Child Abuse Commission Report - Shame

I caught the tail end of Vincent Brown yesterday evening where it was mentioned that Bertie Ahern ensured a motion was passed more or less single handedly that ensured no one would ever be persued for these henious crimes.
If there is any truth in this matter then for all the despicable tghings Ahern has done every single one fades into insignificance if he is even remotely party to ensureing that vile child rapists will never be bought to answer for their crimes. In effect making laws to legitamise paeodophillia in any way shape or form in my eyes renders this man as the lowest form of life on this planet and anyone associated with him, certainly politically to boot !
Isn't there a curious irony in all of this, in that we have the Catholic Church on the one hand telling us that homosexuaility is unnatural and a "sin", and, on the other hand, the same Catholic Church is doing its level best to defend and protect the queer priests and brothers who sexually abused little boys.
After listening to harrowing stories on the radio over the past 2 days, I am not proud to be Irish...
Horrific as the stories on the radio and the Commission Report are, they do not in any way alter my sense of pride in my nationality.
... We have a lot to answer for...
How dare you assume to speak on my behalf.

Some people in certain religious organisations, the Catholic Church, various arms of the Government and / or the Civil Service may have a lot to answer for, but to attempt to attribute blame to an entire nation is the the same thinking that made it legal to post notices in Great Britain in the past that said "No Blacks or Irish need apply".

In other words it is stereotypical racist thinking, which can be every bit as sick and damaging as the activities you are condemning.

In the context of the radio programmes and the Commission Report, I have nothing to answer for.
CORI should be asked if it is a christian outfit or a bunch of legally minded bagmen. And how can it reconcile it's recent statement with what the vast majority of the population think.
Isn't there a curious irony in all of this, in that we have the Catholic Church on the one hand telling us that homosexuaility is unnatural and a "sin", and, on the other hand, the same Catholic Church is doing its level best to defend and protect the queer priests and brothers who sexually abused little boys.
What went on in those institutions has nothing to do with homosexuality.
Wha'? Of course it has! That's the most ridiculous thing I have read so far this week.

Raping children is a crime and a sin of course, do you think that the priests who did this thought homosexuality is a sin but their actions weren't? These men were not acting on behalf of the church or the country they were and are simply vile perverts.
Wha'? Of course it has! That's the most ridiculous thing I have read so far this week.

No? I thought a sexual act between same-sex people was deemed homosexual - whether consenting or otherwise.

Homosexuality is a sexual attraction or desire or relationship. What went on here was not about actions/desires/relations. It was about power, and using sexual abuse as a form of control. It wasn't about sex.
This thread is taking a turn in a direction that I think is not appropriate for a forum like AAM. So, this will be my last contribution to this thread.

There is absolutely no doubt that the priests and brothers who sexually abused boys were queers. It is simply not possible for a straight man to do something like that with another male.
Slash you state the blindingly obvious, for the benefit of complainer who must be clearly utterly insane if he believes his own theory.
This thread is taking a turn in a direction that I think is not appropriate for a forum like AAM. So, this will be my last contribution to this thread.

There is absolutely no doubt that the priests and brothers who sexually abused boys were queers. It is simply not possible for a straight man to do something like that with another male.

Slash you state the blindingly obvious, for the benefit of complainer who must be clearly utterly insane if he believes his own theory.

I find it strange that an adult would use the term 'queers' in a discussion like this. We need to move beyond the schoolyard if we are ever going to address these issues.

If you do a bit of research into paedophilia, you will find that many paedophiles will switch easily between male and female victims. It is not about sex or sexuality. It is about power and control.
I completely agree with Complainer here.

What about male rape in prisons - does anyone seriously think these thugs are 'homosexuals'?
It was about power, and using sexual abuse as a form of control. It wasn't about sex.
That doesn't explain the sexual urge. If people didn't enjoy sex the world would not be populating at this incredible speed. The perpetrators here enjoyed the sexual act with those kids. Predatory homosexuals and, in some cases, paedophiles. I'm sure if they wanted to control (only), the cane, strap, hectoring browbeating and physical punishment would have sated their tendencies. Of course you had some of these as well but here we're talking about sexual behaviour.
I completely agree with Complainer here.

What about male rape in prisons - does anyone seriously think these thugs are 'homosexuals'?
They are indulging in homosexual behaviour. You get cases of beastiality, and yet those so inclined to this type of behaviour are not animals (in the true sense of the word). Likewise, people act the clown without being clowns!
Seriously guys. Who the hell brought homosexuality into this discussion anyway? It was child abuse. Has got nothing to do with being homosexual or hetrosexual. Are people seriously saying the boys were abused by male priests because the priests were gay?
By the way, has the Pope commented on the report yet? I haven't seen anything which surprises me greatly.
... Are people seriously saying the boys were abused by male priests because the priests were gay?
One poster, @Chocks away, with support from @legs-akimbo, is certainly working from that premise, but has chosen to use a term generally regarded as homophobic in place of either "gay" or "homosexual".
... To think he will be the head of the Catholic church within these isles....he should be sacked!
I don't know where you live, but as he is head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, we will be outside his administrative bailiwick.
Isn't there a curious irony in all of this, in that we have the Catholic Church on the one hand telling us that homosexuaility is unnatural and a "sin", and, on the other hand, the same Catholic Church is doing its level best to defend and protect the queer priests and brothers who sexually abused little boys.

Pedophilia and homosexuality are two separate things.

I have seen a recent program on some UK channel where a priest was also trying to blame the abuse on 'the homosexuals'. This is a very sneaky way of the church to try to offload the blame on one of their pet hate groups.

As I said pedophilia is not homesexuality. What went on in the Irish institutions was perpetrated by perverts. Homosexuals don't go abusing children, perverts do. Try not to be brainwashed by the church as it tries to wriggle its way out of this.