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Ryanair Welcomes Another Useless “Which” survey

Which magazine produced its latest loony member useless survey which proves –yet again- how out of touch Which magazine is, with the actual travelling public.

In the current year Ryanair will carry almost 60m passengers, more than double BA’s 28m, because passengers prefer Ryanair over BA’s high fares, fuel surcharges, delays and lost bags in Heathrow’s Terminal 5.

Similarly, EasyJet cannot match Ryanair’s prices, punctuality, passenger numbers or traffic growth.

Ryanair will continue to be the fastest growing airline by offering real passengers what they really want: safe, reliable, on-time flights at the lowest fares and with a no fuel surcharges guarantee. Meanwhile BA’s traffic will continue to fall and Which magazine will continue to produce irrelevant, useless and inaccurate surveys of its loony members.

Speaking today, Ryanair’s Daniel de Carvalho said:

“If you want low fares and great passenger service then follow our 60m passengers and fly Ryanair. If you want to buy a useless magazine with no insight whatsoever into air travel, then we strongly recommend “Which” – whose annual loony member survey is about as useful as a baggage tag in Terminal 5.”
Do Ryanair and Which have some connection. Are you saying the survey is biased?

Or are you just bashing Ryanair but won’t do it directly

“If you want low fares and great passenger service then follow our 60m passengers and fly Ryanair. If you want to buy a useless magazine with no insight whatsoever into air travel, then we strongly recommend “Which” – whose annual loony member survey is about as useful as a baggage tag in Terminal 5.”

More amusing statements from Ryanair, I'd say!
Are the first 4 paragraphs an extract from the Magazine?
Are the first 4 paragraphs an extract from the Magazine?

not quite ... I think they are direct from RyanAir's website. Rather abrasive if you ask me. Perhaps they weren't too happy with the results of the survey?

[broken link removed]
I fly Ryanair to Luton and East Midlands airport about once a month respectively. I fly them not because I want to but because I have to as no other airline flys in there from Dublin. I have found their planes cramped and uncomfortable, a lot of their staff badly trained and bordering on rude. I don't carry baggage other then my day bag and am getting slightly concerned at how their pilots seem determined to bang their planes down on the runway as fast and hard as they can get away with.

Ryanair provide choice in terms of location, are cheap and provide value for money, in other words, I'm paying peanuts so I don't have high expectations and Ryanair don't let me down on that front

However if I am flying anywhere for pleasure where there is an alternative airline I tend to go elsewhere. eg, if I am flying to London, I fly CItyjet to City airport, not much difference in price once I factor in trains and much better airport and service
Ryanair Welcomes Another Useless “Which” survey

Speaking today, Ryanair’s Daniel de Carvalho said:

“If you want low fares and great passenger service then follow our 60m passengers and fly Ryanair. If you want to buy a useless magazine with no insight whatsoever into air travel, then we strongly recommend “Which” – whose annual loony member survey is about as useful as a baggage tag in Terminal 5.”

LOL....that's a joke. I want low fares and I get them with Ryanair and I'm quite happy to do so extolling the virtues of a low-cost airline but give me a break on the "great passenger service". It's woeful service, I don't expect any different because of the price I pay but please don't try to convince me otherwise. I fly with Ryanair on business every second week and the service is terrible....but my company like the prices.

And I agree with the previous post about Ryanair landings, those pilots really know how to smack that runway....glad I don't wear dentures!!

Ryanair provide choice in terms of location, are cheap and provide value for money, in other words, I'm paying peanuts so I don't have high expectations and Ryanair don't let me down on that front.

Nicely put Mpsox. Although one of my expectations to date has been that Ryanair would actually fly out on the day that I booked. I've been bumped previously by a few hours but recently they bumped me by two days on 3 separate flights to Portugal. Now I know this is within their rights according to their own T&C's but this is more than a little ridiculous. End result is that I cancelled because Aer Lingus had actually dropped their prices from the time I reviewed all airlines in January and I'm flying with them for cheaper. So, all's well that ends well...but no thanks to Ryanair's "excellent customer service".
I haven't flown with them since they were incredibly rude to my wife over a year ago. I prefer to pay more simply to be treated as something other than a herd animal. I fly less these days, but that is probably good for the environment, so.
I prefer to pay more simply to be treated as something other than a herd animal.
For short haul flights, I don't mind being treated like a herd animal. I couldn't really care less about people being rude either, if the flight is cheap.

When I book a short-haul flight, all I'm interested in is getting from A to B, on time and as cheap as possible. They could remove all the seats and replace them with handles to hold onto and it wouldn't bother me - well as long as they also reduced the ticket price.

What really annoys me is the airport 'security' farce.
For short haul flights, I don't mind being treated like a herd animal. I couldn't really care less about people being rude either, if the flight is cheap.

Up until last year I would have agreed with you, but I seriously took offence at the way my Wife was treated. Up until then the shoddy continually delayed services had been bearable, but nasty mean mindedness I can't abide.
Up until last year I would have agreed with you, but I seriously took offence at the way my Wife was treated. Up until then the shoddy continually delayed services had been bearable, but nasty mean mindedness I can't abide.

Sorry to hear about your poor experience... but just to put the record straight; you're far more likely to be delayed on Aer Lingus or BA than Ryanair!
For short haul flights, I don't mind being treated like a herd animal. I couldn't really care less about people being rude either, if the flight is cheap.

I'd say a lot of people agree, have to admit I do. I've also seen more AL flights being late than Ryanair.
Not sure about BA or Aer Lingus but on time landings for Ryanair are 90% if you believe them. I normally take between 25 - 30 Ryanair flights a year and they get me to my destination on time about 70% of the time....who to believe???

Sorry to hear about your poor experience... but just to put the record straight; you're far more likely to be delayed on Aer Lingus or BA than Ryanair!
Sorry to hear about your poor experience... but just to put the record straight; you're far more likely to be delayed on Aer Lingus or BA than Ryanair!

My experience has been different with Aer Lingus, although obviously thats completely subjective, but they have always been unfailingly polite and pleasant whereas Ryanair, well, haven't.
Easyjet beat its no-frills rival Ryanair in a Which? survey of passengers, released today.
Almost one fifth of all the flights in the Which? airline survey were taken on these two airlines, but both lag behind their rivals in the ratings.
Neither airline scored highly for customer satisfaction in the survey of more than 30,000 Which? members.

Best of the UK carriers was Bournemouth-based, single-plane airline Palmair, which came top in the short-haul category with a score of 80%.
When it came to value for money, the best full-service carriers did just as well or better than Easyjet and Ryanair.
But no-frills doesn’t have to mean poor service, as Germanwings and Hungary’s Wizz Air were two of the highest-scoring short-haul airlines despite their no-frills approach.

However Easyjet got reasonable scores for the helpfulness and efficiency of cabin staff, cleanliness of aircraft and handling delays - Ryanair was rated poorly in all these areas.
Both airlines were rated poorly for food, comfort and pre-flight arrangements.
British Airways was the most frequently used airline in the survey, but it received distinctly average satisfaction scores for short- and long-haul flights and also fared badly for delays on its short-haul flights.
Long haul

Passengers flying long-haul were more likely overall to be satisfied with their airline’s service - Singapore Airlines came top in the long-haul category and India’s Jet Airways and Air New Zealand also got excellent ratings for customer satisfaction.
Which? editor Neil Fowler said: ‘You might think that you get what you pay for, but the best European no-frills airlines prove that you can offer a stripped down service at a good price and keep your customers happy.
‘As for Ryanair and Easyjet, they might be cheap, but if you want great customer service then look elsewhere.’