SDCC - property path update

You would never know with PP, they go at snails pace when it suits them but i'd say when they want to get things done they can speed it up. My unprofessional guess is they want us finished and out of their hair by crimbo so thats what they will aim for. (I'm hoping anyway!!)
Hi Ruthie my solicitor sent my valuation in to PP hav not heard anything bact yet. did you listen to Joe Duffy show about management fees loads of people getting ripped off. i think it is one of the first things for everyone in complex to really sort the fees out they are way to high, cos if we dont they will just keep going up and know one will be able to afford them.
Spoke to PP today and the said they were revaluing. It seems to depend on who you speak to. Very important we keep the pressure on them.
hey all, heard that the issue of the valuation was raised at a councillors meeting last week, apparently PP said in the meeting that they will not lower clawback. However they are sending out the city valuer and if he comes back with a different figure they might have to look at it. Apparently this is because they ended up loosing a fortune on another development. But the way I see it is that is their own issue, we didnt make the council hang onto these properties for 2 years so why should we have to pay for their argument! We all know in this market that the value on the apartments are way too high.

On the management - I agree the prices are madness! Especially considering we do not have lifts that come directly up from the carpark to each block, and the courtyard is very small - not much maintenance need there! I did phone the management company a while back and was told that they are working on the budget for next year and as of yet cannot say that the management fee we were told will remain the same - they did say that this could increase!

Also does anyone know if we will have a coded door or a swipe door?
welcome on board Stuie!!

didnt know anything about the councillors meeting, will check it out tho thanks Deedav.

Andy 88 unfortunately we can do nothing about the mgt co fees until we have bought our places are in it until the AGM next year.. so until then we will just have to consider everything as it happens throughout the year and bring our case forward in the correct forum.

Deedav as far as I know we may have key or a code for the front door. Was in car park last night and noticed bike parking Andy 88 on -2 floor. Still unsure how we will get into the carpark yet tho, seems -3 is cordoned off with a gate- i presume that could be ours, but have yet to see how we can actually drive to get to it.
Hi All
i was up in apartment block 3 the other week and got into lift and went down to -3 floor were i think our carpark is cant say for sure because door was locked but when i came out of main door for block 3 ie on the side of broadfield hall beside talbot house their is another door just up from block 3 main door with carpark machine inside and you can get lift down to carpark
Have any of you been able to get in to measure for floors curtains etc? If so how? Have paid my booking deposit. Hear some talk that if apartments are unsold they may use them for social housing. This could be very scary. Really hard to know what to do.
wow my login worked for this, is that normal or did i have account i didn't know about :)

I am viewing the apts in broadfield hall tomorrow morning along with 8 others. I was told there is 4 *1bed apt and 1*2bed apt available. I am last on the list so won't get the 2 bed but i'm excited to see the 1 bed places. You all (here) seem like nice people from your posts so hopefully I am near all of you :)

Thanks for all the info posted in this thread.

I was told that the apts were not going to be used for social housing, not sure if the rest of the guys were told the same thing. To ease your mind you should give them a quick call.

FYI - Before i went to view the apts i was told it wasn't first come first served but it turned out to be that way so i wouldn't write the two bed off just yet. Get up there early.. I found the 1 beds to be very small though. Good luck tomorrow.
Hey guys, Just thought I would highlight things i seen incase anyone else is thinking of buying in broadfield hall etc.

There was 5 places, 3 'small' 1 beds, a 'med' 1 bed, and a 2 bed

2 bed = nice living space with lots of light, kitchen a bit boxed, main bedroom medium size, smaller room quite small. I would probably only put a single in it. A double would leave little room. I was very surprised by how dark the smaller room was. There is very little natural light in it, 100% of the time you would want a light turned on, even in the morning. Bathroom was decen(shower in bath). There was 3 different places for storage. 1 small, 1 boiler+shelfs, 1 large storage for machines etc. Overall, it felt a bit cramped for a two bed place but for 170k, you get what you pay for.

1 med bedroom = price 160k, Very nice living space and kitchen set up, felt very large. Bedroom was medium size but was shaped very very odd. Like a one sided pick axe, the sticky out part was curved and narrowed just like a pick axe. Not sure how it would be with bed + lockers. Bathroom was decent. Storage was fine. For 10k more, the 2 bed would be a better deal. It had a nicer layout too.(hall layout)

the 3 1 beds: = 127k each. Bedroom was ok. was hoping for a slightly bigger room giving that its the only one but the price is very cheap so :/. The living room and kitchen were fine. Kitchen looks a bit cramped but when you stand in it, its better. I think its the way the wall entrance is, its got 'lips' for some reason. bathroom was okish. Storage was ok. The biggest problem with these 1 bed places was the hall. You open the front door and find yourself in a 4foot rectangle surrounded by 5-6 doors. Its kinda claustrophobic and a bit dizzying. Also some of the doors get in the way of other doors when open, eg bathroom/boiler - storage/hall door all occupy the same 'open' space. They were nice, just some funny choices were made with the layouts.

I don't know the AH girls name but they were very helpful and friendly.

I have pictures + movie if anyone wants any.
Hi thetinker.... you seem very under whelmed about seeing the properties in the development today? have you found out which apt you have been offered yet? i got a 2 bed place that im delighted with in block 2, i do know however what your saying about the 2 bed you went to see today, i remember the dark 2nd bedroom alrite. i found personally tho the 1 beds were a good size compared to other ones ive seen.

what did you think of the development tho? did you like the communal area etc? did property path also tell you about the huge mgt co fees that are attached to this property?
Hi thetinker.... you seem very under whelmed about seeing the properties in the development today? have you found out which apt you have been offered yet? i got a 2 bed place that im delighted with in block 2, i do know however what your saying about the 2 bed you went to see today, i remember the dark 2nd bedroom alrite. i found personally tho the 1 beds were a good size compared to other ones ive seen.

what did you think of the development tho? did you like the communal area etc? did property path also tell you about the huge mgt co fees that are attached to this property?

Hi Ruthie.

Yes i seen the communal area(the courtyard between the blocks?), tbh, i doubt i'd be in it :) lol, i aint the sit around type. the development seemed normal. I didn't see any bad points in it. We were not showing the parking lot so not sure what that is like. Is the 2nd room in your place similar to what i found in the other one. Don't get me wrong, i still put it down as my first preference, either a friend would live in it / a guest at weekends / or rent it out, either way, they could take it or lump it :)

I do see my underwhelmness in my post, All in all, i still am trying to get some of them so as much as i knit pick, they are still perfectily livable. I'm living in a big apt at the moment so i think im just a bit spoilt(although financially, im completely crippled now :) ). I just found the layout and sizes just slightly off enough to make me think "what were they thinking?" lol. Yes the 1 bed would definitely be big enough to have a nice room. Especially since i wont be sharing the place with someone, i wont have to stay 'confined' to my room so much like now :)

mgt fee for 127k house was just over 1k i believe. the 160kand 170k apt were 1.9k-2.1k fee. I thought them quite high, couple of months mortgage like...eek. I was hoping these could be brought down, I didnt see alot to 'manage' to be honest. The courtyard looks like little maintaence, and the carpets, well a cleaner with a vaccum isnt the price they are getting :)

2 bed place @
1 bed place @
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hi ya everyone, anyone hear anything yet from PP???
Thetinker, have you been notified of the apt you can go for yet? did you get the 2 bed?
hi all - my solicitor has been trying to contact pp about the valuation to see have they done another valuation yet. She was saying that the city valuers are extremely slow when it comes to this sort of thing. The girl who is dealing with our apartment is out sick at the moment but as soon as the solicitor comes back to me i'll update you all on what she finds out! Fingers crossed its good news :)
hi ya everyone, anyone hear anything yet from PP???
Thetinker, have you been notified of the apt you can go for yet? did you get the 2 bed?

Not yet, Hopefully in the next few hours. Was told on friday that friday evening I should expected a call and prolly should get my second preference :), rang Monday morning to see whats up but the guy i was dealing with was on a training course and wouldn't look at the applications till today. so so.

Im very unlikely to get the 2 bed. There were 8 other people and i think the majority of them wanted it. I was last on the list :)
Just got a call from PP now. The 1 bed is mine :)

Will drop deposit down tomorrow.


Point of post: They said they wont give me an offer letter just yes because they are doing a revaluation of the places and thinks they will come down. My price will stay the same but he said the clawback might change.

I guess all your complaining helped :) Thanks guys!
Thats great news, congrats thetinker. Also good news that the property as a whole is being re - valued. Fingers crossed it will indeed change the market price a whole lot.... clawback of over 50% is not good!