Why do Hosptals give the same time to about 30 patients for Outpatients Clinic?

I don't think you could properly schedule 30 people in 3 or 4 hours without exposing how rediculous the system is, "Mrs. Murphy you're in from 10:34:00 to 10:40:00"

Obviously the consultant is examining too many people, the consultant will blame the taxpayer/HSE/government but the problem is any change that puts the consultant's premiership footballer salary in danger will be resisted.

It takes a brass neck to be so dismissive of patients and their time, so I'd have doubts about the effectiveness of complaints, and it's not as if ministers haven't been hassling them trying to improve things.

We need to be careful about complaining or suggesting improvements, IMPACT claims its hospital mgmt. members are suffering from "change fatigue".
Whatever about the effectiveness of making a complaint the ineffectiveness of not making one is certain.
Hi megan and posters.

I didnt read all the posts as havent time maybe this was said.

In my experience of hospitals, out patients esp if you have an appoitment for 10am, someone will turn up at 9am and they will get seen before you. There file is sent on down from the reception. This has happened many a time to me.

Its riduclous, whats the point of having appoitments if people can jus turn up when they want?

Last time i had to bring my child 2years old and was waiting nearly 2hours.(now im sure some of you can imagine what its like trying to entertain a toodler in a hospital for 2hours)

In the end she fell asleep in buggy and still waiting, i decided **** this went to reception and asked how much longer? why was appoitment for this time if i wasnt gonna be seen etc?

blah blah blah came outta her mouth. and to top it of the doctor that my daughter was ament to see wasnt on duty some other one!!

So now i have an appoitment for june so annoyed.

Rant over :mad:
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Sorry Cuchullian but you are very wrong. The 2 different consultants at the Blackrock Private Clinic I have attended both operate in just the same way as your local hospital in Dundalk. You don't have to pay 150 Euro for the same privilege. So lucky you.
Again, I re-iterate what others are saying - complain, complain, complain. I know of a clinic in a hospital in Dublin where patients are given appointments from one o'clock onwards but the doctors cannot be there until one-thirty at the earliest as they are not in the same hospital at that time. Therefore, the absolute minimum wait is 30 minutes but is usually much longer as about 20 people arrive at the same time.

The only way things like this change is if people make enough of a stink. It is these little indignities that people have to suffer that give them such a bad impression of the health service. That said, I would also like to repeat that on average, between 10-20% of patients do not turn up at public clinics - precisely because they are free - there's no obligation and this leads to delays in other patients getting appointments