Have you started Christmas shopping yet?

Jeez, just what I always wanted. Must get meself 2 of them in case the first one gets worn out with too much work ;)

No, if you really want to splash out get yourself this as well:

[broken link removed]

This plane compliments the other one!
glad to hear everybody's shopping is coming along! I myself grabbed a few bargains this weekend.

Is it just me or is the shops more busy this time this year than this time last year? god that sounded confusing :confused:
glad to hear everybody's shopping is coming along! I myself grabbed a few bargains this weekend.

Is it just me or is the shops more busy this time this year than this time last year? god that sounded confusing :confused:

Did think they were busy this week-end alright. One good point that I noticed recently is that some of the receipts being issued at the moment are valid for returns up to 7th January which is definitely well outside the usual 28 days return policy.
I can't believe the posts on this thread! some of ye have finished yer shopping! Ye Gods! What has Ireland come to? A year long holiday season?! Christmas runs into Valentines, runs into Paddy's Week (not Day any more, I notice), which runs into Easter, which runs into the 2-holiday Summer, which runs into Halloween, which runs inot/overlaps with Christmas season.....
I can't believe the posts on this thread! some of ye have finished yer shopping! Ye Gods! What has Ireland come to? A year long holiday season?! Christmas runs into Valentines, runs into Paddy's Week (not Day any more, I notice), which runs into Easter, which runs into the 2-holiday Summer, which runs into Halloween, which runs inot/overlaps with Christmas season.....

TBH, in my case doing the shopping early is a necessary evil. I hate christmas so being left with last minute shopping on top of everything else would have pushed me over the edge.
I've done all my Christmas shopping already because my bf and I are visiting our respective families early in December (we're spending xmas in Dublin but our families live abroad). It was mostly done online on CDWOW, Amazon, Play.com and Firebox.com - all deliveries came on time and without problems. It's a relief to have it all done to be honest!
I've just returned from holidays in Egypt and it was a shock to the system to see Christmas trees & decorations around the shops in Paris CDG airport (since there were no such items in Egypt....:)). Same story when I got back from China a few years ago.

I refuse to recognise the approach of Christmas until after mid-November!
I second the good Dr's "Bah humbug"!!
yup i'm all finished as of today, i've a lot of people to cover decemeber is always a mad month, so its nice to shop in relative ease. My front bedroom looks like a shop! can't wait until a sunday in december I'll have christmas songs playing the tree up and I'll wrap them all. "its the most wonderful time....." :)
Im still not finished :( Ive all my cards, bought, wrote, and addressed though so i guess thats one thing.

I find the mornings are much quieter to go looking for christmas presents and like to get home before the mad afternoon when everyone desends on the town!!! Got a lovely snowman decoration yesterday for 10euro was 50 oh what a bargain..hehe I love bargains :) no wonder im trying to sell all my junk on ebay!!!!
Are you trying to suggest that this is a rubbish thread?

The Cheek of you!!! :rolleyes:

Oh yeah and I dont think Clubman has had to do any moderating to this thread.

No, I wasn't. It was a light-hearted comment referring to various other threads, which Clubman would understand.

Still, don't let that get in the way of a rant, if you feel the need. :p

Merry Christmas