Public sector V Public sector

Was unfortunate enough to be in the area of the frontline protest. It was just breaking up and everyone was heading off. I walked behind 3 guards on the street down beside the passport office. They looked in their early thirties. One got into a top of the range 2 door BMW 6 series coupe and another a nice 320d.
Is there a BMW allowance among the 56 allowances that are so critical?
Why was there a fire engine on the march, is this not government property ??

Was it not needed in station it was from ??
Was unfortunate enough to be in the area of the frontline protest. It was just breaking up and everyone was heading off. I walked behind 3 guards on the street down beside the passport office. They looked in their early thirties. One got into a top of the range 2 door BMW 6 series coupe and another a nice 320d.
Is there a BMW allowance among the 56 allowances that are so critical?
I guess the two Gardai that I know personally, both Sergeants, one driving a 9x-D Polo and the other driving a 03D Focus must have forgotten to apply for the allowance.
Was unfortunate enough to be in the area of the frontline protest. It was just breaking up and everyone was heading off. I walked behind 3 guards on the street down beside the passport office. They looked in their early thirties. One got into a top of the range 2 door BMW 6 series coupe and another a nice 320d.
Is there a BMW allowance among the 56 allowances that are so critical?

I also know a garda sergeant and he doesn't drive a fancy car either.

Maybe they won the lotto.

Maybe they got inheritance.

Maybe their wives make a lot of money in the private sector.

I guess the two Gardai that I know personally, both Sergeants, one driving a 9x-D Polo and the other driving a 03D Focus must have forgotten to apply for the allowance.

The garda up the road from me with 4 houses must have been maxing out his allowances all along fair play to him....
Is there true solidarity within ICTU? I don't think so at all and I predict cracks/internal disagreements will surface soon.

Spot on Caveat. The teachers and the pen pushers have been cast aside by the frontline movement. Not so much a crack as a chasm.

It didn't take long.
The garda up the road from me with 4 houses must have been maxing out his allowances all along fair play to him....
Or else maybe he (like many other property investors) used the banks' money and the state subsidy (interest relief) to do some leveraged investing.
Or else maybe he (like many other property investors) used the banks' money and the state subsidy (interest relief) to do some leveraged investing.

You make a valid point and one that the T.U.s have overlooked. Blaming the banks is fair and reasonable. But so is blaming the borrowers who borrowed huge amounts to buy.

The line I keep hearing from the unions and others is that this is all the banks' fault. Well, without willing borrowers it would never have happened. It is now time we all took responsibility for our reckless actions and suffer some short term pain. That goes for private sector, frontline public sector and back office public sector.

(I have decided to treat the three groups as separate just like the unions are doing ;))
Or else maybe he (like many other property investors) used the banks' money and the state subsidy (interest relief) to do some leveraged investing.

very true i agree 100%, like so many others in all sectors who contributed to the demand side of the boom. Are you saying any PAYE workers who speculated on property are blameless??

It would a very interesting excerice to do a survey by profession on who owns more than 2 houses. Does socialist Jack and boys believe thier members could have also contributed to the capitalist property bubble, by speculating? Or is it if you make a fortune in property great but if you lose its the banks fault.

Judging someones finacial situation by the year of the car is pathetic.(from your earlier post)
if you make a fortune in property great but if you lose its the banks fault.
Capitalism in Ireland 2009.

Taking responsibility for ones own actions (when things go pear-shaped) is anathema.
Congratulations if you win. Thanks to the bankers who helped you.
Commiserations if you lose. Condemnation of the bankers who helped you (because THEY should've known better).

I'm not including the Sub-Prime cases in this. That was madness on both sides.
This thread truely is the depths......

Fully of totally unsubstantiated, outlandish statements by bitter, jealous people. Disgusting......Irish begrudgery at its worst.

Not a normal feature of AAM where users attempt to put their opinions forward in a balanced manner (there are 2 sides to every story) based on cold hard facts.

I stopped visiting other websites in order to avoid that kind of jealous, sad, small minded ranting. Cop on AAM
I also know a garda sergeant and he doesn't drive a fancy car either.

Maybe they won the lotto.

Maybe they got inheritance.

Maybe their wives make a lot of money in the private sector.

I agree
This thread truely is the depths......

Fully of totally unsubstantiated, outlandish statements by bitter, jealous people. Disgusting......Irish begrudgery at its worst.

Not a normal feature of AAM where users attempt to put their opinions forward in a balanced manner (there are 2 sides to every story) based on cold hard facts.

I stopped visiting other websites in order to avoid that kind of jealous, sad, small minded ranting. Cop on AAM

wheres the begrudgery in this thread???
very true i agree 100%, like so many others in all sectors who contributed to the demand side of the boom. Are you saying any PAYE workers who speculated on property are blameless??
I didn't say anything about blame for anybody. I just made a suggestion about how he (like many others) may have built a property portfolio - no more, no less.
I didn't say anything about blame for anybody. I just made a suggestion about how he (like many others) may have built a property portfolio - no more, no less.

Fiar enough. I just dont undesrsrtand your point about gaurds driving 9x year cars and not claiming allowances. You can judge someones finances by what year car they drive...

If ye are insuating that im begrudging, let me qualify what im trying to say. First of all I begrudge no one anything they have or any wage they have if their employer has the resources to pay them.

What im saying in this thread is there is a demand side to the boom. People have to take responsibilty especially when it came to property specultaion.

My point on the survey on who has what is becuase there is a huge demand side to the boom and its when union leaders say we have noting to do with this mess, thats annoys me. Maybe they should be substaniating what they say. How do they know they dont represent property speculators (nothing wrong with property speculation) and causers of the boom/bust. We all contributed to the boom through consumption. I cant see how no one from 300K people had nothing to do with the boom. Therefore I have any issue with outlandish statements like "we didnt cause this". We all have to face up to it, all of us and now deal with it.
I am not begrudging either. I am delighted for them... Just dont go whingeing about wages that NEED to be cut as the country cant afford them at the moment, to support a lifestyle that is clearly not that close to the breadline to say the very least. The Polo cop must'nt like cars, isn't it lucky he can made that choice as his salary allows.

There are clearly more important National matters these workers should consider than the 'me fein' attitude their unions are displaying. It's not about whose fault it is any more, it's the reality of the solution that must sink in. What money is spent should be prioritised to the most needed and needy in Irish society. I admire the Public servants who have posted on AAM in support of this even though they know it will cost them. They have a sense of realism for the current condition of this country that alot other public servant and the Unions dont give a hoot about.
I realise alot of you are Public service workers or clearly have a public service worker who is close to you and thus effecting your income, but this is unsustainable to borrow 500Million per week...Country is going broke on a huge scale folks.
You can't judge someones finances by what year car they drive...
You might want to tell that to Ceatharlach.
I am not begrudging either. I am delighted for them... Just dont go whingeing about wages that NEED to be cut as the country cant afford them at the moment, to support a lifestyle that is clearly not that close to the breadline to say the very least. The Polo cop must'nt like cars, isn't it lucky he can made that choice as his salary allows.
But you are happy to make judgements about the appropriateness of the salary levels of a force of 14,000 people based on the two cars you saw. You are happy to make judgements like 'the Polo cop must'nt like cars' though you know nothing about him.

Is it too much to expect that these discussions might be based on something a bit more solid?