How do you know if something is legal or illegal?


Registered User
Is there some kind of central repository that a member of the public can consult to know if something is legal or illegal?
The Gardai, or for a fee, their local friendly solicitor? Or possibly even the Department of Justice if you've got time to spare, Citizens Advice or FLAC.
There is something Im specifically wondering about the legality of, Ive asked a few guards, they dont know, Ive asked a solicitor (friend) - he didnt know.

Perhaps Ill try the Dept of Justice!
There is something Im specifically wondering about the legality of, Ive asked a few guards, they dont know, Ive asked a solicitor (friend) - he didnt know.

Perhaps Ill try the Dept of Justice!

If the guards and your solicitor friends don't know then don't raise the eyebrows of the dept of Justice!

Leave well alone - you might get away with it - whatever it is. ;)
I dont know if anyone on here will actually know the answer - its a specialised type of a query - Im more interested to find out how I could find out what the answer is!
alright alright!!

Astronomy. Green laser pointers. 50mW output. Class IIIb lasers. Are they illegal in Ireland?
The Irish Aviation Authorty might be a good place to start as there are rules regarding the shining of lasers and lights into the sky and their impact on aircraft.
The Irish Aviation Authorty might be a good place to start as there are rules regarding the shining of lasers and lights into the sky and their impact on aircraft.

You cannot use a laser pointing device within a certain range of an airport or landing facility - they dont have any info beyond that.
walk up to a Garda, point it in his face/eyes and see what he does (to you).
walk up to a Garda, point it in his face/eyes and see what he does (to you).

Well thats a slightly different question. If I hit a Garda with a baseball bat then Ill be done for assualt - but its not illegal for me to own a baseball bat.