Bush Condems China's Human right's

I certainly won't be watching the opening / closing ceremonies, but am undecided as to whether I should watch anything else.

What I really love is the way the IOC have given in to China - backing down on internet censorship & freespeech for journalists, claiming that pollution levels are no longer a problem etc.

I wonder where the people who were forcibly evicted (without compensation I believe) to make way for some of the olympic venues are now - will they be watching?
I suspect if it wasn't for the US you would be tying that comment in German or Russian
Ireland was also neutral in WWII, if it's that you are referring to.

How many innocent lives have been lost in Afghanistan?I suppose you'd like for it to have remained a haven for terrorists in between striking the west
Now Afghanistan is a haven for US and UK terrorists.
Ireland was also neutral in WWII, if it's that you are referring to.

The Nazis drew up lists of Irish Jews they planned on murdering. If they succeeding in invading Britain they would certainly have made the excursion over to Ireland to mop up people they didn't like. After killing all the obvious to them groups, Jews, Gays, travelers given free reign they'd probably have moved on to people with brown eyes and slight tans.
The Nazis drew up lists of Irish Jews they planned on murdering. If they succeeding in invading Britain they would certainly have made the excursion over to Ireland to mop up people they didn't like.

They had already drawn up plans for the Irish invasion when the battle of Britain was underway, Operation Green.

I dont think America thought too much about Human rights during their near ten year stint in Vietnam.
I suppose you'd like for it to have remained a haven for terrorists in between striking the west...

They are terrorists when it suits them (US and UK). you do know how the Taliban came into power, right? and who trained Mr Bin Landen?
They are terrorists when it suits them (US and UK). you do know how the Taliban came into power, right? and who trained Mr Bin Landen?

And who supplied them all with those lovely Stinger missiles that keep pestering their helicopters?
They are terrorists when it suits them (US and UK). you do know how the Taliban came into power, right? and who trained Mr Bin Landen?

And who supplied them all with those lovely Stinger missiles that keep pestering their helicopters?

Thanks guys, but I don't need a history lesson from either of you. They weren't terrorists back then - they were freedom fighters, fighting Soviet invaders - hardly comparable to unprovoked attacks on US embassies, office blocks, a train station, a nightclub, public buses & trains etc.
Thanks guys, but I don't need a history lesson from either of you. They weren't terrorists back then - they were freedom fighters, fighting Soviet invaders - hardly comparable to unprovoked attacks on US embassies, office blocks, train stations and public buses & trains.

From the sounds of it you do need a history lesson. One mens terrorist is an other mans freedom fighter. Unprovoked attack, are you joking? are you not aware of US foreign policy I.E if we can't control them from the inside, we'll just take them out of power.
From the sounds of it you do need a history lesson. One mens terrorist is an other mans freedom fighter. Unprovoked attack, are you joking? are you not aware of US foreign policy I.E if we can't control them from the inside, we'll just take them out of power.

So an attack on a 'civilian' target is justified in your opinion?
So an attack on a 'civilian' target is justified in your opinion?

My opioion is irrelevant, The US declared a war, they bomb places I can't pronounce killing innocent lives. the opposition kill innocent lives. I think its called collateral damage, it's something that happens in war.
My opioion is irrelevant, The US declared a war, they bomb places I can't pronounce killing innocent lives. the opposition kill innocent lives. I think its called collateral damage, it's something that happens in war.

Sorry, maybe I'm misunderstanding - did the US (legitimately) invade Afghanistan BEFORE September 11th?
Sorry, maybe I'm misunderstanding - did the US (legitimately) invade Afghanistan BEFORE September 11th?

Thats Ok, I'll make things clear for you.

Long before 9/11 the US had been supplying(logistic support and intelligence) and training to the
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Northern Alliance along with Iran, India and Russia.

It is widely reported(pre 9/11) that The US wanted to invade with the aid of Russia and overthrow the exisiting goverment. However when 9/11 occured it allowed the US to go it alone.

In the months up to september the US had soldiers in neighbouring countries training.
This war has been going on alot longer then 9/11 and for what? Oil and gas and a pipe line.

Thats Ok, I'll make things clear for you.

Long before 9/11 the US had been supplying(logistic support and intelligence) and training to the [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Northern Alliance along with Iran, India and Russia.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]It is widely reported(pre 9/11) that The US wanted to invade with the aid of Russia and overthrow the exisiting goverment. However when 9/11 occured it allowed the US to go it alone.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In the months up to september the US had soldiers in neighbouring countries training.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This war has been going on alot longer then 9/11 and for what? Oil and gas and a pipe line.[/FONT]

And I suppose you think the US government filled the world trade centre with explosives before the planes hit them...
And I suppose you think the US government filled the world trade centre with explosives before the planes hit them...

No, but I like the way you think.
I belive they knew an attack was on the cards, Al Qaeda were being monitored in the late ninties by the CIA and probably the NSA. there are reports of listening devices that tracked Al Qaeda tactical radio messages. That along with spies and informers would suggest the US know a lot more then they let on.

So you need to ask yourself the question, did the US know a specific attack was coming? and what would be the consequences of such an attack?.

An attack would let them have free reign to attack a resource rich country without having to align with the likes of Iran,India and Russia
No, but I like the way you think.
I belive they knew an attack was on the cards, Al Qaeda were being monitored in the late ninties by the CIA and probably the NSA. there are reports of listening devices that tracked Al Qaeda tactical radio messages. That along with spies and informers would suggest the US know a lot more then they let on.

So you need to ask yourself the question, did the US know a specific attack was coming? and what would be the consequences of such an attack?.

An attack would let them have free reign to attack a resource rich country without having to align with the likes of Iran,India and Russia

In what way exactly is the US benefitting from the resources of Iraq?
Originally Posted by cole http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?p=683624#post683624
Not sure if China executes mentally retarded people but does.

Did they execute him because he was retarded

? You phrased it like that - what crime(s) did this guy commit - or is that not relevant?

If you checked the link you'd see that the man in question had an IQ of 64 and G. W. Bush refused to offer clemency.

Do you think that his crimes are relevant as to whether or not a person with an IQ of 64 can be executed?
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Originally Posted by cole http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?p=683624#post683624
Not sure if China executes mentally retarded people but does.

If you checked the link you'd see that the man in question had an IQ of 64 and G. W. Bush refused to offer clemency.

Do you think that his crimes are relevant as to whether or not a person with an IQ of 64 can be executed?

I didn't check the link and have no intention of doing so - what crime(s) did he commit? Of course it's relevant - if anything is irrelevent it's the IQ.