Have you started Christmas shopping yet?


Registered User
Last night I went into town and bought loads of stuff. Lights, new balls for tree etc etc. I mean LOADS!! Also got some christmas cards and Im going to have them all ready just to post nearer the time. Have alot to write for US and here.

Last year I left it all till very last minute and found the shelves were nearly empty of all the good stuff. Like lights and stuff especially.

So im already in gear...oh I cant wait I love christmas.

I know some people are going to come on here and be like go away its November but Im sure their's other christmas fans on here!!

And if youve any good Christmas gift idea's throw them in for wife's/husbands/partners etc would be great to hear!

:) :p :D :cool:
Ahhh DrM!!!

demoivre, why you buy stuff in January for xmas so does that mean you have all your xmas shopping done? Im so jealous.

Protocol, just had a look at that website seems great full of stuff. do you get a discount for the more you order. I just had a quick look at the perfumes.
Totally on top of things and have finished my christmas shopping (last item bought last week) ;)

...and I hate christmas BTW...
Fair play for being organised but I really think the world has gone mad when Xmas stuff is in the shops before Halloween - is there no rest between consumer 'seasons'???

I really don't mean this as 'bah -humbug' but what really galls me is how schmaltzy, American-style Xmas music is piped out onto O'Connell Street in Dublin outside a certain rather huge department store opposite the GPO - I find it extremely annoying. The 'holidays are coming' Budweiser ad on TV is enough to make me reach for the remote as well.

Have to start Xmas shopping early too because of having to be away this year - ah yes, there's nothing quite like tearing round town in a panic on the 23/24th wondering what to get for people...
well done to you Caveat I wish I was finished. I have a little girl and I just love Christmas for her she's so excited about santa and all the decorations and lights!!

Paulone, i think your right about the xmas stuff in shops before halloween its a bit ott. After Halloween is ok!
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I have half my shopping done and plan to have the rest done by mid November. I just have to think of something to get my Dad.

I love Christmas!
Yes, there are discounts available at www.strawberrynet.com

You get a bulk discount of 5% if you order 3 or more items.

You also get a loyaltly discount depending on how many orders you have made.

I am on my 9th order and so get 5% off.

I always choose to pay in USD as the CC exchange rate is better than the euro prices on the website.

One point: due to aviation regulations, they have started charging 10% postage, just on fragrances/perfumes. Up to 10 euro max. But my two discounts offset this.
Yes, there are discounts available at www.strawberrynet.com

You get a bulk discount of 5% if you order 3 or more items.

You also get a loyaltly discount depending on how many orders you have made.

I am on my 9th order and so get 5% off.

I always choose to pay in USD as the CC exchange rate is better than the euro prices on the website.

One point: due to aviation regulations, they have started charging 10% postage, just on fragrances/perfumes. Up to 10 euro max. But my two discounts offset this.

The last two times I ordered from strawberrynet I got charged customs, which was almost as much as the cost of the products (but still a bit cheaper than buying them in Ireland).
Originally Posted by Protocol http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?p=515548#post515548
Yes, I have bought online from www.strawberrrynet.com

Hey there is no tools here :D

There is tools in there...plenty of girl tools.

I don't really like the run up to Xmas, the traffic, queues...I get a bit depressed about a week before hand cos so many people are miserable at Xmas but I do love Xmas Day and Stephens Day.

As for presents....vouchers all the way!!!
Ahhh DrM!!!

demoivre, why you buy stuff in January for xmas so does that mean you have all your xmas shopping done? Im so jealous.

I was having a laugh ! Shops usually sell off lights, decorations etc in January for a fraction of the pre Christmas price so herself usually adds to the mountain of stuff we already have - kids love em! I hate shopping but the wife loves it so she usually does all the pressie/ santa shopping, which she generally starts in mid November.
In one way I'm kind of organised, cause apart from my children and my sister I never buy anyone anything other than wine and whiskey. And I stock up on that on our twice yearly trips to France. Mr.V will get nothing as per unwritten agreement once first child born and vice versa. Sister will get most thoughtful present cos she's great and children will get present that I think will entertain them, hopefully keep them quiet for a bit ( enabling me to do things like slouch on couch with glass of wine = I am bad mother), and a bonus if there's a bit of education involved. I was in Early Learning Centre and oldest wants pink keyboard so that's one sorted. Mind you youngest also wants pink keyboard so we'll have to see about that. Actually that's a fight waiting to happen but sure that's christmas for you...
hopefully keep them quiet for a bit ( enabling me to do things like slouch on couch with glass of wine = I am bad mother), and a bonus if there's a bit of education involved.
You could try reading a book while you get sozzled - would that help? :)
Every time I buy a sunday newspaper or a magazine I look wistfully at the recommended reading or book reviews. Actually being able to read the sunday newspaper, the kerryman or a magazine is already a bit of a bonus. As for books...well I think i might have to put that off until the children go to university...
I've already started my Christmas shopping, I've just bought this:

[broken link removed]

for me!