Newbury Wood, Clonshaugh, D.17

Hi Alaska,

No i heard nothing yet :( Hope to hear today or tomorrow cause this waiting is killing me!
i was up at my house today and seen the electricity is sorted in the house and most of my snag list is done just need to counter-top replaced,
i just went up on my own accord didnt ring tom, the foreman is pretty cool, he said we should get the letters tomorrow re de-snag..
that's brilliant bottomfeeder! i went up there the other day myself and all the outside faults on my house have been fixed, too. didn't see any foreman around though but if i do tomorrow i certainly ask for the keys to get in ;)
just want to wait now for the re-snag invite before i sign the joak from DCC confirming everything is grand. :)
Ok I'm severely stressed but that's another issue. I was up there today as I was meeting a carpet fitter so as he could measure up exactly.
I've ordered wooden flooring for the living room but this guy told me that no-one would be able to put any flooring down till
A. The floor was levelled, it's a mess of lumps and bumps
B. The sliding doors need to be taken off and shortened to allow for flooring. To take these off would be a humongous job

I removed the plinth in the kitchen where the fridge is meant to go for another guy to match wood and now this allows for a fridge freezer height of 190cm.

Spoke to girl doing the landscaping, fair play to her she's doing a great job. The road looks great :)
Anyone get a letter from Tom today? I know he was due to post them late last week but my post has arrived and it's not in it...:(
i was up there this morning i was speaking to mick the foreman

he said letters were sent out on friday to everyone so if its not there today it will be definitely tomorrow
he said as soon as i get the letter to ring him and organise when to go up and de snag

i was just saying that ah sure when it happens it happens and that and he said that they them selves are in a rush to get the legal and money end of things sorted

so when i was leaving and giving the keys back to him he said see you later on during the week hopefully so they obviously want out at this stage
and for anyone who doesn't like them sliding doors in the sitting room (me!) he said as soon as the house is signed over he can get them taken down by one of his lads (hooray)
he also was saying how dangerous he thought they were for people with young kids for catching their hands as they're very heavy
anyhow they're the first thing to go in my house !
Ah that's great - I rang tom and he said my letter was posted on friday so should have it tomorrow :) (think this is the first time I've used the smiley face, it's usually been the frown!!)
Anyone get a letter from Tom today? I know he was due to post them late last week but my post has arrived and it's not in it...:(
Got my letter this morning - so i have to ring Mick and arrange to go up and de-snag, it says there hoping to draw down by the 26th Sept, so im gona pop up there tomorrow and have a look at the snag, hopefully things are sorted before the end of th month...
Haven't checked my post yet but hope-ing the letter is in the box today and then i'll use a smiley face, too :p
I wanted to check the house on Saturday but gates weren't open (even though Gardeners were around), I hope Mick is there today around 5pm so I can sneak in.
j59 did he check for any ID before he gave you the keys? And what time were you up there this morning? Just asking in case no one is there later on and I could go up tomorrow before heading to work.

Did everyone got their home insurance sorted? I can recommend Got a good price and start dates are flexible i.e. they enter the date when you know for sure when you get the keys and then you have the paper stuff within 2-3 days.

Happy to hear that they want to close the sales now asap. Finally we're getting somewhere. We should have a street "party" once we're all in :D
Haven't checked my post yet but hope-ing the letter is in the box today and then i'll use a smiley face, too :p
I wanted to check the house on Saturday but gates weren't open (even though Gardeners were around), I hope Mick is there today around 5pm so I can sneak in.
j59 did he check for any ID before he gave you the keys? And what time were you up there this morning? Just asking in case no one is there later on and I could go up tomorrow before heading to work.

Did everyone got their home insurance sorted? I can recommend Got a good price and start dates are flexible i.e. they enter the date when you know for sure when you get the keys and then you have the paper stuff within 2-3 days.

Happy to hear that they want to close the sales now asap. Finally we're getting somewhere. We should have a street "party" once we're all in :D
No you dont need ID - mick is pretty cool, i just got him on the phone there and ive to go up tomorrow, says the only thing that needs doing is the gas to be turned on/connected and they are doing it as we speak, said it should be done by end of day tomorrow.
ohhh yeah i'll have about 10 light blubs going up tomorrow so i can make sure the oul power is working lol..

i just rang mick the foreman this morning and he said it was grand to go up he's usually alright about letting you in when he's there after 5 can be a bit tricky as he doesn't like leaving the keys about unlocked i got 2 quotes for blinds one was from that chap from hillarys blinds and one from allshades blinds in ashbourne there was a big difference in the prices the one in ashbourne gave me the best price by far for all verticals
also checked into home ins in various places best quote i got was from a place called glennons number is 017075909 if any ones interested my mortgage broker gave me their number
went up yesterday after work but mick had left already. seen my new neighbors up the road :)
got the snagging letter when i got home and went this morning at 7am (Mick is there from 7am - 5pm, not 7.30am as stated in the letter) to do the snagging. all's perfect :D sent off the DCC confirmation letter this morning at 9am to make sure there are no delays from my side *hihi* so now i'll wait for the invite letter to arrive that i can come around and sign and get the keys *yeay*

while i was up there this morning, i drove also up our road to have a look at the other houses and the last ones at the end are gorgeous! im dead jealous of all the green you have in front of your houses! mine is tiny in comparision but hey, we can't have it all :p i still love mine and at least i don't have sliding door problems *hehe*
either way, i think our street looks lovely and i cant wait to move.
seen house 48 and 49 have the windows smashed though :(
Went up today - all is well with my snag! Just can't wait solc is drawing down the mortgage asap...:D Wont be long now!!!!!!!!
hi everybody. first ever post. moving into number 8 type d house. read all post.s today and understand every frustration u all have. not as bad as me and my girlfriend. tom rang me in june to tell me are contracts were made up wrong. today is the 16th of sept and still no contracts. rang dcc today they will be sent in 2 days. tere is a god. we are doing are first snag 2moro. couldnt do it earlier cause we had no contracts. but were allowed 2moro. hope to talk to u all online at this site soon. past house 2day looks great. cant wait 2 move in. graham and sarah saying hello to everyone in newbury:)
hi everyone im am very new to this site as i was offered a 2 bed type c house only last week havn't viewed it yet and drove up the other to get a look and road was all locked up but was really impressed with the layout and landscaping. Can anyone tell me what the type c house is like im totally in the dark as i feel the dcc are acting like a secret service cant get any information only that it is a 2 bed many thanks