Fox News


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Does anyone else ever watch Fox news?
I watch is occasionally, as well as CNN, Sky and Al Jazeera. Of them all Fox is the most biased, it’s up there with Press TV (Iranian state TV). I find it kind of frightening; if its shrill paranoia and constant talk of grand communist style conspiracies from “the Left” (Obama and his, by Irish standards right of centre government) find traction with even a small minority of Americans it would be very divisive. There is no attempt and balance of even logic, just the propagation of a very right-wing agenda that is ideologically driven.
If you really want to amuse/scare yourself, go on their website and read an article on there and then read some of the comments that are made by other people on there
I don't watch it but I have seen it a few times. It plays like some minority interest cable TV news - or even as a spoof.

Although certainly no leftie himself, the talents of Cal Thomas would be much better appreciated and utilised elsewhere IMO.
I watched it for an hour once, I thought it was a new comedy show until I realised they were serious.

That is one dangerous channell if you happen to be easily led and don't get your news from multiple sources. Should be called Brainwash T.V.
I don't watch it but I have seen it a few times. It plays like some minority interest cable TV news - or even as a spoof.

Although certainly no leftie himself, the talents of Cal Thomas would be much better appreciated and utilised elsewhere IMO.

I'm no lover of Cal Thomas but he has a reasonable decent article on Ted Keneddy on the Fox News website today. Out of curiosity I flicked through the comments. Below is just one of them, (not my view I hasten to add)

"It took awhile, he did a whole lot of damage to Our country,but every dog has their day, He finally got his! His brother John F would be outraged at what is going on in this country today and of course teddy boy was right in the middle of it! Today is a day to celebrate!"

I think that says everything about Fox news
I watch it regularly. I am a firm believer in the saying "know your enemy". Fox is just full of right wing christian nut jobs. And when they get an afro-american who shares rebublican views they interview him to death. They might as well say "See its not always whitey that's out to get you: one of your own is with us!" Ditto for women.

Glen Beck and Hanitty are my two favourites. Crazy deranged and dangerous.

Have a look at this and tell me how this is informed journalism by Beck.

Americans eat it up though. They live in fear and the media plays on it eg. Fox's ticker tape which changes from orange to red regularly and the flashes "Terror Alert elevated to RED"
I don't have access to it so all that I know of it what is mediated by The Daily Show & The Colbert Report. The likes of O'Reilly & Hannity & Beck may seem outrageous from this side of the Atlantic, but it is, or claims to be, America's most-watched 'news' channel.

FOX is what it is - a news channel with an avowed bias towards to the GOP. Anyone who watches it thinking FOX have an obligation to balance or even-handedness is naive.

Millions of Americans have made it the success it is. It is the job of those with different perspectives to provide a counter argument. Al Franken, among others, tried with radio and failed to gain a critical mass of an audience.
I don't have access to it so all that I know of it what is mediated by The Daily Show & The Colbert Report. The likes of O'Reilly & Hannity & Beck may seem outrageous from this side of the Atlantic, but it is, or claims to be, America's most-watched 'news' channel.

FOX is what it is - a news channel with an avowed bias towards to the GOP. Anyone who watches it thinking FOX have an obligation to balance or even-handedness is naive.

Millions of Americans have made it the success it is. It is the job of those with different perspectives to provide a counter argument. Al Franken, among others, tried with radio and failed to gain a critical mass of an audience.

Yip. By watching The Daily Show and reading Sullivan, Counterpunch, Hullabaloo,The Salon etc. etc.
FOX is what it is - a news channel with an avowed bias towards to the GOP. Anyone who watches it thinking FOX have an obligation to balance or even-handedness is naive.

I think FOX is necessary to balance the rest of the very biased towards the Democrats US media. IMHO all of the US news stations are very obviously biased one way or another and rarely give a balanced view. Most of them are also very light weight - none of them have the in depth analysis that we would be used to.
Read a report that 33 companies have now dropped advertising with Fox - including UPS after one of the Fox hosts dubbed Obama as a racist.
Most of them are also very light weight - none of them have the in depth analysis that we would be used to.


An American friend was over a couple of years ago and was utterly astonished at Paxman's line of questioning/tenacity on Newsnight.
While People give out about Fox thay ignore left leaning media outlets.

Why is this the case?
While People give out about Fox thay ignore left leaning media outlets.

Why is this the case?

And "left leaning" by American standards is centric by European standards. American tv is short of truly left wing opinion.

My American relations are always shocked at the level of journalism we have here. The typical US news channel has 4 headlines each day. 1. Local attack (preferably involving an innocent teen girl)2. What big government did to screw us today 3. Fear and Terrorism and how they are out to get "us" and destabilise "our democracy". 4. Cuddly and cute animal story ( squirrel/dog surfing or monkey on bike always good.)
You stay classy San Diego!!
True but even assuming (and I do) that they all have a bias, I tend to find that Fox has a particularly vitriolic approach to its opposition. It seems to favour sniping over editorial.

Hardly something that will provide true balance. Make me think of the Daily Mail in the UK. Too much manufactured shock and horror. Not enough thought.
Yeah Murdock Jun complained about news reports having to be impartial in the UK not like in the good 'ole USA. A chip off the old block
And complains that they can't make enough money because those nasty people provide all that news for 'free' (if you forget the licence fee, that is). Obviously public service broadcasting is a huge irritant for poor Rupert.