My brother a Catholic is marrying a Jehova's Witness.

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Yes I'm sure he can but its only natural that we worry about our siblings. Its part of being human I suppose.
In some cases (not necessarily this one) it's also part of being a nosey busybody who can't let others live their own lives as they choose.
Maybe so in some cases but I think here Winnie is genuinely concerned for her brother and her future nephews and nieces.
What's the harm in the OP asking the question? Personally if i was in the situation i'd like to get information from as many different sources as possible and posting in a forum like this will get views from many different typs of people.
What's the harm in the OP asking the question?
Nothing - who said that there was?

winnie101 - just curious - if you don't like what you hear/learn about the religion in question then what are you going to do? I presume you respect your brother's right to choose a wife and religion as he sees fit?
Nothing - who said that there was?

winnie101 - just curious - if you don't like what you hear/learn about the religion in question then what are you going to do? I presume you respect your brother's right to choose a wife and religion as he sees fit?

Your last sentence is a statement with a question mark after it - I think you should leave out the question mark and put a full stop there.
I presume you respect your brother's right to choose a wife and religion as he sees fit?
Indeed. But the above and telling your brother your thoughts and/or concerns on the matter are not mutually exclusive courses of action.
Nothing - who said that there was?

well the tone of some of the replies are insinuating that the OP is a nosey busybody who's looking for something negative to say about Jehova's witnesses rather than giving an answer to what seems to me a perfectly fine query
If any of my siblings decided to convert then I'd be panicking and searching for any information which may dissuade them which may be what the OP is trying to do?

The article linked on page 1 scared the life out of me, I remember reading it at the time. There's a fine line between religious freedom and child abuse!
If any of my siblings decided to convert then I'd be panicking and searching for any information which may dissuade them which may be what the OP is trying to do?

The article linked on page 1 scared the life out of me, I remember reading it at the time. There's a fine line between religious freedom and child abuse!

If your concerns are with regards child abuse / religious freedom, you should be happy that person is leaving the Catholic Church and going to the JW.

If your concerns are with regards child abuse / religious freedom, you should be happy that person is leaving the Catholic Church and going to the JW.


I'm not condoning what certain members of the catholic church did but those were down to individuals. But your reply is the stuff of soundbites and vox pops.

The policy of refusing blood transfusions is a church policy for Jehovah's Witnesses and that is a totally different issue.
Thankfully Irish hospitals still have a strong grip of the hippocratic oath.
Irish doctors don't take the hippocratic oath.

I swear by Apollo the physician, by Æsculapius, Hygeia, and Panacea, and I take to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, to keep according to my ability and my judgement, the following Oath.

"To consider dear to me as my parents him who taught me this art; to live in common with him and if necessary to share my goods with him; to look upon his children as my own brothers, to teach them this art if they so desire without fee or written promise; to impart to my sons and the sons of the master who taught me and the disciples who have enrolled themselves and have agreed to the rules of the profession, but to these alone the precepts and the instruction. I will prescribe regimen for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgement and never do harm to anyone. To please no one will I prescribe a deadly drug nor give advice which may cause his death. Nor will I give a woman a pessary to procure abortion. But I will preserve the purity of my life and my art. I will not cut for stone, even for patients in whom the disease is manifest; I will leave this operation to be performed by practitioners, specialists in this art. In every house where I come I will enter only for the good of my patients, keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing and all seduction and especially from the pleasures of love with women or with men, be they free or slaves. All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and will never reveal. If I keep this oath faithfully, may I enjoy my life and practice my art, respected by all men and in all times; but if I swerve from it or violate it, may the reverse be my lot."
I'm not condoning what certain members of the catholic church did but those were down to individuals. But your reply is the stuff of soundbites and vox pops.

The policy of refusing blood transfusions is a church policy for Jehovah's Witnesses and that is a totally different issue.

No its not, your talking non-sense. People have diffrent beleives, if the health service in this country is not fit to deal with their choices, thats the problem of the HSE not the fault of the religon. In any case blood transfusions in this country have a very bad track record, remeber the Hepp C infections due to a badly run health system, people died because they choose a blood transfusion and the health services is not getting better MRSA etc... etc... etc

There is a lot more to the JW religion that blood transfusions. You should have a conversation with your future SIL about her beliefs. Have an open mind about it.
Try not to worry. Your brother's not going to grow 2 heads or anything.
well the tone of some of the replies are insinuating that the OP is a nosey busybody who's looking for something negative to say about Jehova's witnesses rather than giving an answer to what seems to me a perfectly fine query
Well some people may well be of that opinion but nobody has said that the original poster should not have posted the query as you originally suggested. Having posted the query though others are free to post their opinions and comments within the posting guidelines.
No its not, your talking non-sense. People have diffrent beleives, if the health service in this country is not fit to deal with their choices, thats the problem of the HSE not the fault of the religon. In any case blood transfusions in this country have a very bad track record, remeber the Hepp C infections due to a badly run health system, people died because they choose a blood transfusion and the health services is not getting better MRSA etc... etc... etc


I am not talking nonsense. My post did say there was a fine line between freedom of religion and child abuse in the case of blood transfusions. Read the article linked on page 1.

The HSE, Hep C etc are all irrelevant in this context. This thread is about Jehovah's Witnesses not the state of the health system in this country. Or the catholic church.

Blood transfusions save lives, blood products save lives. As a scientist I am aware of the alternatives and have been involved in studies on some of them when I worked in the UK. We still need blood. Doctors would not bring patients to court to get an order allowing them to give blood if the alternatives were good enough.

PS Mods, maybe this thread now belongs in LOS?
No its not, your talking non-sense. People have diffrent beleives, if the health service in this country is not fit to deal with their choices, thats the problem of the HSE not the fault of the religon.
That is nonsense! For example, if I believe that homeopathic potions or religious relics or appeals to mystical beings can cure cancer do you think that the HSE should cater for this? Of course not! They should deal with scientifically proven methodologies and treatments and, if necessary, the courts should deal (on constitutional rights grounds) with those who obstruct their application to non consenting others (e.g. children).

PS Mods, maybe this thread now belongs in LOS?
Yes. Moved.
I am not talking nonsense. My post did say there was a fine line between freedom of religion and child abuse in the case of blood transfusions. Read the article linked on page 1.

The HSE, Hep C etc are all irrelevant in this context. This thread is about Jehovah's Witnesses not the state of the health system in this country. Or the catholic church.

Blood transfusions save lives, blood products save lives. As a scientist I am aware of the alternatives and have been involved in studies on some of them when I worked in the UK. We still need blood. Doctors would not bring patients to court to get an order allowing them to give blood if the alternatives were good enough.

PS Mods, maybe this thread now belongs in LOS?

What has religion got to do with child abuse, it the individuals or small minority that carry these sick acts, using the religion as a smoke screen. More relevently what has child abuse got to do the op concerns? My personal opinion is that the op should not be concerned about child abuse in JW no more than she should be in the Catholic religion.

"As a scientist I am aware of the alternatives" what did your studies reveal, and how many blood alternitives did you study?

The blood issue, is not as great as you seem to think, how often does the average "Joe" need a blood transfusion? Granted in some extreme cases blood should be used as a last resort, in the interim all the alteritives should be applied. Of course this is if the hosipal is equiped to offer them, problem been most are not. Doctors in Ireland use blood products because thats what they know.

To the OP you have notting to be concerned about after all its your brothers life, why dont you invite some JW in the next time they knock on your door? They wont do any thing but try and and answer your questions in a nice and friendly manner.

For the record I am a non-practicing catholic (like the most of ireland) not a JW.

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