Queuing on the street to sign in

Whether one is on the dole or not, and has all the time in the world or not, one should be treated with dignity. Especially people unfortunate enough to have to sign on.
From what I've heard all the hatches are never open. Which seems bizarre.

I may be a question of having enough staff to man them; remember the LR has gone up 100% in 18 months and the rpomised 115 extra staff in these offices have not yet been delivered!
If they can afford to have a security guard stand outside why can't they put him to better use inside managing the queue?

No SW ofice has security guards. This 'security guard' was probably a Services officer, part of whose job it is is to manage queues.

I think most of u are wrong or misinformed.
I have to sign once a month. There are 6 hatches with only 2 of them with half hour waiting queues.......
The others have straglers coming dribs and drabs.
Can't figure why the crowds are not shared out evenly between all hatches....bet someone on the inside will have a gripe about my comment...overworked etc
Imagine using the same criteria on a production line...ha...wouldn't last 2 minutes....

Local Exchange Manager's.....take note !!!

been there.....did that !!!! get on with it !!!

See my comment above about staffing levels. Your idea would tie up six staff, taking them away from the other important jobs of the 'production line' as you put it, such as issuing PPSNs, authorising payments, etc..

I am mocving this to LOS section as it doesm not relate to an actual request for SW info.