Fears & Phobias - Automatic doors anyone?

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I know where you're going wrong. You're supposed to wear them, not eat them :D

:D good one!

No fears as such, but things that give me shivers/set my teeth on edge:

Ths sound of knife sharpening
The feel of fingertips on brick
The smell of a dry cleaners

...all normal enough though I suppose.
My Friend counts corners in every room he goes into... quirky much!

Glad i'm not the only one that counts, although mine goes much further. I count everything, and i always try to get it to add up either 13 or 21. Have no idea why i do this, have done it ever since i was a child.

I'l often count the walls and ceiling when i go into a room, and then go around again including the skirting boards. And then i'll count the edges on picture frames, or count the surfaces of a mantle piece. This is just in a room but i do it for everything no matter where i am.
Dont link dentists. In recent years I found out that the most common type of anesthetic they use only partially works on me - this might have something to do with it - I have this idea that dental work is somewhat painful regardless of whether or not an anesthetic is used.
Glad i'm not the only one that counts, although mine goes much further. I count everything, and i always try to get it to add up either 13 or 21. Have no idea why i do this, have done it ever since i was a child.

I'l often count the walls and ceiling when i go into a room, and then go around again including the skirting boards. And then i'll count the edges on picture frames, or count the surfaces of a mantle piece. This is just in a room but i do it for everything no matter where i am.

Do you always feel you have to do it? If you do sounds like you suffer from ocd.
Err..don't mean to be insensitive, but this counting corners thing - surely you can save yourself the bother in that unless circumstances are very unusual, you can be pretty much be guaranteed that there will be four of them?! :confused:
Do you always feel you have to do it? If you do sounds like you suffer from ocd.

It's not the need to do it, i just do it, i cant stop it. Sometimes i dont even know that i'm doing it. I know that sounds weird.

when i first met my bf he noticed i often just stared at things or he could see me looking around an object. He often mentioned what are you looking at. It was only a few years back i told him what i actually do, many times it has shouted my name and i've said to him "what" and he said you were doing it again. I didn't even realise. This isn't all of the time, when i do notice that i'm doing it i will stop myself cause i think it's a bit weird myself.

It's hard to explaine what i do, it was only cause i could point out to him what i was counting that he got it. When i tried to descibe it to him he didn't have a clue.

A door for example.... [broken link removed]

Not including the frame ( just yet ) you have 3 vertical sections and 4 horizontals sections. Then you have the 6 square/rectangle sections. So that adds up to 13. Thats a very basic way that i do it.

As long as i can get it add up to either 13 or 21 in the beginning then the counting is endless. I would then start counting the sections of the squares. You have the flat surface which is 1 and then the edges around that is 4 then the flat around that is 4 and then the edges again ect ect and i just keep going till it's all done. Then i'd include the frame d it just keeps going and going. Doesn't matter what the item is i'll count it.

Yeah i know i'm a freak.

Was watching a programm last night about ocd and cleaning, wish i had that instead.
Mr Caveat your wrong:rolleyes::cool:. if u look at the side of the chimney breast up as far as the ceiling - thoses corners count too... also the window corners at the ceiling count.. I think. my hallway has 7 corners (just counted them). Im thinking for some people maybe the top and bottom corners count. Am I wrong Samanthajane?
Err..don't mean to be insensitive, but this counting corners thing - surely you can save yourself the bother in that unless circumstances are very unusual, you can be pretty much be guaranteed that there will be four of them?! :confused:

oh how wrong you are........if you take incount the fire place there are lots more corners/flat walls than 4. Also around the french doors as well there is always a corner......well there is on mine anyway.
Mr Caveat your wrong:rolleyes::cool:. if u look at the side of the chimney breast up as far as the ceiling - thoses corners count too... also the window corners at the ceiling count.. I think. my hallway has 7 corners (just counted them). Im thinking for some people maybe the top and bottom corners count. Am I wrong Samanthajane?

well i didn't wanna seem more of a freak than i already do...but yeah they do count, and windows as well.
OK then. A fairly wide definition of 'corner' then. :D

My living room probably has dozens based on that.

In fact, I think I'll count them tonight.

Now look what you've started!
and count the corners at the bottom of the doors too Caveat. DO IT RIGHT NOW YA? *tuts* :p

And Samanthajane there was me thinking my fear is weird eh? Automatic doors - i wouldnt go behind an automatic door if u paid me. Im afraid they wont open. Mr SS thinks I need to learn the workings of them to understand how they work! If the sensor doesnt trigger them to open 'apparently' you can manually slide them open. Can anyone clarify this. My local shop has automatic doors so i drive 6 miles instead to the next shop. Honest!
Samanthajane do u suffer from any form of anxiety disorder?

(Question is purely out of curiousity)

No nothing at all.

I would like to find out why i do this.

I dont think it is OCD like in switching a light on and off a certain amount of times, cause your fully aware that you have to do that like before you go to bed, you have to do it a certain number of times or something bad will happen.

Its not like that with me at all, i dont think i have to count that object, most the time i dont even know i'm doing it untill i do realise...if that makes sense.
Actually maybe it is ocd lol

b/f just walked in and saw what i wrote and mentioned my cupboards/fridge/freezer and hangers.

Every item in the cupboard/fridge/freezer the label has to be facing forward perfectly, and the one he hates the most is my obsession with coat hangers. Every item no matter what has to be put on the hanger that it was purchased with. If i'm not allowed to keep the hanger i dont buy it.

He once ( without ironing, which is the biggest sin ) put clothes on to any old hanger, i freaked went to all the wardrobes and took every item off and went through them all and put them all on the correct hangers again.

If i got a dress for my daughter that cames from dunnes age 6, then it always has to be put on a dunnes hanger that has aged 6 on it.

Oh god there really is something wrong with me lol :)
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