Castlerock, Castleconnell, Co. Limerick


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Any thoughts on the above estate, we are interested in buying on this side of limerick city.
Its being developed by Fleming Construction, anyone have any experiences to share about this developer???
John Fleming, I think, from Courtmacsherry. Big in West Cork and has now moved beyond that area to Cork City and elsewhere. Some of the stuff I've seen in Cork City looks class, though I don't know what market this is set to.
if you hear anymore would u mind either posting or PM me .. looks interestimng and i would like to know how advanced is the scheme
Just put deposit on a house there. I have 2 weeks to pull out if I need to. These are steel frame fusion homes and I'm looking for information about steel frame homes. Are wireless communications badly affected? Is there difficulty mounting stuff on steel batons in the walls? I can't find much information about this type of house construction.
if you hear anymore would u mind either posting or PM me .. looks interestimng and i would like to know how advanced is the scheme

What do you want to know? The first phase is finished - as far as i know all the smaller units are sold, 2 5 bed detached and one 4 bed semi left in that. second phase is under construction and they have a few releases left in that, mixed sizes available. After taht they can go for planning on the lower end of the site. They'll be selling houses in there for another 2-3 years!!
i got the brochure from the EA.. i am thinking of a peculative purchase but i am not sure the price will rise very much ove the next 12 months..
could you explain what u mean by going for planning on the lower part of the site. i would have assumed (i know i shouldn't assume anything) that the map from the ea was the total estate and that all permissions had ben received..
do u know how many more phases there will be ?
thanks for the info
Never assume anything -

Always check the planning. If the link doesnt work, go to and into the online planning check and search castleconnell.
They applied for planning in three phases - phase one is whats built now, more or less. Phase 2 planning was granted on whats in the drawing above - whats in the brouchure now . Phase 3 may or may not go ahead depending on how things go!! They are selling phase 2 now, and they will release these houses to the market as and when they see fit!
Thats allot of houses, and i don't see many exits out of the estate. Will it end up taking a half an hour to get out of the estate in the morning rush.:eek: .

Super warm homes are a great idea from an insulation/heating cost perspective. Not so good though if you buy a semi or terrace and the couple next door are shouting at each other every day! :eek:

Lots of timberframe houses were built at the back of us recently. The occupiers go out and leave upstairs windows open during the day as the upstairs rooms get so warm but then the alarms are set off by the breeze blowing thru the windows. It's so bad i'm thinking of getting a bungalow way out in the sticks, away from all the alarms!!
Are you living in castleconnell Bmm?
The road onto which the estate exits is very quiet, so there shouldnt be any major hassle leaving the estate, hopefully.
These are steel framed rather than timber framed and claim to be as quiet as concrete for inter house noise. Builders are very aware of noise between semis/terraced being an issue with timber/steel builds nowadays and seem to be responding to this.
Well insulated, low energy homes are the way of the future, admittedly ideally the home should be balanced in ventilation/insulation.
Your neighbours are not showing a whole lot of smarts if they are leaving their windows open and arming their alarms!!

I wish I could afford a bungalow in the sticks!!! they are all 400K plus around here and out of our budget!!!

We are also considering buying in Castletrock (there are still a few units left) but we are a bit concerned about the fact there is a pretty rough looking state nearby... could any locals comment on the level of antisocial behaviour (if any) there?


We are also considering buying in Castletrock (there are still a few units left) but we are a bit concerned about the fact there is a pretty rough looking state nearby... could any locals comment on the level of antisocial behaviour (if any) there?


There is social housing in castlerock as far as I know if thats what your asking, there are 2/3 other new developments in castleconnell aswell, but i'm not 100% sure of their staus as they are good bit newer. I'd shop around in there at the mo cause there is plenty of competition.
Know this development well was looking at it myself,very good build quailtity and layout of estate. In my opinion the best place to buy in castleconnell for a new estate had a look at other new estates in the area. Coolbawn meadows is a nice estate as well but peolpe will have problems in that estate soon due to people issues!!
Castleconnell is a great place to live if you aree commuting into Kimerick only 15 mins into city center, 15 mins to Killaloe

We are also considering buying in Castletrock (there are still a few units left) but we are a bit concerned about the fact there is a pretty rough looking state nearby... could any locals comment on the level of antisocial behaviour (if any) there?


I grew up in Castleconnell, there are two big (for the size of the village) council estates, one at either end of the village. They aren't too bad compared to areas in Dublin or Limerick city. We never had our house car broken into in over 20 years here. It's a lovely spot, very handy for Limerick, close to Lough Derg, not too far to the coast and of course on the banks of the Shannon. Village is undergoing a huge expansion now with lots of new housing estates. Some good (and some to avoid) pubs, new supervalu just opened, chemists, etc...

Wouldn't mind moving back myself, if there was any work in Limerick for me!

Main problem with Castlerock is getting onto the N7 to go into town will be a nightmare in the mornings as very heavy traffic and of course you'll be turning right. Will be fine once the motorway opens from Limerick to Nenagh, not sure when this is due but it has started.

They are due to start a commuter train from Nenagh to Limerick in the next few years which will take ~15 minutes into town fom the station in the village (10minute walk from castlerock up the pedestrian lane).
Know this development well was looking at it myself,very good build quailtity and layout of estate. In my opinion the best place to buy in castleconnell for a new estate had a look at other new estates in the area. Coolbawn meadows is a nice estate as well but peolpe will have problems in that estate soon due to people issues!!
Castleconnell is a great place to live if you aree commuting into Kimerick only 15 mins into city center, 15 mins to Killaloe

Edenrose, what do you mean by people issues?? I am in the process of buying a house in Casetlerock but was thinking of changing my mind and buying in Collbawn Meadows instead as prices have been reduced, in the village and smaller development. Now I am confused again. Would these 'people issues' be a major factor? FTB and want to make the right choice.
There is a reason the prices have been reduced in Coolbawn and everywhere else!.Maybe I am being snobbish but if I were you find out how many people have put down deposits and then cancelled because they want to live in Castlerock .How many houses are still left to sell.As far as I can remember people are living in Coolbawn now you should go in and check out the place.This is only my personnal viewpoint I'm sure others will disagree
Hi there, I'm new to this site and was amazed to find reference to Castlerock, Castleconnell here. My wife and I bought a four bed semi here in 2006 and moved in in July 2007. So far we have absolutely no complaints. We love the area and our neighbours on either side are really sound, professional people with very young kids that spend their time playing together in the green area to the front which is nice to see. The quality of our house is good but some cracks have emerged in the plasterwork over the skirting boards that might have been avoided with more careful wood/plaster work. Noise from next door is absolutely not an issue and the house retains heat well though on the minus side the radiator in the living room is under the window which means full length curtains do block the heat. This is the second new house that we have purchased and the quality of this one is way better (the first was in a development in Rochestown, Cork called Silverbirch - anybody know it?)

Location wise, we are near the back of the estate beside the pedestian walkway to the village which means a five minute walk to Guerin's pub and few minutes more to the church, school, railway station and SuperValu which is fantastic. We also like the fact that you can go for a decent walk/jog in a loop from the back of the estate via the village and the river Shannon walkway up through the back of the Castleoaks and back in via the Belmount Road to the front of the estate.

We were initially very worried about the size of the estate but so far so good. There is absolutely no problem getting out of the place at rush hour in the morning though this may change once the entire development is finished. My wife works in Limerick City and I work in Nenagh so close access to the N7 was important. I make work in 25 minutes and depending on the time of the morning she leaves it can take my wife a little longer than that to get into the city centre. The right turn onto the N7 is not ideal for her but she tells me that she rarely has to wait longer than a few minutes to benefit from a gap in the traffic. The junction isn't very well lit at night and I think eventually that a roundabout may be needed though when the new motorway finishes next year traffic should be a lot lighter. For the less fainthearted, however, you can always go the back way to the city via O'Brien's Bridge and Parteen though this will take you about 30 minutes on a good day. It's a good way to access the southside of the city though particularly if you're going to Thomond Park or the Gaelic Grounds.

Finally, two of the five bed detached houses to the front are occupied by Munster rugby players so it does the reputation of the estate no harm at all. However, I'm a bit concerned that my Missus is a bit obssessed with the fact that Marcus Horan lives in the neighbourhood!

Castleconnell itself has a lot to recommend itself though to be honest we haven't really had a chance to get to know it properly yet. There's a local historial society that holds talks once a month in the village community centre (the ACM). I went to this month's talk and while the age profile was a bit on the old side the people at it seemed really sound and easygoing but very very proud of their village and locality at the same time which is heartening to see. The locals are particularly proud of their local GAA club, Ahane. We've also been to All Saints Church opposite the Castle Oaks Hotel to hear two Schubert recitals which were well attended and happen on an annual basis over the Autumn (each year they concentrate on a different composer) which was something different to do of a September evening. Apart from that we haven't really had much cause to mix with the local community. There are two local primary schools, one in the village and one in Lisnagry, both mixed. Apparently both are fine though I've heard on the grapevine that Lisnagry may be posher if you're into that sort of thing (though admittedly this was from somebody who went to the school themself so they would say that wouldn't they!

All in all, I'd definitely recommend the place but having said that I haven't really looked into the other new developments in the village so I can't really compare and contrast. We have friends currently renting in Clonlara who have looked at some of the show houses (three bedders) in the other new developments in the village and apparently Castlerock isn't the cheapest so it would be worth looking more into this if you are thinking of buying. There's seems to be a lot of new empty houses both in Castlerock itself and especially in the smaller newer estates so there should be lots of room for negotiation. Best of luck!