Affordable Housing with Fingal Co Co

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I want to do the same but have no measurements haha
Don't want to end up with a monster sofa etc !

I picked out the smallest one i could find (that i liked) in a three and a two. takes nine weeks to arrive. went up to have a look at my house yesterday and there is water damage and some of the plaster has falling off the ceiling.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

no had a look through the window. do you think i should ring fingal or just wait till the snag?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I think you heavily invested in Martello and this is why you are so insistant to go on about the subject.

BTW; what about the people in Martello who dump their waste in front of any unoccupied house!
What about the parties the apartments down the road had, do they still have parties!
What about the incidents of many cars being broken into!

What about Martello in 10-15 years time , how do you see it then?

Does this make my views any clearer? I hope so because I’m not into justifying my beliefs to you.

Where are you getting all this info from ?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I called them they're aware of it, builder has started work on it already.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal


Any body got any updates on Lusk? My snag was started my builder but not finished
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

hi abbi
i just want to ask you how you managed to get approvial whilst being p/t in work ,I also have a child and would love to reduce my hours even to 30 per week but i was under the assumption that you had to be employed in f/t employment

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

johny28: no I don't think you did make it clear thus my last post.

mlouisa: No offence was taken,I was just interested to know how he reached his opinion,and yes I am aware that there is a difference between affordable housing and social housing.Affordable housing is also heavily subsidised though;)

Draoighonta I actually think you really dont understand what affordable housing is. No one on an affordable housing list is taking handouts..they are simply buying a property for the cost price, by this I mean what it cost the builders to build it. I am not sure how you equate this with your taxes having paid for it. There is a vast difference between what it means to be on a social housing list or an affordable housing list (not that I have issues with social housing). Affordable housing exists for people who earn a steady wage but this wage is not sufficient in the ridiculous housing market we have. People on affordable housing lists are often young professionals guards, teachers, firemen/women.. I doubt you would seriously argue that these kind of people are cashing in unfairly.

Your comment about the dumped rubbish is also ridiculous. How can you claim that this rubbish is associated with affordable housing when those houses are not yet occupied? Yes it might be dumped beside the intended affordable houses..but its not being dumped by people who have not yet moved in.. so its people who bought at market value doing the dumping.

I'd like to refer you to [broken link removed] so you can inform yourself as to the criteria involved in the scheme rather than making generalisations about it.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

hi abbi
i just want to ask you how you managed to get approvial whilst being p/t in work ,I also have a child and would love to reduce my hours even to 30 per week but i was under the assumption that you had to be employed in f/t employment


I was full time in work when i applied i got a pay rise in work so even by reducing my hours i was still coming out with the same money and its not as if i'm only do 10 hours per week. I don't claim any benifits either as my wages are too high so i think they still saw me as being full time just a few less hours per week, a usual full week in my job is 37.5 and i do 30
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

"Your comment about the dumped rubbish is also ridiculous. How can you claim that this rubbish is associated with affordable housing when those houses are not yet occupied? Yes it might be dumped beside the intended affordable houses..but its not being dumped by people who have not yet moved in.. so its people who bought at market value doing the dumping."

That was my point,it has nothing to do with the residents of the area.Anyone can dump anything anywhere.
It was johny28 who incinuated otherwise.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

talking of dumping rubbish - I live in north dublin along a country lane where rubbish is dumped frequently. My friend saw a chap dumping a loada stuff out of a merc and followed him home with some of it - out to a massive house in Malahide - really made a show of him. He's prob the type that would slag off other areas too but it's alright to dump there !
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Yep thursday next but I'll be away - Snagger has a list as long as me arm to go thru and also need everything measured up for flooring and sofa etc
I was around there last night having a peek and it's smaller than I remember.............Ah well
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Suzys1972 -

It is amazing how much bigger it will look with everything in it:)
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

johny28: no I don't think you did make it clear thus my last post.

mlouisa: No offence was taken,I was just interested to know how he reached his opinion,and yes I am aware that there is a difference between affordable housing and social housing.Affordable housing is also heavily subsidised though;)

by heavily subsidised I was actually referring to the fact that people in social housing have a large proportion of their rents paid for. I don't think affordable housing is " subsidised " i always took it to be a property that the builder was not making massive profit on as he sold it at cost price but please correct me if I'm wrong!

I have relations who are living in beautiful houses in estates in north county dub, they are in social housing as they are unemployed married father and a young single mother respectively. The rents on these houses I know for a fact are prob at least 90% paid for each month and they will never own their houses.............this is very different situation to affordable housing dragontha!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Boys&Girls,

The intriguing issue about Martello is that a lot of people almost everyone turned down the two beds so the council appearently went down right to the bottom of the list offering it to everyone.

I wonder what else people noticed that I might have missed?

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

possibly that they are small - I don't think there's anything else untoward - same happened with Citygate and there's nothing wrong with them.
Had a word with the cops yesterday and they've nothing to report about the area. Anyways if you are not taking one then why not leave the subject be - no point in biccering with people over the whys and wherefores and it's kinda insulting to keep dissing the houses some of us are happy to have bought .
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hey all,

not sure if this link has been posted already:
[broken link removed]
[broken link removed]

It shows the houses currently under construction and the number ear marked for the AH Scheme.
