Gardai using mobile phones while driving ..

FOR all who are so upset by the actions of guards on phones!!

You can make a complaint to the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission in the following ways:If you feel so annoyed about it invest some of your time in pursuing a complaint.If i felt so strongly as some of you do i would report it.Sure lets us know how you get on with it

In Person
  • Call into our headquarters at 150 Abbey Street Upper, Dublin 1
  • To the Garda Commissioner or any member of An Garda Síochána at any Garda Station
  • To any member of An Garda Síochána at or above the rank of Chief Superintendent at any place
In writing
  • Send your complaint in writing to 150 Abbey Street Upper, Dublin 1
    or by fax to 01 814 70 23
  • Online by using the online complaints form
Right... I`ve just called across the road into the station and i`ve just been told the following - "GARDAI ARE EXEMPT FROM ALL TRAFFIC LAWS"... :eek:
ha ha ha ..unbelievable attitude !!!
You still don't get it, do you...its not about being upset ..its illegal

buffett - you should really check out what is illegal and what is not before starting a thread.They are exempt so DEAL WITH IT!!!
this is my last post because you are getting yourself worked up about it.
BOTTOM LINE IS THEY ARE EXEMPT ,you and other members of the public may not be happy about it but that is just how it is.As i said before if you need clarifaction and i think you do contact the ombudsman.In the line of work they are exempt but when they are not working they are liable for prosecution just like you and me.I think you have may a the green eyed monster syndrome.I have heard applications are out soon so apply and you can drive with phone while on duty.

Which is simply incorrect.

They are exempt under certain conditions - one of which is not putting other road users in danger.

Using a mobile whilst driving clearly does put others in danger, as it has been made illegal for everyone else.
This is far from a bottom line.

Even if they are/were exempt (I wouldn't claim to know either way, although from the information posted by multiple users I'd tend to think they shouldn't be exempt) it's a dangerous practice which shouldn't be allowed.

There are extremely simple solutions (hands free kits, speaker phones, etc.) which would provide a safe solution to the issue at a fairly neglible cost. To see these being avoided/ignored due to a claimed "exemption" is simply not acceptable from a public safety point of view.
Went past a parked garda van recently and both gardai in it were smoking!!!!!!

The most interesting thing I find with Operation Freeflow at Christmas time is the amount of Gardai that stand at junctions sending text messages or playing with their mobiles
The most interesting thing I find with Operation Freeflow at Christmas time is the amount of Gardai that stand at junctions sending text messages or playing with their mobiles

And just how do you know that they arent texting headquarters with some vital piece of information to help solve a crime? :rolleyes:
Gardai use mobile phones because of scanners. criminals can listen to the two way radios, so they use mobiles to avoid criminals hearing their movements.
Hey Mercman, are you serious? I seem to remember reading an article about Charles Windsor mobile talking to his (then) bit-on-the-side .......... and explaining how he would like to be morphed into something that would fit snugly inside her. Anyway, the whole sorry state of affairs finished up on the front pages of an English sunday paper. So much for the boys-in-blue using them to outfox crimnals!:confused:
Which is simply incorrect.

They are exempt under certain conditions - one of which is not putting other road users in danger.

Exactly, I thought the Gardai being "exempt from all traffic laws" only applied when dealing with an emergency?
I saw a Garda car speeding the wrong way down a main road in Rathfarnham a couple of years ago, and nearly running into another car and causing a serious accident. The car then turned at top speed into the Garda Station and 3 guards got out carrying sandwiches and headed into the station. I have also regularly seen Garda Cars parked on double yellow lines outside shops while the Guards are inside buying their lunch.
I saw a Garda car speeding the wrong way down a main road in Rathfarnham a couple of years ago, and nearly running into another car and causing a serious accident. The car then turned at top speed into the Garda Station and 3 guards got out carrying sandwiches and headed into the station.

But maybe it was an emergency - how do you know the sandwiches were not under arrest?

They could have been picked up in a local supermarket, suspected of disturbing the peas...

I saw a Garda car speeding the wrong way down a main road in Rathfarnham a couple of years ago, and nearly running into another car and causing a serious accident. The car then turned at top speed into the Garda Station and 3 guards got out carrying sandwiches and headed into the station. I have also regularly seen Garda Cars parked on double yellow lines outside shops while the Guards are inside buying their lunch.

I've seen far worse from the Guards in Rathfarnham...
But maybe it was an emergency - how do you know the sandwiches were not under arrest?

They could have been picked up in a local supermarket, suspected of disturbing the peas...


I hope they didn't end up with egg on their faces...
Don't stop there???

I don't want to bore people with a detailed rant but my experiences of my local police have been universally bad to the point of endangering my family on one occasion. Suffice to say that the next time someone breaks into my house the police will be called to clean up the mess, not sort it out.
I saw a Garda car speeding the wrong way down a main road in Rathfarnham a couple of years ago, and nearly running into another car and causing a serious accident. The car then turned at top speed into the Garda Station and 3 guards got out carrying sandwiches and headed into the station.
You really have to report situations like this if things are ever going to change.