Problem on hols with Kids Club


Registered User
I hope I am posting in the right section. Just returned from hol in Puerto Del Carmen. Never having been on resort hol, we needed a break with child 4 plus ill husband for all to benefit. Chose the hotel because of kids club & recommendations. We never use babysitters at home and havent brought her abroad because of worries with pools, balconys etc. We checked out the club & were satisfied day 1 & 2. On day 3, the kids club lost our 4 year old. She wandered off and they never missed her. She was found by quick thinking people who realised she was wandering around on her own for at least 2 hours. In brief it ruined the holiday for many reasons. What action or any would any body advise?
That is very worrying, I would contact your travel agent and advise them not to use this place again as you booked on their recommendation and kids club is a feature a lot of people go for, also I would write a letter to the management of the complex and ensure the manager of the travel agent does the same, outside of this don't know that there is anything more you can do as it is outside ireland...
did you speak to the hotel manager at the time this happened?? has the incident been noted?
This is very scary indeed! wandering around for 2 hrs!! My god :mad:
Oh my god. I cannot believe how awful this must have been for you. All I can say is that you should talk to a solicitor about suing them for the cost of the holiday and possibly special damages. I don't use the word 'traumatising' lightly but can only think it must apply here. Thank god your child was returned safely to you. Hope you are recovering from this shock.
What action or any would any body advise?
If you intend making a complaint against the tour operator then you need to do so within 28 days or so of your return under the terms & conditions of most or all booking agreement contracts.
If you intend making a complaint against the tour operator then you need to do so within 28 days or so of your return under the terms & conditions of most or all booking agreement contracts.
As it happens, I have a tour operator's brochure to hand, and not only does it say the above, but it also says that complaints will not be entertained upon return to Ireland if they were not registered in the resort when they arose.

Did you let your rep know about what happened, and by any chance did you get names and contact details of the people who found your daughter? I think perhaps you need to decide what you want out of this, i.e. do you want everyone in the kids' club to be fired, do you want the hotel to be fined, do you want the tour operator to stop using this particular accommodation, and so on. That will help you decide what steps you wish to take next. Personally I would be seeking legal advice.

I am horrified by your story and so relieved that we are not reading about a tragedy; it must be awful for you thinking of all those what-ifs, could haves etc. It's dreadful to think a kids' club isn't doing a head count every 15 minutes or so. Whatever course of action you choose to take, I wish you well.
You have me worried now as I am going to Lanzarote later this year and had intended leaving my kids in the kids club as they really enjoy it for a few hours each day. Can you post the name of the place or is that against AAM rules?
Tour operators will do their very best not to deal with these queries. The only way something possibly can be done is if you complained to your rep at the time over there and hotel management. They will drag it out as long as possible so you lose interest. Am speaking from experience. Don't give in!!!
Definitely seek legal advice and do not let this one go. I am hoping that you reported the incident on the day, so there should be some record when you follow up from this side now. Sorry you had such a scary experience.
Absolutely agree with Vanilla and MandaC, seek legal advise.
I can't even begin to imagine the horror you must have felt.
How on earth can a child get 'lost' by a kid's club?
They were acting in loco parentis when they ware caring your child.
I suggest putting all of this in writing, as welll as speaking to the company involved.
This is so serious an event however, that I would be inclined to speak with a solicitor prior to sending a letter, and then I would mention in the letter re having sought legal advise.
I wonder does the tour company have a vicarious liability for this episode, even if they try to say that it is not their responsibility?
Just wondering what, if any, sort of agreement/legal documentation you might have signed before entrusting the child to the kid's club? Obviously they cannot use this to disclaim responsibilities for the child but I'm just wondering if/how this might be viewed legally. Presumably your only course of action is to seek some sort of redress (what would you be looking for?) against the tour operator since pursuing the hotel itself is hardly feasible?