ive started jogging... advice please


Registered User
hi all,
so im in the worst shape of my life , weighing close to 15stone at 5ft 9 is not good. I have made a conscious decision to try and lose the excess weight around the belly. The diet has changed, have stared eating less food more regualrly, but i have just started jogging/walking. last night and today i have done approx 2 miles before i had to give up... id jog half a mile and walk half a mile but after two circuts i was in bits. However, i am determined to get back some sort of health.
any advice would be really appreciated as i cant afford to join a gym and actually prefer being outside because we've a lovely green around the corner that im using as a circut. Basically am i doing this right and when should i see anykind of results, 3 months?
thanks in advance
Have you checked with your GP that you should be engaging in such exercise and not maybe starting a bit more gradually?
Problem most people in your situation have is trying to do too much too quickly. Run twice a week for 3 weeks. When running don't run too fast but try and find a comfortable pace...if you have to walk then walk. After 3 weeks you'll be surprised at how much fitter you'll feel. At this stage you could consider joining a running club as running on your own can be tough. Last bit of advice is invest in a good pair of running shoes....anything from Asics over 60euro should be fine.
As Clubman said: first thing to do is see your doctor about exercise.
I lost several stone a couple of years ago (with weight watchers, as well as being in a gym) so I have some experience.
While I have no medical background: 30 mins of walking daily would serve you better. Try getting a pedometer (small investment of approx €20) and you can see yourself improve. Within a couple of weeks, you'll be walking further in your 30 mins. Once you've dropped a couple of stone, it may be worth spending the money on a couple of sessions with a personal trainer, shouldn't cost more than €100. A personal trainer can design you a program based on what exercise you can take within your abilities at the moment.

Something else you can do on the internet is educate yourself on nutrition. A lot of people losing weight make assumptions about types of food, what is good or bad, or try to cut out whole food groups.

Best of luck!

I presume you lost a couple of stone from running or other gym activities rather than walking. Walking is a good cardio excercise but if you want to lose weight I would have thought you'd need to be doing a LOT of walking.

Congratulations on starting! It gets easier from here, to the point where you actually enjoy it. And any exercise is better than no exercise.

My thoughts.....

1. Go to the doctor for a medical beforehand. Better off finding out if you have a heart condition or other issue now rather than at the side of the road.

2. Do the exercise you like... you are more likely to stick to it. You have this sorted already. (Walking is a great way to exercise..especially with a dog :D ). If you feel disheartened, organise to go walking with a friend.
3. Get one of the heart monitors. They are a wrist watch and a transmitter around your chest. Fairly cheap at Argos or most sports stores. There are specific ranges of heart rate that are best for losing weight (and others for aerobic etc.). They depend on your age etc. As long as you keep exercising in this range you will not overstress yourself, or exercise too slowly to do any good. All this should be in the net. My range is 112~130 BPM for weight loss.
3. Be careful of running. It is high stress on the joints, especially when you are carrying excess weight.
4. Don't worry too much about weight loss at the start. It can take a while to kick in. Initially you will be developing fitness and some muscle. Muscle mass weighs more than fat, so you may not see any actual weight loss. What you will notice is that your pants are looser, and you feel better.
5. Remember! the most you will be able to lose and keep off is 1 to 2 lbs a week. So don't expect dramatic results. It could take two to three months to lose a stone. Concentrate on this as a life change (for the better).
6. Drink lots of water. It helps flush out the toxins and keeps you looking and feeling better.
7. Don't worry if you have a few setbacks. The odd biscuit or slice of cake isn't going to kill you. However, stay off the fizzy drinks and other suger loaded snacks. These are the guys that put on the pounds.
8. Ease up on the alcohol (if relevant). Giving up the booze for a month will do wonders to speeding up the process.

I could go on, but others will be offering loads of advice. Again, I salute you for starting the process. Take it slow and steady.

Results wise, at a guess. 1 month - the walking will become easier, and you will have to walk faster to maintain the elevated heartrate. 2 month - you will notice your clothes becoming looser, and you will get fidgety if you don't get any exercise.
I personally wouldn't go to your GP unless you have a specific condition that you know about. You're only 15 stone, not 50. Start off nice and easy and you should be fine. Drink plenty of water as already mentioned and enjoy!
You should consider doing a race and have that as a goal. There's the Adidas 5 mile race on Sat 14th in the phoenix park. I'm sure there'll be people walking part of it as well as running.
Way to early for that....it's only 2 weeks away.

Not really. He's done 2 miles already so he could do 2 on the day, walk for 1 and then jog the last 2 slowly. It feels less tiring running with a load of people. Last year there were times of well over an hour for this race so obviously some people walked all of it.
thanks one and all so far for the advice. I think im gonna try and continue to do my 2 miles a day for now and see how i get on... although there is a music festival this weekend so that will put me right back :)
just once i know that im doing it the right way i think i will continue it for the coming months, as i say its a circuit around a few football fields and i tend to job half way walk the other half and repeat this twice... in total it takes me about 30mins.... any other advice would be great.

I presume you lost a couple of stone from running or other gym activities rather than walking. Walking is a good cardio excercise but if you want to lose weight I would have thought you'd need to be doing a LOT of walking.


I personally chose the gym route but supplemented it with walking. Weight watchers advocates healthy eating and just walking - they hardly mention doing any other exercise and their success rates speak for themselves.

Fact is: the biggest part of losing weight is your own determination. Any exercise and healthy eating will get you there. More strenuous exercise will just get you there quicker.
I personally chose the gym route but supplemented it with walking. Weight watchers advocates healthy eating and just walking - they hardly mention doing any other exercise and their success rates speak for themselves.

Fact is: the biggest part of losing weight is your own determination. Any exercise and healthy eating will get you there. More strenuous exercise will just get you there quicker.

It's just that I see a lot of over-weight walkers out there and not too many over-weight runners (ie ones that haven't just started that is).
My own experience (work in progress :( ) is that a lower fat body is made in the kitchen and not in the gym.

Use cardio exercises (jogging cycling etc) to build stamina, use resistance (lift weights) to build muscle.

But these alone are not going to help you meet your goals unless there's also some disipline in the kitchen.

Personally I hate the slimming and cardio route as I find it too girly-feminine. ;)

Most males I'd imagine are happier with their results when they increase protein intake, eliminate junk , lift weights (not extreme) and increase stamina.

(oh and as someone mentioned have a check-up first)

Does anyone know of running clubs in North county dublin area? finding it VERY hard to go it alone, especially in this weather and friends aren't interested !! I'm aware of Santry/Raheny but lookinmg for ones further out - Rush/Lusk/skerries areas.



Does anyone know of running clubs in North county dublin area? finding it VERY hard to go it alone, especially in this weather and friends aren't interested !! I'm aware of Santry/Raheny but lookinmg for ones further out - Rush/Lusk/skerries areas.



I don't know of any clubs but you could go running in Ardgillan. There's always a few people running around there and the slope is nice and challenging.
Didn't think this was worth a new thread. So just posted here.

How does jogging make you lose weight all over your body?

I was told that when you want to lose weight, it is best to use the muscle(s) nearest the fat. Is this right?

If i was to lift weights, would i lose weight on just my arms or all over my body?
AFAIK it's not possible to 'spot reduce' fat in any one particular area, it depends on each person. For e.g. some people may not carry much fat on their abdomen, while another person might find it the hardest to shift. Using the weights will burn fat from a central reserve but not necessarily from the area you're working.
Jogging and Weight Loss

I started jogging (running way too strong a verb to use here!!!!) 4wks ago. Started running the distance of 2 lamp-posts then hyperventilated for another four, then two again, etc. Now built up to three miles 4-5 times per week (without hyperventilating I might add :D ). I am just so proud of myself. Within the last six months I have given up ciggies and now started jogging. My question: while I realise that everybody is different I was extremely disappointed when I weighed myself on Fri last to note that I had not lost even one single pound in weight. I cannot even say that I feel like I have toned up big time either. What kind of time-frame should I be looking at (have about 2stone to lose) to at least start seeing some results. While I am not jogging purely for weight loss I do feel that it would be so much easier on my system if I were carrying less weight. Any comments here?