One vote makes no difference



I have never voted in my life and have no plans to change that in teh future.

My main reason being, I'm a firm believer in the mantra one vote makes no difference and have yet to find anyone to give me a rational argument to suggest to me that i am incorrect.

Anyone up for teh challenge ?

My logic is based on probability
i.e. the likelihood of my vote having any difference to the overall outcome is basically nil.

Given that it is such a slim probability then i am more than prepared to take my chances and continue to never vote.
Probably best for the rest of us that you continue not voting...
well that's always the attitude - but try to fault my logic if you can.

It is faultless.
Seriously, why would I want to bother? What's so important about your vote?
Its all down to your personal preference. If you can't be bothered to participate in the democratic process and have your voice heard then so be it. If you want other people to make the decisions that you are unwilling to make for yourself go right ahead. If you feel that you don't want to exercise your democratic right to vote, a right that people have died to attain, a right that millions don't even have, fair enough.

One request though: When everyone else makes the decision for you, don't complain if you don't agree with it.
shame though- our forefathers fought so that we could vote - anyways shanegl made the point so don't complain
Its all down to your personal preference. If you can't be bothered to participate in the democratic process and have your voice heard then so be it. If you want other people to make the decisions that you are unwilling to make for yourself go right ahead. If you feel that you don't want to exercise your democratic right to vote, a right that people have died to attain, a right that millions don't even have, fair enough.

One request though: When everyone else makes the decision for you, don't complain if you don't agree with it.

I agree with you to a point.

However - it's not so much that i couldn't be bothered (although admittedy that is a large part of it) - but it's more of a probability issue.

The reality is that statistically speaking it's pretty much as good a nailed on certainty you'll ever find that 1 vote won't make the difference.

I'm coming at this from a mathematical angle.

It's just pointless. It will have zereo impact in teh end.
shanegl, someone starting this thread less than an hour AFTER the polls close on one of the most contentious votes in recent history is clearly a troll, so I wouldn't bother...
shanegl, someone starting this thread less than an hour AFTER the polls close on one of the most contentious votes in recent history is clearly a troll, so I wouldn't bother...

A troll ? That's a good one.

All i'm saying is that my logic is correct.

People have been brainwashed through the years into thibking that anyone that has my viewpoint on teh topc is basically an idiot.

However - the reality is the logic lies with me for reasons i've outlined above.

And fact is fact - we all know that no one can dispute my logic.
Oh sorry, I hadn't realised there was logic in there somewhere. Let me go back and see if I can find it...
A troll ? That's a good one.

All i'm saying is that my logic is correct.

People have been brainwashed through the years into thibking that anyone that has my viewpoint on teh topc is basically an idiot.

However - the reality is the logic lies with me for reasons i've outlined above.

And fact is fact - we all know that no one can dispute my logic.

Follow your logic through to its natural conclusion to see how absurd it is.
Follow your logic through to its natural conclusion to see how absurd it is.

Well why don't you do it for me.

That's why i'm posting the topic here.

Because for me I have followed it through to it's natural conclusion.

What else is there on it?

Unless you're referring to the old chestnut "WHat if everyone thought like that" ?

Well my response to that is, in practice, (and that is the important bit here), that would never happen.
And with tha in mind, for me to take it upon myself, while minding my own business and choosing not to vote will have no impact whatsoever.
"logic" based on probability? Surely that is called gambling.

Anyway qwertyuiop go right ahead and not bother, by the same logic it makes my vote that tiny bit more valuable in the end!

Voting isn't about being the lynch-pin to every decision made, I have no delusions of such grandeur or pretensions to same. But when I am asked nicely for my opinion I feel it is both courteous and sensible that I respond. That I am not the only person being asked does not make me feel any less relevant or important.
"logic" based on probability? Surely that is called gambling.

Anyway qwertyuiop go right ahead and not bother, by the same logic it makes my vote that tiny bit more valuable in the end!

Voting isn't about being the lynch-pin to every decision made, I have no delusions of such grandeur or pretensions to same. But when I am asked nicely for my opinion I feel it is both courteous and sensible that I respond. That I am not the only person being asked does not make me feel any less relevant or important.

Well if you're voting out of courtesy then that's different.

I admire your courteous nature.

I'm just saying there is no incentive for me to get off the couch and vote because basically I can say with near certainty that it's gonna make absolutely no bit of difference to teh outcome in the end.
I'm just saying there is no incentive for me to get off the couch and vote because basically I can say with near certainty that it's gonna make absolutely no bit of difference to teh outcome in the end.

Aw qwertyuiop, don't be sad, even if you don't change the outcome you still matter :)

Why the fascination with being the one to make a difference?
qwertyuiop, are you on the register of electors? If so it seems a bit wasteful given the postage costs etc. if you never plan to vote. Any chance you'd take yourself off it please?
nah, I'm reckoning he'd fancy being "Master of the Universe" that way ALL his votes would make a difference ;)
Who needs friends when you can have subjects!
Aw qwertyuiop, don't be sad, even if you don't change the outcome you still matter :)

Why the fascination with being the one to make a difference?

There's no fascination with it.

I am fascinated however how most people seem to overlook this glaringly obvious statistical fact.
One vote makes no difference

Not a very good reason to abstain from the democratic process. You can cite mathematical clap-trap all you want, but it's wasted on me so don't go there. Does your failure to vote also mean you don't bother to acquaint yourself with the issues?

well that's always the attitude - but try to fault my logic if you can.
It is faultless.

Is that what you want your kids to believe?

And with that in mind, for me to take it upon myself, while minding my own business and choosing not to vote will have no impact whatsoever

Yes it will, it will make most normal people think you are a jack-ass.