Accused of breaking red light by Garda, looking for advice

Joe , some traffic lights act quirky sometimes and add in the fact that traffic in Galway moves so slow, the sequence from green to orange to red could happen faster than the time it takes to make a left or right turn manuvure from one road to another,I exited a shopping centre to a busier road
the second part is utter rubbish
Obviously judges instinctively side with guards
Please ,Let's not rush to get all priggish, "
The guard lied
Guards not only make mistakes, some are naturally high handed
guards have agendas
Guards are not impartial observer's, are you completely naieve,
Burgess, your a professional contrarian and all round awkward individual , if you are only interested in being your usual priggish self,be a pal and annoy someone else
just my poor fortune to encounter a jerk of a cop
Just a suggestion. If you end up in court, don't represent yourself.
( getting rid of the quote facility was stupid)
It hasn't gone away you know...
do all garda cars use cam recording while out in traffic?
This was the situation in December 2022. Not sure if anything has changed since then.
I am however advised by the Garda authorities that there are currently no vehicles in the Garda fleet that have dash cameras.
I'll write to the superintendent of the station where the guard is based, anyone know if a traffic offence fine lists the name of the guard ?, I neglected to ask the guard his name
Joe , some traffic lights act quirky sometimes and add in the fact that traffic in Galway moves so slow, the sequence from green to orange to red could happen faster than the time it takes to make a left or right turn manuvure from one road to another,I exited a shopping centre to a busier . I dont know of any quirky traffic lights and I pass through a lot every day. I do believe the timings are set differently on some depending on time of day which is fine.

Joe , some traffic lights act quirky sometimes and add in the fact that traffic in Galway moves so slow, the sequence from green to orange to red could happen faster than the time it takes to make a left or right turn manuvure from one road to another,I exited a shopping centre to a busier road
I dont know of any quirky traffic lights. And I pass through a lot every day. They work off a program but some have different timings depending on time of day. The sequence of green to red will never be a problem if you read the traffic properly.
Oh it absolutely will, you don't know how quickly every car will move and thus while making a manuvure, you must react according to what others do, it's not a pre planned to perfection exercise, you may not be able to perfectly negotiate the lights change

Smug motorists are really irritating , " oh I've never encountered a problem ever " etc, unfortunately it's the MO of most regulars in this place
unbeknownst to me ,he followed me for quite a bit,
You don't use your rear-view mirrors much it seems. That's a nice little spin from the Headford Road to the Newcastle Road (via Nun's Island or across the Millennium Bridge?) without a backward glance. Driving without due care and attention?

and you could easily find yourself technically having committed a red light break
Don't tell us what others would easily find themselves doing, tell us what you did.

Road traffic laws, like other legislation, are technical, and therefore they are administered by technical experts, Guards, and lawyers. In court, the Guards represent the DPP as acknowledged expert witnesses; defence lawyers and any expert witnesses they call for the defendant are also recognised by the courts as expert witnesses once they are credentialled.

Obviously judges instinctively side with guards
Judges are meant to be impartial and are meant to weigh evidence pro and con without bias.

Exiting the Dunnes Stores car-park where you did means you must observe three very simple road traffic laws:

1. You must yield the right of way to traffic approaching from your right (minor exit from a private car-park onto a major route)
2. There is a yellow hatched area at the exit. You may not enter the hatched area unless your exit from the hatched area is clear
3. There is a stop sign facing traffic exiting from Dunnes; this would have applied to you on the day

At all times while driving you must display care, courtesy, and consideration for all other road users.

If the Guard(s) (was the Garda car single-crewed or was there an observer as well as a driver?) observed you neglecting your obligations as a licensed driver as outlined above, then you are facing prosecution.

In line with a previous poster, I strongly suggest if it comes to court that you do not represent yourself.

I love stopping at lights as it turns to orange and then looking at the angry driver behind me in the mirror who assumed i would drive on.
It amazes me when the honking starts behind me when I refuse to drive through flashing amber lights at pedestrian crossings. What is it with the honking idiots? :D
Usually insurance companies don't add extra for the first 3 points or have things changed since I unfortunately got some few years back? Do you already have more points already as I believe a second or third lot will definitely increase premium.
On the balance of probabilities the judge will take the expert word of the guard as fact. They are trained to observe traffic, know the rulus, and to look out for law breakers. It would be a very high bar to prove the guard had a hidden agenda.

I believe you have said that you did not clear the junction before the lights went red and the oncoming car had to yield to you or at least could not progress on their green because of you. All of this corroborated the guards view of you driving through a red light. Being from Galway you probably have exited that centre numerous times so know the quirks of the traffic and lights so were you just hoping it would all be okay instead of waiting for another sequence of lights. There is a delay after lights go red on one side before they go green on the other and you still did not manage to clear the junction? Driving in city traffic can be slow and frustrating but if everyone obeyed the traffic rules it would be a lot more pleasant for all road users.

If I were you I would accept the fine and the penalty points and spend the next three years before they wear off slowing down, listening to the music and leaving early to give yourself plenty of time to negotiate the roads so you don’t feel the need to game the junctions.
Exiting the Dunnes Stores car-park where you did means you must observe three very simple road traffic laws:

1. You must yield the right of way to traffic approaching from your right (minor exit from a private car-park onto a major route)
2. There is a yellow hatched area at the exit. You may not enter the hatched area unless your exit from the hatched area is clear
3. There is a stop sign facing traffic exiting from Dunnes; this would have applied to you on the day

But Galway Blow In said that there was a traffic light. Are you talking about the same place? Your explanation would tie in with his account of someone stopping to let him out.

If there is no traffic light there, then presumably the Garda was wrong in charging him with crashing a red light and he may be in the clear?
Mathewpac, do you always assume when a garda car is behind you that it's you they are following ? , I did see the garda car behind me but they didn't flash the lights until I was the guts of two km past the alleged location of infringement

I've had garda cars behind me numerous times and eventually they just ovettook me or eventually turned down a different path ,two motorists can be driving in the exact same direction you know, plus there was a big football match yesterday in salthill and a lot of guards on duty ( Galway v Kerry)