choice! That is really great news.
As for the valuation of 495k...

I spoke to someone in Hooke&MacDonald who are selling the private apartments. They said they have 2 beds available from €415K. The guy said he'd send me a brochure with prices for individual apts written in. He also said that if I was interested that he could 'do something for me'.... so they are not even selling at prices they are advertised.

It is really disgraceful that affordable housing is still being over-valued. I intend to buy in Parkview if I'm offered something. I would say though DO NOT accept that inflated valuation. If enough people complain it will have to be changed. I also think it's time the minister answered on it too.
hey cheeus, did the council give you any idea when they'll have the next lot of apartments for viewing?
hey cheeus, did the council give you any idea when they'll have the next lot of apartments for viewing?

No, they said blocks 2&3 haven't been released to them yet. They seem to have their list of people ready to go though. They just said it could be months before it's all done.
Months before they have the apartments released to them? Or months before the process is done and dusted with people moved in?
Before it's done and dusted. He couldn't give any indication of when they'd be ready for viewing. They seem to be in the dark themselves.
I know, i think they are in the dark themselves about the whole thing. it can be so frustrating!
I thought you had a viewing already? Could you not just ring like Ruby and find out if you've been allocated one? Hope you hear something soon.
Nope couldnt afford the larger apts, 35,000 might as well be 35 million to me at this stage, but they are fab. by reading your posts I now think this is going to be a longer process than i thought. and I have yet to tackle the valuation issue, which will cause further delay.
No I didn't get one from the first viewing. I want a larger one, and since I have mortgage approval for it, they said I could see more large ones cos think the next block has far more of them than the first block did.
Ruby, i don't know how long it will take. I was told in Sept that it would probably all be finished by Feb but i reckon I'm months away from anything yet.
I think you are right to wait for the next block if you wanted a bigger apt, do you mind me asking what size apt are you looking at? I thought it was very unfair that the apts for 235k had 3 different sizes at the same price. the way i am going to look at it is if it takes ages the more money i can save, SO IKEA HERE I COME
No I didn't get one from the first viewing. I want a larger one, and since I have mortgage approval for it, they said I could see more large ones cos think the next block has far more of them than the first block did.

That's great they let you hold off for the next block. We might be neighbours so! I was told the most expensive ones would be 260k. Does that sound right for the largest ones?
They're €265k for the larger ones and 235k for the others. They were good to let me hold off, but then it's in their interests too. I can afford a larger one, so they may as well try to give me one instead of taking a smaller one off someone who can only afford a 235k one.
I totally agree with you Ruby, at least the longer it takes there's more time to save! I do feel like that most days, but today I just want an apartment!!

I was surprised at the variations in the sizes when I went to see them. I thought most of the apartments would be the same, but think there were 3 04 5 different styles. I can't remember the sq footages off the top of my head of the large ones I saw, they had huge living areas tho.
Main thing is you got one that you are happy with. You might be better off with the smaller mortgage anyway. Ikea all the way alright... I'll be eating off orange boxes and paper plates : )

Any idea what range of sizes they had? The private show apartments seemed to be 74-79sqm. Are these blocks similar?