More frequency of N Ire Reg cars


Registered User
Is it just me, or has anyone noticed a much higher frequency of sigtings of NI or UK reg cars in and around Dublin. It seems odd to think that they are all just visiting. Seen 2 last Sun in about 5mins in Castleknock-housing estate not main roads (and they knew where they were going)
Could it be a VRT dodge issue? Buy second hand car in NI, keep for a few months and then sell it back in NI and get a different one? Some are boy racer type cars, others are pretty new models and sometimes expensive ones too.
Combination of UK/Northern visitors and a bit of VRT a way no different from the number of polish reg cars one sees in Dublin now.
Interesting alot of the UK reg cars I see tend to be very high end cars such as Mercs, BMW coupes, range rover jeeps and actually a couple of Bentleys. I suspect these are the wealthy Irish people taking advantage of the UK 'holiday home' addresses
Buying in the Uk... I will never buy a car in ireland again! Bought Few cars now.. Bought in the UK and even with VRT etc... I've saved thousands!
In 2006 NI house prices grew faster than anywhere else in Europe (or was it the world!), and haven't Dublin house prices fallen recently...?

Maybe the owners of the NI reg cars have released their equity and are in Dublin buying up your houses. :eek:
also there is the speed fines/penalty points issue
Could it be a VRT dodge issue?
You know, it could be:eek: , maybe you could keep a log of each and every car you see, you know, like trainspotters do, and then write to the revenue/customs and excise, every day with your new spots.

Some are boy racer type cars, others are pretty new models and sometimes expensive ones too.
It's a disgrace I tell you, people with nordie regs driving newish cars, where do those people get off, I mean, is that what they're off spending all that UK govt. aid that props up their failed economy on??
So is there a way to avoid paying VRT in the republic despite being a resident here ? what checks are in place?
Think alot of the NI cars belong to young/youngish people from NI who are now working in ROI. By using, say, parents NI address to register car, they get lower insurance quotes. If they had bought car in NI 6 months before moving down south, then they could reregister in ROI without paying any VAT. But if they want to buy new car in NI while still working in ROI, then they need to continue using parents address to register car and avoid VRT.

Not sure about the GB ones. If they're high spec, could be new buys where they want to get 6000km on the clock before registering in ROI. This is to avoid VAT on new purchases, though VRT is still due.
They do my head in cos they always speed...if I was a guard I'd bring them down to the station and hold them for the 12 hours before letting them go....word would soon spread...arrgh
Think alot of the NI cars belong to young/youngish people from NI who are now working in ROI. By using, say, parents NI address to register car, they get lower insurance quotes.
For the record, this constitutes insurance fraud. If they lie on their proposal form about the main address of the driver, their insurance contract is invalid. Same applies to all the non-Dub's who register/insure their car at their country address.
You know, it could be:eek: , maybe you could keep a log of each and every car you see, you know, like trainspotters do, and then write to the revenue/customs and excise, every day with your new spots.

It's a disgrace I tell you, people with nordie regs driving newish cars, where do those people get off, I mean, is that what they're off spending all that UK govt. aid that props up their failed economy on??

That's what the overhead cameras are for. You can see these in Fairview, on the Malahide Road and countless other places. Most of the main arteries into and out of Dublin have them. I belive they're in Dublin Port and Dunlaoighaire too. They track the foreign registered cars (amoung other things).

I've seen the Revenue running their checkpoints. One official stops the foreign registered cars and directs them into a carpark or onto a side street where another offical is standing by with a laptop with data card fitted. The daily records of where a particular car has been prove how long it has been in the country and whether the owner is living here or not.

Once you're stopped at a checkpoint or try to register a car claiming over 6 months ownership you're caught. The Revenue are very good at protecting their revenue stream.
That's what the overhead cameras are for. You can see these in Fairview, on the Malahide Road and countless other places. Most of the main arteries into and out of Dublin have them. I belive they're in Dublin Port and Dunlaoighaire too. They track the foreign registered cars (amoung other things).

I've seen the Revenue running their checkpoints. One official stops the foreign registered cars and directs them into a carpark or onto a side street where another offical is standing by with a laptop with data card fitted. The daily records of where a particular car has been prove how long it has been in the country and whether the owner is living here or not.

Once you're stopped at a checkpoint or try to register a car claiming over 6 months ownership you're caught. The Revenue are very good at protecting their revenue stream.

Aren't those cameras are for monitoring overall traffic numbers?
I did a search on-line and couldn't find anything to back this up, do you have any links handy?

Aren't the revenue checkpoints testing for agri-diesel?

If what you say is right, I will be amazed, it all seems far to advanced for Ireland.
That's what the overhead cameras are for. You can see these in Fairview, on the Malahide Road and countless other places. Most of the main arteries into and out of Dublin have them. I belive they're in Dublin Port and Dunlaoighaire too. They track the foreign registered cars (amoung other things).

I've seen the Revenue running their checkoints. One official stops the foreign registered cars and directs them into a carpark or onto a side street where another offical is standing by with a laptop with data card fitted. The daily records of where a particular car has been prove how long it has been in the country and whether the owner is living here or not.

Once you're stopped at a checkpoint or try to register a car claiming over 6 months ownership you're caught. The Revenue are very good at protecting their revenue stream.
:D :D :D :D :D
a very near neighbbour of mine is driving TWO norn iron 4 by 4's. has been for the past few years. even changes them now and again. originally from norn iron he probably has a norn driving licence so its probably near impossible to prove hes not living in the north.
wasn't that poor Estonian murdered near Dublin Airport driving a norn iron reg car?
a very near neighbbour of mine is driving TWO norn iron 4 by 4's. has been for the past few years. even changes them now and again. originally from norn iron he probably has a norn driving licence so its probably near impossible to prove hes not living in the north.

Have you called Revenue to see if they will take up the challenge of proving his residency?
No chance of that happening RD. against the grain and anyway casting the first stone scenario etc. would much prefer the hated vrt was removed. then we just might have free movement of people and goods in the EU. but it wont happen. and why should I report it anyway? just because someone is lucky enough to have a norn iron licence and address isn't exactly brown envelope stuff , is it?
just because someone is lucky enough to have a norn iron licence and address isn't exactly brown envelope stuff , is it?

That's exactly what it is!

The more people evade tax of whatever kind the more the rest of us have to pay.

Would you report him if he came round to say hello and picked up some spare cash you had lying round the house?

Same difference, in my book.
That's exactly what it is!

The more people evade tax of whatever kind the more the rest of us have to pay.

Would you report him if he came round to say hello and picked up some spare cash you had lying round the house?

Same difference, in my book.
Given that virtually every one of our political parties currently thinks that we pay too much tax, maybe it's better to take issues into our own hands like this lad is doing?
Your dead right!

The guards aren't too effective either, so let's all start patrolling the streets too while we're at it...

Down with government! That's what I say!