Legal apprenticeship: any tips on trying to find a trainee solicitor job

I would assume that those who didn't make it to group interviews with AC probably weren't taken on the basis of things other than results. Things like spelling mistakes, CVs longer than 2 pages, badly laid out CVs and a generic cover letter would put them off I would imagine? I don't think results are everything in their eyes either...

I've only applied to 6 firms, waiting to hear back from 4 at this stage. The reason I didn't apply to more was that I put a lot of effort into each of the applications. If it all goes pear-shaped come January, I'll deal with it then, but for the moment I've exams to get out of the way.

I also can't understand, having read back to the start of this thread, how people send out hundreds of seemingly generic cover letters and CVs to firms and expect a favourable response. Tailoring your cover letter and CV to each individual firm is of the utmost importance, at least that's what I've been told
Got my PFO from A Cox. But I'm over it, best of luck to all of you who got the second interview.

Have any of you gotten acknowledgments of your application from Maples and Calder, BCM, LK Shields, or ODonnell Sweeney Evershed. I haven't gotten anything, just want to make sure they haven't sent anything out yet.

Also, Beauchamps - they say nothing about applying on their website. Does anyone know the story behind that?

hi theo...i got an automatic online acknowledgement from LK Shields.....i think......i also got one from eversheds ages ago...but i think thats because i sent away my application form before most people...friends in my class sent theirs to eversheds 2 weeks after me, around the same time that most people would have...and they didnt get anything back....prob because the forms accumulated very quickly and they havent got time/be bothered to get back to everybody with acknowledgements and will do so later in december with interview notice/ dont worry.....beauchamps: well thats a funny one: they had an application form to fill in by handwriting and return before 31st of oct....this form was available to download until about the 24th....after that it magically disappeared....i sent it on time because i had it saved on my harddrive....a friend of mine wasnt aware of the application form (because they took it off the site) and emailed them re. application process...he got an email back saying that they are only accepting emailed cvs and will invite a small number of candidates for interview....the trainee page of their site subsequently said something about cvs for a couple of days and then went blank around the 29th of oct...and according to you, remains so.....weird....i would say they are aware of the amount of people looking for apprenticeships and are simply overwhelmed and havent got the resources to process all the applications.......also re eversheds: the UK branch, their biggest one, (they are the 8th biggest firm in UK) is in serious financial difficulty from what ive i cant see how the irish partnreship would be fearing much not really optimistic about them interviewing many if any at all...because like i said...they are letting people go big time in the UK.....**** times buddy...not to worry...whats meant to be is meant to be...(I wish i believed that!!!!):D
as regards to what you said Jev about generic letters, i put three solid months into doing cv's application forms and letters each individually different to all the companies i applied to and yet it makes absolutely no difference i think. Its the luck of the draw it seems these days
".......the smaller firms there all about pull and contacts and who you know"

I have a lot of sympathy for people who are unable to secure apprenticeships, but I would not want this opinion to become a commonly held belief. Small firms have their own needs and their own budgetary constraints. But my years of experience tell me that there is no reason to suppose that small firms are more susceptible to influence and pull than large ones. Of course it happens - but much less than you might think.

The reality is that there are just too many graduates chasing too few places at a time of sudden decline in fee income. This is by no means unique to the legal profession. Newly qualified auctioneers, apprentices in the construction industry, bankers, name it.

I must acknowledge that it is most unfortunate that the legal profession is structured in a way that throws up these fairly sharp obstacles after you have already negotiated the hurdles of getting to study law and getting through the Law Society exams. One cannot, for example, imagine medical students in their 4th or 5th year being told 'sorry - no training places available in the hospitals, so forget about qualifying as a doctor'.

Perhaps a structural reform of some sort is required - but what that might be I am afraid I cannot see.
as regards to what you said Jev about generic letters, i put three solid months into doing cv's application forms and letters each individually different to all the companies i applied to and yet it makes absolutely no difference i think. Its the luck of the draw it seems these days

I wasn't saying that everyone did that, just that some posters from this thread from back on '06 or '07 mentioned about sending out 250 CVs etc. and getting rejections back... maybe I was interpreting wrong but I doubt many people could put the effort for that many firms and send tailored applications

BTW fair play for spending that amount of time applying!
Putting effort into cover letters is all well and good - but while doing my own proper job - it's so hard! It's a balance alright ! Priority is an ap'ship for us all - but if the job we're in (or college I think for most people on this) suffers - then that's going to have consequences as well.

Only only only good thing about this recession and it's effect on the legal profession - less people will join it. ( I shouldn't jok as I could be one - but more will leave it!) .

But back to the thread: re feedback from interviews: I have been told i'm too confident and i've been told i'm not confident enough.

As for cover letters, I've tried the firm specific cover letter and never had any success. So now I use a generic one. all it says is i'm looking for an apprenticeship, my qualifications and my FE-1 status.
i've had a lot more success with this letter in getting interviews so i'm sticking with it.

Irishlawgirl, what firms gave you that feedback. it's hardly helpful - more confusing
To be honest - I can't even remember their names! It was two firms earlier this year - that both had dragged me into a two - pronged interview process!! I'd be afraid if I remembered their names in case I get bored one day when i'm qualified (touch wood!) and write them a " ha!! See what you're missing out on !!" letter (clearly to the one who thought I was too confident!!).

I think that it doesn't matter as much as what you put on your cover letter as to timing... and luck. Sorry guys - that is the way it works.
i had a query from Maples today which means that they are looking at forms at least!
Did anyone get anything from Hayes??? I received an email form them at the beginning of November saying they were reviewing applications and would revert back in late November. Since the I learned a friend got a p.f.o back from them. I haven't received anything as of yet.
Is this Mason and Hayes? I haven't heard anything since a letter saying they would be reviewing apps in Dec.

If anyone's interested, I got a letter today from ODSE just confirming my application and that they'll be reviewing them in Dec.
Anyone get that random email from Mason, Hayes and Curran about them now recruiting their trainees via a Summer Internship programme?Im confused...does that mean that they're not holding any interviews for trainees this January?
it sounds like they are sidestepping recruiting Kiki. i haven't checked my email today but i'll keep an eye out for it.
How long did it take for ODSE to get back to you Theo. I still haven't sent in my application, must get moving on that one. i'm so sick of filling out forms :(

I sent my application off to ODSE on 24 Nov and got a letter today, 28 Nov. So they're pretty quick!

I know, I'm so sick of these forms, but it's pretty similar to the others, so you may as well.
that is quick. i've been procrastinating with form filling lately. i think i started their form in October and still haven't finished it. although i might do it now, it would save me from work!
Got that email too. Its mason hayes and curran solicitors. There will be no interviews in january. The only means of securing a trainneship with them now is if you get an summer internship and they will interview you after and decide whether to offer a training contract or not!!
Oh man, I haven't gotten any email. That is so annoying. Why do they have a recruitment process and act as though they are going to recruit when they're not? I know it's because of the recession and everything but sort it out people! If other firms start doing similar things, I'm going to scream.