My brother a Catholic is marrying a Jehova's Witness.

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That is nonsense! For example, if I believe that homeopathic potions or religious relics or appeals to mystical beings can cure cancer do you think that the HSE should cater for this? Of course not! They should deal with scientifically proven methodologies and treatments and, if necessary, the courts should deal (on constitutional rights grounds) with those who obstruct their application to non consenting others (e.g. children).

Yes. Moved.

Blood products and the alternitives are hardly homeopathic potions, people outside of the JW need these options due to various medical reasons, that is why they have been developed.

You are grasping a straws joejoe.
If a fundamentalist Muslim does not want his 15 year old daughter operated on by a male doctor after a car crash do you think she should be let die?
If you do not then your position visa vie blood products and Jehovah's Witness's is inconsistent.
If your concerns are with regards child abuse / religious freedom, you should be happy that person is leaving the Catholic Church and going to the JW.

Silly comment, I don't think any of the abusers in the church checked the faith of their victims.

The OP might be of the mind that some others are in that joining a religion might leave her brother open to 'brainwashing'. Atheists don't agree with religion and each religion has an unhealthy wariness of other religions. I think its just natural for the OP to worry about her brother, but the simplest thing to do is talk to him and the sil to discuss things and how it will affect the family. Maybe the sister is open to some compromise and will join you for xmas dinner they don't have to celbrate it (how many catholics at this stage actually celebrate the birth of christ rather than just celebrate?) Don't over play the religion side of things and realise that it will still be your brother.
Actually it could be worse. Imagine if he was marrying one of those annoying smarmy individuals who likes nothing better than to tell people how stupid they are for believing whatever it is they believe, almost always without being asked for a opinion.

Many of us are familiar with the type. They'll will bring up something like the Spanish Inquisition or Abuse Scandal usually within five minutes of being provoked with the word "hello" ;)

At least the Jehovah's Witnesses are polite !

Seriously though, same thing happened in my family years ago. JWs are considered a marginal christianity so it caused some worry and arguments
within the family initially but in retrospect we should have been more accepting and less confrontational.

After a few years they made their own decision and exited the JWs.
Blood products and the alternitives are hardly homeopathic potions, people outside of the JW need these options due to various medical reasons, that is why they have been developed.

That is a specific issue. I was responding to your seemingly more generalised comments earlier which would presumably cover the sorts of things that I mentioned:
No its not, your talking non-sense. People have diffrent beleives, if the health service in this country is not fit to deal with their choices, thats the problem of the HSE not the fault of the religon.
Actually it could be worse. Imagine if he was marrying one of those annoying smarmy individuals who likes nothing better than to tell people how stupid they are for believing whatever it is they believe, almost always without being asked for a opinion.

Many of us are familiar with the type. They'll will bring up something like the Spanish Inquisition or Abuse Scandal usually within five minutes of being provoked with the word "hello" ;)
I don't think that I've ever met one of these people. Are they common?
At least the Jehovah's Witnesses are polite !
All of them?
I don't think that I've ever met one of these people. Are they common?

I don't think so but probably more common that those with a disposition to interpret statements in their literal sense even in the presence of a ;) and followed by a "seriously though" :D
That is a specific issue. I was responding to your seemingly more generalised comments earlier which would presumably cover the sorts of things that I mentioned:

Generalised, I was speaking specifily about JW choices of using alternitives to blood products, not potions and the like.

To OP, in general JW are a very nice bunch of people, very friendly open, honest & moral, your brother and his future wife will do fine together in their new life. As a group they live pretty simple lifes in a close comunity. Again I am not a JW but I do admire their commitment to their family, friends and community and morals.

And another thing, as a muslim I interest is forbidden the Quran and yet nowhere in this country can I get an interest free mortgage. Religious tolerance, my a*se.:mad:
Silly comment, I don't think any of the abusers in the church checked the faith of their victims.

Who said they did? The abusers where mainly the same religion as the asbused. The point I was trying to make was child abuse is / was more prevalant in the Catholic church than the JW church.

You are grasping a straws joejoe.
If a fundamentalist Muslim does not want his 15 year old daughter operated on by a male doctor after a car crash do you think she should be let die?
If you do not then your position visa vie blood products and Jehovah's Witness's is inconsistent.

Why? How does what you say compare with the situation I was dealing with? Just because you beleave them to be on a par with each other does not me they are? Discrimination is not the same thing as asking for an alteritive blood product. Not sure how you managed too link the two?

And another thing, as a muslim I interest is forbidden the Quran and yet nowhere in this country can I get an interest free mortgage. Religious tolerance, my a*se.:mad:

I am not sure what your talking about, the Quran (Koran) & an interest free mortgage, I dont know anybody that gets an interest free mortgage regardless of their religion.

Can you explain a little better please?

I dont know anybody that gets an interest free mortgage .

Can you explain a little better please?


That's my point. There are no mortgages in this country which conform with the Queeran. That's religious persecution just like that blood transfusion thing.
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