A user who hasnt enough posts to post here pm'd me and gave me some very relevant info on my question - I asked if I could post it here as it adds useful information to the thread:
I can't post on the Shooting the Breeze thread, but if you do a search on
www.irishstatutebook.ie for weapon the most relevant piece of legislation is the Firearms and Offensive Weapons Act, 1990
This Act covers the definition of a "weapon of offence". Lasers aren't specifically included but infra-red sights for guns are.
Also Section 9(4) of the Act is noteworthy:
"Where a person, without lawful authority of reasonable excuse (the onus of proving which shall lie on him), has with him in any public place -
(a) any flick knife, or
(b) any other article whatsoever made or adapted for use causing injury to or incapacitating a person,
he shall be guilty of an offence
The other relevant Act is the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act, 1997 have a look at the definition of assault under Section 2.
This includes the application of light to a person. So it's not necessarily what you own, it's what you do with it that's the problem. Just don't go shining the laser into the eyes of a Garda or you could be done for assault.
Good Luck,
Thanks Dachshund, I was concerned that possession alone could be an offence, but judging by above it would not be - and if only used for purposes for which it was made (i.e., astronomy) it is probably ok.