Is the Renault Megane a girls car ?


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My brother is considering buying a Megane, it's 1.5 diesel, and its fuel efficient, and under 120g/Km co2. It ticks all the environmental boxes and it's cheap to tax and run, and is well engineered according to the reviews.

But the marketing of this car suggests it was aimed at the female market, is it true ?

Looks like the design was influenced by the female body form, especially the boot, and the marketing emphasised this fact. Some would argue that it's a very feminine looking car, and that's the vibe renault have tried to create.

I know every car can be driven equally well by man and woman, but some cars are clearly aimed at one sex or another.

A bit like the Citroen xsara a few years ago, the ads showed Claudia Schiffer getting out of a yellow edition of the car. She looked very good, and the car looked OK too. It looked like a car for aspirational females.

Same with the new VW Beetle, you see a lot of them with a flower on the inside, the car definitely gives a very feminine vibe, my wife has one, and it really is a fantastic car.

My question, do people feel the Megane is a womans car, or am I just being really stupid.
ah sure, why would he do that?, this guy hides the bank statements from his wife, I reckon he has something against women:)
if you like the car then go for it. I do know two people that have had a lot of trouble with the megane. But they were both petrol. The diesels are always more reliable. I don't think it's a girls car really. If you drive with the weakest petrol possible, well then it's a girls car, because women don't usually go for cars with a bit of poke. They usually go for what's the cheapest of any model. Why not cheak out the new bravo. Wait until the 1.6 diesels come out. Don't believe what people tell you of fiat, These days they are as good as any. And are new and fresh and not too many about!
If you drive with the weakest petrol possible, well then it's a girls car, because women don't usually go for cars with a bit of poke. They usually go for what's the cheapest of any model.

Cheek:mad: and of course you will be able to cite research to back up your statement.
Cheek:mad: and of course you will be able to cite research to back up your statement.

It's a fact eileen alana. Most women think cheap when buyng a car. I'm just going by what women say to me, because I like to talk about cars. Most women say all they want is a car that's cheap to buy and run. And why are you so angry? have you got something wrong with women buying cheap cars? Or maybe you didn't like a male saying that perhaps?
"Haelp! Haelp!"
lol DrMorarty. funny. eileen alana will be after you for that lol.
I know someone who bought one and had nothing but problems the minute they drove out of the garage. Also, isn't it 'the car with the ass'? That's how it was marketed!