Gardai using mobile phones while driving ..



Over the last week, I have seen about 3 different gardai driving around while talking on their mobile phone. Each time there was another Garda in the passenger seat.

Is it one law for us and another for them ? Is there any law exempting them from prosecution for this ?
Gardai use mobile phones because of scanners. criminals can listen to the two way radios, so they use mobiles to avoid criminals hearing their movements.
Gardai use mobile phones because of scanners. criminals can listen to the two way radios, so they use mobiles to avoid criminals hearing their movements.

I'd be inclined to think we all make personal calls during work hours, why should the Gardai be any different?
I'd be inclined to think we all make personal calls during work hours, why should the Gardai be any different?

Well if you read the title of the thread you'll see the op's point ! It's about using phones while driving, it's illegal.
Because I told you already. These are the persons who are dealing with enforcing the law, not organising a tea party.
And most decent employers and companies restrict personal calls to emergencies only.
They dont have radios any more, they are given phone to contact the stations, grow up the lot of ye, what whinging nation we have become. There has been plenty of previous threads on this topic, its even been on Joe Duffy, and still people whinge. If that is all that bothering ye, i had my house bugled two months ago, and i was glad they had some form of communication with them. They told me for a long time the radios were so bad, they had to use there own mobiles to contact the stations, and eventually about 2 years ago they were offically issued with phone that they can only use at work instead of radios. Why do people in ireland now always want to think the worst.
Perhaps the Gardai should lead by example ? Using a mobile phone whilst driving is illegal, the Gardai are not above the law, it doesn't set a very good example to, in particular, younger drivers to see the enforcers of the law actually breaking those very laws.;)
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....and eventually about 2 years ago they were offically issued with phone that they can only use at work instead of radios.
It begs the question why they weren't also issued with hands free kits for use while driving (or if they have why they're not being used)... or at least use the speaker phone.
I can't believe the attitude of many people here...

If there is a problem with radios why isn't this country's police force issued with upgraded radios, instead of mobile phones... seems pathetic to me, typical Irish solution to a simple problem.

Secondly it's not the use of the mobile that's illegal while driving, it's holding it in your hand... what prevents the police from using hands free kits like everyone else? Are they completely incapable of even trying to observe the law?

Obviously I have little respect for them but that is because they seem to think that being a guard allows you to disregard the very law you are sworn to uphold...

In other countries I believe individual rank and file guards would be prosecuted for breaking the law.. here everyone gets behind them and makes excuses for them.. pathetic and it damages us all...
The original poster obviously has a grudge must have been caught driving with the phone.Poor you get over it ,the guards have a tough enough job and small minded people making making useless statements dont help.
If there is a problem with radios why isn't this country's police force issued with upgraded radios

This is in the process of being done, my boyfriend is in this section and they are putting alot of funds and time into making sure the airwaves are secure
I understand that they need phones to communicate but why was the driver on the phone and not the one in the passenger seat??

Lead by example.
Because I told you already. These are the persons who are dealing with enforcing the law, not organising a tea party.

The last I heard Ireland is a democratic society governed by the rule of law, all treated equally.

Of course you can daily witness the Gardai driving illegally, the worst I seen was a GArda wagon driving up Abbey st on the Luas tracks the Garda driver munching a sandwich whilst talking happily on the mobile.

As most drivers have seen the Gardai using mobiles, openly flouting the law it is obvious they need to get their own house in order.

How can the authorities expect anyone to have respect for road traffic laws when the Gardai may be witnessed daily flouting them?
I never have used my mobile while driving

i seriously dont believe that, next time you see a guard on the phone driving if you feel so strongly!!! why dont you take the car reg and then ring HQ or even better the ombudsman and file you complaint and tell them its illegal!!!.Log the date and time and they will have a record of who is driving.
What the people that are supporting the guards on this one are forgetting is that driving while holding a mobile is illegal for a reason not as a convenience. It was seen as a contributing factor to road accidents and the 'carnage on our roads' they not only should be obeying the law, they should be respecting us the citizens they are supposed to be protecting by not driving in an irresponsible manner. While they are at it the advanced driving courses they do should include using indicators and the other basics that us mere mortals abide by.
Section 3 of the Road Traffic Act 2006 makes it an offence to drive a vehicle while holding a mobile phone. An offence is committed by holding a mobile phone while driving and matters such as whether or not the phone was being used or switched on at the time are not relevant.
"Bluetooth" and other hands-free devices do not come within the scope of the prohibition. The definition of 'holding a mobile phone' covers holding it by hand or supporting it with some other part of the body. The definition prohibits the practice of cradling a mobile phone in the nook of the neck and shoulder.
From Autumn 2006, the offence will attract 2 penalty points on payment of a fixed charge and 4 penalty points on conviction. In addition, a person could face a maximum fine of €2,000 on conviction"

More information here -
Guards do have digital radio now that cannot be scanned. I had noticed guards driving with the mobile phone up to their ear even going around roundabouts in transit vans.

So it appears to be a case of do as I say not as I do.