HSE industrial action


Registered User
hope this is in the right thread, just wondering what people think about hse staff announcing industrial action yesterday
There's a lot to be said for and against. Certainly people have been messed around with contracts etc..

However, there is a lot of reform needed among workers themselves. The creation of all of those grade 8 posts was a joke; many of them weren't needed. The HSE is so highly unionised that workers feel they are entitled to serious pay increases without always delivering. Conversely there are many unsung heroes doing thankless work in the HSE that are actually paid less than they should be.

I'd love to see a whistle-blower clean up administration though. They could start by banning use of taxis and clamp down on people claiming mileage for travel when they're actually travelling by train! Grrrrr.

I'm torn on the issue of industrial action. I hope noone in my family needs A&E in the next weeks!
the problem with delivering the new transformation programme is that brendan drumm and mary harney have put a halt to the filling of new posts that are required, most at very basic grades, to provide these services, they are also not replacing staff on maternity leave etc which is putting terrible pressure on existing staff to cover two jobs, a simple example would be a medical secretary on maternity leave there is no one to make appointments for clinics, run clinics, type letters eg discharge letters to gp's. i agree with the top jobs that were created were a waste, but for the ordinary clerical officer in the hse it is a joke!!! the only solution to this is to enforce industrial action and hope those two jokers step down!!!!! the industrial action has my full support!!!!
I can see a hugh upwards spike in the sick leave this summer because of the non granting of term time etc.

Brendan Drumm will step down as soon as his contract is up I'd say myself he can't wait. I myself think Mary H will go as soon as the Consultants sign up to the new contract but who will take over.
i just hope that everyone supports hse staff in the industrial action cause if not health services are gonna get a hell of a lot worse!!!!!
To top this off management now refuse to pay anybody who miss 2 or more days over the summer due to illness. Crazy

Can you expand on this? Missing 2 or more days without a sick note is generally not permitted in the private sector anyway. It just sounds like they are enforcing existing rules rather than creating new ones?
Can you expand on this? Missing 2 or more days without a sick note is generally not permitted in the private sector anyway. It just sounds like they are enforcing existing rules rather than creating new ones?

The HSE has a very attractive sick pay scheme. The practice was that you could be uncertified for 2 days before requiring a cert but if a manager felt that someone was abusing the sick leave (and there are plenty), s/he could insist on a cert for each day (following discussion). There is a practice in some areas of taking this further where you would dock for each sick day sick but this is not widely practiced yet.

The HSE board have asked senior management to reduce sick pay by 10% this year and I feel with the current restrictions this will be unacheivable as I believe we are going to see a spike in sick leave in the coming months.
i just hope that everyone supports hse staff in the industrial action cause if not health services are gonna get a hell of a lot worse!!!!!
Worse in what way? There are plenty of recently publicised examples that indicate from a client perspective it couldn't possibly get much worse.

The entire system is in need of radical change from top to bottom, its costing more and more money to deliver diminishing services and I don't see that industrial action will change any of this.
How is this a "Work, Careers, Un/employment, Further Education/Training" topic?
by getting worse i mean it will be harder to get access to health services such as for example home helpers for the elderly as there wont be the staff to provide them because of funding, bed closures in hospitals to keep in with budgets, huge waiting lists ......it is bad now but can get a whole lot worse. The Hse industrial action is NOT ABOUT PAY but the filling of posts to provide services. and yes i agree the health service requires a complete overhall cause it isnt working
Any group of people who work such short hours cannot be taken seriously when they complain about staff shortages.
Of course it's about pay. Who's going to pay the extra staff? We already spend a fortune on health. Tell you what, if it's not about pay, why don't you see if the strikers will pay for the new staff out of their own wages?
Or since they are doing this for the public and not for themselves why don’t they employ a polling company to find out if the public support their actions?
39 hours plus paid overtime where necessary. No public sector employee should work less than 39 hours a week.
Does that include time spent on the HSE corporate network voting for a colleague and phoning Joe Duffy on successive days about not winning a competition despite all the votes their work colleagues posted on their behalf?
Does that include time spent on the HSE corporate network voting for a colleague and phoning Joe Duffy on successive days about not winning a competition despite all the votes their work colleagues posted on their behalf?

:D cynical?

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