Has anyone experience of using a spirit medium?


Registered User
Just wondering has anyone any experience? I am sceptical about it - and have read one or two books which have been very convincing but would like to know if there is any real truth in it? Thank you.
God yes, its all true. Absolutely. Now I can feel someone coming through for you...do you have cash on you?
They are a fraud... but I have some snake oil that I will part with for €500 a bottle. ;)
I don't personally have any experience but my OH's family (mother/sister/sister in law) go regularly to a 'spirit medium' - they come back full of tales about how their grandmother etc is happy about their relationship/job/house and how granny likes the new paint job in the house (que lots of shock and awe about how granny could know about painting the house in the past year! - must be true so! What was that toffee crisp ad years ago..'Speak to me Sydney'.

My Granny who died 20 years ago told me yesterday that it's a very nice way of staying in touch with your loved ones who have passed over to the other side.

Hi Lorrie,

Like fortune tellers I dont personally believe in them but for the sake of argument lets say Im wrong and that the previous (albeit funny) posters are too, my main concern about this would be the amount of con artists out there taking advantage of people in a vulnerable state hoping to speak to someone they lost. For every one "real" medium would there be millions of chancers? Who knows. If someone I knew asked my advice on this, I think I would try to explore why they want to do this before they throw good money away. Is it part of a grieving process? Are there other alternatives (hard I know)? Is it to find out where the coupon drawer is? etc

Medium spirit -- mines a Jameson if your'e buying:)

Hocus pocus if you ask me.
1. Do you know a John
2. Did he have heart trouble
3. He says he you need to ask him something ...................

Applies to almost anyone
Harry Houdini was a famous magician who became a debunker of mediums later in life and, indeed, even in death, because he left a ten-word passphrase with his wife that a medium should say in order to prove they were channelling him. Although many people did claim to channel Houdini, no-one was able to reproduce the passphrase.

Really interesting (and pretty funny)!
Hi Lorrie,

Like fortune tellers I dont personally believe in them but for the sake of argument lets say Im wrong and that the previous (albeit funny) posters are too, my main concern about this would be the amount of con artists out there taking advantage of people in a vulnerable state hoping to speak to someone they lost. For every one "real" medium would there be millions of chancers? Who knows. If someone I knew asked my advice on this, I think I would try to explore why they want to do this before they throw good money away. Is it part of a grieving process? Are there other alternatives (hard I know)? Is it to find out where the coupon drawer is? etc


cas. Thank you for your reply. I have been jostling the idea about in my mind recently - wonderment and curiosity based on two completely level headed people who were telling me about how they made contact with a dead relative. Presumably they were told very personal stuff that no-one could guess or "fish" for?? I didn't know whether to laugh at them or to take it in. I then read the book by Gordon Smith (Spirit Messenger) which has left me in more wonderment? Its not something I would do I don't think!? I would probably be petrified I would get a message or something!? I don't believe in FOrtune tellers, tarot cards etc and I certainly wouldn't be the type who would fork out money to some con artist.
When you lose someone very close to you - its something that just cropped into mind.
I think these people for the most part are experts at reading people, their body language etc and lets face it most people who go to spirit medium have usually recently lost someone very close. I believe that they are already in a vulnerable state by the time they get to the medium, medium comes up with some generic crap until they see a flicker in clients face, then they know that they have hit on something and follow on from there with more rubbish. Even if you could contact the dead - i don't think you should, if we were meant to contact them surely we wouldn't have to pay some eejit to do so!
I have heard of a medium in Tallaght who will only see people in groups of 12 - apparently 12 is a magic number for talking to dead people. Last I heard she was charging 60 a head for this - nice money if you can get it!
I have heard of a medium in Tallaght who will only see people in groups of 12 - apparently 12 is a magic number for talking to dead people. Last I heard she was charging 60 a head for this - nice money if you can get it!

Ah yes, that will be Mary Tea-Leaves (aka Mary Wandereye) 12 is the latest magic number is it? Used to be 5, then 7. Strange how the new number is higher, I agree, nothing to do with the 60 quid a head I'm sure! :rolleyes: She actually has a bucket beside her all the time where she just throws it after everyone has a sip of tea! Eeeuggh...
All a load of baloney... I was in Wesport last weekend and there was a camper van with a medium, Madame X, plying her trade outside one of the car parks. There were a load of crude signs telling of her amazing powers and that she was from...gasp... England... and it was her first time in Ireland. Wow, how exotic I thought ? Anyways I stood next to it for a bit of earwigging and overheard this gem:

"You have recently had a health problem, haven't you...."

"erm...no I haven't"

"Oh, in that case you will experience health problems in the near future..."

Spooky insights, I don't know how she does it... :rolleyes:
Todays indo. (regist. may be req) Irish psychics online makes after tax profit of 2.6m. Am surprised theres any mediums left doing "field work".;)
Todays indo. (regist. may be req) Irish psychics online makes after tax profit of 2.6m. Am surprised theres any mediums left doing "field work".;)
And that's on a turnover of €5.8 million. 45% margin...nice.
Whatever happend to the RegTel and Data Protection Commissioner investigations into certain activities of this company? I [broken link removed] (Word Doc) the BCC upheld a complaint about their advertising.