Wedding booked Travel agency being really rude



just posting my frustation , i have a group booking for about 20 plus family and friends for my wedding in barbados.Just looked at my invoice and the agent has 3 surnames wrong.I have a copy of my email that i sent so her attention to detail worries me.I rang to speak with the manager who was not helpful but arrogant.i said i was concerned if she cant get the names right and there is a problem with the flight itenary.She said to me we are not in the habit of booking phantom weddings for you and it is booked.This is really stressing me out.She was the manager so where do i go from now?
any advice appreciated

i have paid €200 deposit along with my family members.I would loose my deposit if i cancel now so have to stay with them
where do i go from now?
Write to them asking them to ensure that the correct names are put on the tickets to avoid any inconvenience, expense, delay etc. and asking them to confirm that there are no other problems with the booking.

yes im going to go up myself in person.What annoys me how they dismiss you and not even an apology.My family and my partner are spening nearly €40,000 for this.I wish i had gone to another agent but its to late to change now.
No offence but you might be better sending up somebody who won't get so irate by the sounds of it. You want somebody polite but firm if there are issues that you want to straighten out. You want to avoid a shouting match.
hi clubman

at no stage would i get in to a shouting match i think you have me wrong.Would you be happy if the shoe was on the other foot.My point is how rude the manager was and was most unhelpful.I will be calling up in person and i would never dream of shouting at the manager.I have never come across a service like this.Afer all it is not a lads week end away it is my wedding and i am within my right to be annoyedl.

yes im going to go up myself in person.What annoys me how they dismiss you and not even an apology.My family and my partner are spening nearly €40,000 for this.I wish i had gone to another agent but its to late to change now.

If you are spending that kind of money on the whole thing maybe €200 would not be alot to forfeit and go elsewhere. You might even get a better deal elesewhere.
Clubman has a point. Weddings are stressful at the best of times and it is irritating when things don't go smoothly. The manager was wrong to be rude but as you state you're stuck with them so you need to be as business like as possible with them and if it really really frustrates you then you're better off having someone else deal with them

everybody has paid a €200 deposit esch so we would all loose this.€40,000 is the total amount spent by my family and is expensive enough and im sure his family cant afford to throw away €200.not an option to change now.
There's no need to forfeit anything. As far as I can tell the agency have done two things wrong and both of them can be fixed easily.

1) they got spellings wrong on the tickets - write to them pointing out that they got those details wrong and ask for them to be fixed. Include reference to the original email. They can't deny these details so they really have to fix it for you.
2) they dealt with you poorly and were rude - *after* you get the tickets sorted out then go back to them and tell them that you were annoyed. They may shrug their shoulders or they may apologise, but regardless of that none of it will be any use unless you have your tickets sorted out so deal with #1 first.

1) they got spellings wrong on the tickets - write to them pointing out that they got those details wrong and ask for them to be fixed. Include reference to the original email. They can't deny these details so they really have to fix it for you.

Also, and make sure you put all your points in writing, ensure that the amendments to the tickets will be covered by the Travel Agent. Most Airlines seem to charge for a name change on tickets (even if only a spelling mistake), and you should not be liable for thier mistake.

Good luck on the big day anyhoo :)
I think that a "lads weekend" away deserves the same treatment/courtesy as your wedding trip.

lads away are usually treated first class. just before Christmas arrived at hotel, who had no record of booking. 'Lad' who booked didn't of course take paper copy with him ( waaaaaay to much to expect). Hotel check in clerk just asked what rate we were quoted and accepted it. no problem.

I too might forfeit the £200 to avoid dealing with a travel agency who don't appear to want the business. or maybe cancel all the booking bar one and let the deposit stand for the one.