SDCC - property path update

Oh i just e mailed the copy of the valuation report to them today. didnt get responce... cant believe they said we'll deffo be in for xmas... oh crap:eek:
Ruthie-81 they said they had been bombarded by emails since monday about the valuations so dont expect too quick a reply. You might be better off giving them a ring - I was speaking with one of the girls in charge of Broadfield Hall she is extremely helpfull and very nice to deal with.

As for being in by Xmas - somehow I dont believe that will actually happen as everything else has been so slow! However I was told that our solicitors should be getting all the paperwork from their solicitors in the next week or so. Apparently everything is ready to go once the snagging is signed off! happy days :)
Got a response today saying that they were dealing with the matter and would get back to me once they have had a decision made.

Im not really that bothered if I dont get to move in by xmas but id like to close before christmas so Ill have time off to do a few bits and pieces.Let me know how you get on, and vice versa, tiz good to have someone to share info with !!!
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Hi All anyone know if the builder has sorted the water pressure out for the apartment complex,was up there last week and it was still not sorted. we should also see if we can get PP too check with builder that gas heating is working in apartments before we sign contracks. anyone know if there is storage for push bikes in basement
Andy88 sorry dont know much about water pressure as my place hasnt any water pressure probs. was actually in the car park this evening, went down to -2 and its where the normal parking is, but -3 looks and smells new, paint smell and not any parked cars, i presume thats where our designated parking will be. Dunno if there is a facility for push bikes tho, probs safer in your own apt.
hey all

was just on to pp and apparently they are in discussions about reducing the clawback. So good news there, they are at least talking about it.

Also have been told that we should defo be in by Xmas!!
Does any1 know if the ind valuier sent in a report to pp or do we send it it?
HI am buying up in citywest and am interested in how your all getting along with reduction of clawback, i paid my initial 3,000 and then i paid the rest of the 3% deposit and now its i am legally obliged to buy the apartment, my clawback is 29%

am just wondering have you all gotten that far or have i gone too far to flight about the clawback???
Apple08 they sent it in as far as i know, i also got a copy via e mail and sent it myself too.
actionmags, once you have the contract signed i dont think you will have a leg to stand on trying to negotiate the clawback amount, broadfield hall isnt at that stage, just booking deposits are down, so its better off for us to try and negotiate before signing a legally binding contract.
Hi Actionmags sorry too say Ruthie-81 is right if you signed contract you def dont have a legal leg too stand on. i hope i am wrong
Actionmags a clawback of 29% sounds fine, but with broadfield Hall a lot of the clawback is over 50% so that is why we have an issue.

Just wondering on a seperate issue did anyone get valuations on a one bed apt. I'just wanted to see how you got on before I arrange to do an independent one myself.


oh yours is 50% that seems quite hight. from the sound of it your apartments has en suites and tiled bathrooms so it sounds like a better finnish

mine was one of the more expensive ones in citywest cause it is bigger and it was 207 with a valuation of 295 from the council
HI am buying up in citywest and am interested in how your all getting along with reduction of clawback, i paid my initial 3,000 and then i paid the rest of the 3% deposit and now its i am legally obliged to buy the apartment, my clawback is 29%

am just wondering have you all gotten that far or have i gone too far to flight about the clawback???
Hi All
Tks for that ruth i am wondering can you give more than 3% of the purchase price i thought u can never heard about the 3% thing pp have said nothign to me
morning all.

heard yesterday that its the health clinic from crumlin that is moving up beside the library.
first time on this forum but i i know some of you have already seen Broadfield apartments my question is do any of use know of which of the best bank is offering the best deal in regards to a mortage
hi guys im viewing broadfield on friday 50% is a lot of clawback so from what i get you have to get provisional approvement for the bank then do you bring a deposit with you on the day? do you negotiate the clawback by paying more if you can????

look forward to your replies
Good luck with the viewing Greg85, the apts are gorgeous, im sure you'll love them. I went with EBS, they were the best deal for me. If you agree to take the place the day of viewing, then you will have to have a deposit of €3,000.00 by draft for Property Path as soon as posisble. Greg85 i dont really understand the question you have re clawback. Most of the people here have gotten an independent valuation of the property they are buying and have submitted same to property path for re negotation of the market value of the time of purchase. Some of us went to view and put our deposits down in august when the market value was €360,000 approx. this has fallen considerably now, when its closer to the time of siging contract etc.
Hi Guys

I've just got a mail from Property Path, apparently the city valuers are doing a valuation on my apartment today. They will issue me with a revised confirmation letter "if" the valuation changes. (their words)
Oops, i have to start reading things properly, they said they will be seeking a valuation from the city valuers today as opposed to actually doing it....