Fox News

Fox gave full coverage to Senator Ted Kennedys funeral ceremonies. I watched it for hours both days.
I have sky T.V.
I used to get fox news for free but now I would have to pay 2euros a month to get it.Needless to say I won`t be subscribing to be brainwashed.The thing is americans are very insecure and fox news drivel is like brain candy to them.
Fox gave full coverage to Senator Ted Kennedys funeral ceremonies. I watched it for hours both days.

More than the poor news service offered my RTE.

What was the RTE news room doing last weekend??

RTE TV news is dire.
What was the RTE news room doing last weekend??
They were presumably running with the same manpower and budget as every other weekend, which are not designed to support hours of live event coverage. Would there really have been huge added value for RTE to have covered this as well?
They were presumably running with the same manpower and budget as every other weekend, which are not designed to support hours of live event coverage. Would there really have been huge added value for RTE to have covered this as well?

They had no problems with covering the Michael Jackson funeral.

RTE TV news is pretty tabloid anyway. What they pass off as public service broadcasting is laughable.

At least Fox covered the Ted Kennedy funeral.

Why do they have Charlie Bird out there - when their coverage is crap.
I was amazed at the poor coverage RTE showed of the funeral especially with Charlie out there.
If people really do find it that offensive, then why watch it? Like Ryanair, consumers love to hate it.

The problem I have is being forced to pay large sums of tax (for that is what the licence fee is) to watch State owned TV in Ireland, and listen to the likes of Joe Duffy, Gerry Ryan, Pat Kenny, and other gobsheens telling us how hard they have it.

Fox TV provides an alternative view of the world, that is pro-American and pro-small government. You know that when you turn it on.

If you don't want your deeply held views challenged, then turn it off, and switch back to Tubbo who would probably have the same list of interviewees but would ask them about their favorite eatery in South County Dublin rather than pressing them on the number of US troops in Iraq.

Having said all this, I agree that much of Fox's output is weak, but I do feel it provides a useful counterbalance to the Liberal leaning mainly State controlled TV news in both Ireland and the UK. (Sky news is the obvious exception, and that's rubbish too)
If you want to sample something that manages (almost) to make Fox news look "fair and balanced" take a look at what I can only describe as the "unfair and unhinged" news service on It's like watching someone else's domestic dispute: I just can't quite wean myself away from looking at it now and again. My dirty little secret until now.....

A sample of the first few headlines today:

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