Queuing on the street to sign in


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A friend of mine is currently on the dole and must sign in once a month. She has to go to the D1 office just behind O'Connell St and said that every time she goes to sign in there is a queue that stretches onto the street, down the stairs and into the sign in hatch in the basement.

To my mind this sounds like madness, to expect people to queue outdoors like this? She was outside for nearly half an hour last week and was joined in the queue by people with young children. Her biggest gripe though was that the room where she signed in, was empty, and could have fit everyone had a queuing system been put in place.

Now, I've had my experiences with the social welfare already and at times been left gobsmacked by the services but does anyone else feel this isn't right?
I work in a place where there is a queue system in place, but yet people still never queue properly. Staff are constantly trying to get people to line up properly, but as soon as they go away the same thing happens again.

Perhaps its the people, not SF, that are at fault here?
Look that is easy sorted, just like the motor tax office ticket system would easily work,dont you think
Smashbox, I would agree to a point but given that the choice is either be on the street or be inside then I would assume the queue would generally regulate itself. Plus I've driven past there when there's been people queuing and there is always a security guard present.

In terms of a ticket system, there used to be one in place in most SW offices. Since the downturn these aren't being used.
Perhaps its different 'down the country' but in my place of work, which has a large foyer area, people still queue in a straight line, often if not always extending outside, at all times of the year. People don't move themselves into the foyer area, they instead queue in a straight line at all times, meaning people at the rear are often soaking wet when they get in!
To my mind this sounds like madness, to expect people to queue outdoors like this? She was outside for nearly half an hour last week........

Half an hour a month queuing seems small sacrifice to get her welfare entitlements.
Is it not more than once a month? Besides it shouldn't be needed if it was organised properly.
my partner signed last week and was queuing outside for 1.5 hours! He was frozen... think he'd be delighted with only a half hour IMO
Half an hour a month queuing seems small sacrifice to get her welfare entitlements.

Don't be so ridiculous! No one should be expected to queue like that out doors when there is plenty of space inside. I'm sure very few people who sign on want to be actually signing on and most don't feel it is their god given entitlement. It's about dignity as well, how many times have you seen pictures in the papers over the last few months of people queuing outside their social welfare offices? As though it needs to be highlighted over and over that the economy is in trouble.

If they can afford to have a security guard stand outside why can't they put him to better use inside managing the queue?
Doesnt really make sense that they have a security guard. Surely people want to get it over with as fast as possible, not be there to beat each other up!
You are right Smashbox.The majority queuing are not thugs.However,do you not think staff need protection from the tiny minority.Worked on the frontline for 2 yrs.There were some very serious incidents,though isolated.The security guards in certain offices were in response to these incidents.Queuing on the street should be sorted out by having people broken up by district, or other, and have them sign on different days, or at different times.
theo, I had never heard of any problems, hence my ignorance. I guess security is a visible deterrent.
I think most of u are wrong or misinformed.
I have to sign once a month. There are 6 hatches with only 2 of them with half hour waiting queues.......
The others have straglers coming dribs and drabs.
Can't figure why the crowds are not shared out evenly between all hatches....bet someone on the inside will have a gripe about my comment...overworked etc
Imagine using the same criteria on a production line...ha...wouldn't last 2 minutes....

Local Exchange Manager's.....take note !!!

been there.....did that !!!! get on with it !!!
That is a ridiculous thing to complain about. First of all she has no job so at least she is getting money for nothing(or queing for a half hour)
What are the socal welfare to do?? Employ more people to hand out money so they wont get cold waiting outside for a whole half hour??
Of course its not great but we would really complain if that money was not there to be collected in the fist place!
Yeah Smashbox.I was present for a few incidents,including one memorable day when opposing members of a local feuding minority decided to have a workout.Also,a female colleague got punched in the face while explaining to a guy that he would not be paid because he had failed to attend to sign on the notified date.I am now in the private sector following completion of 3rd level and would not like to return to social welfare.Had some perks(weekends off,flexitime)but tough job.
That is a ridiculous thing to complain about. First of all she has no job so at least she is getting money for nothing(or queing for a half hour)
What are the socal welfare to do?? Employ more people to hand out money so they wont get cold waiting outside for a whole half hour??

It's not money for nothing when she is desperately trying to keep herself afloat while still looking for a job. The social welfare is not something most people aspire to be on you know.

From what I gather, a few simple lines on the floor would work, no need to employ more people.