Attitude change where someone points out high level of SW payments & are critized?


Registered User
I have the impression that some time ago if a person pointed out the high level of payments some people receive they would be immediately critised and labelled anti social and the like. Have i detected a change in this attitude in the light of the current debate.
Agreed - the penny has dropped for a lot of hard working people from the coping classes now that they realise their unemployed neighbours seem to have a much better lifestyle than themselves.

I also think that the fact that there are a lot of people on the dole from social classes who wouldnt normally end up on social welfare. This has led to increased awareness among middle Ireland as to the quantum of the payments that sw recipients receive.
There are a lot of professionals currently on the dole who do not have ten kids with several different unmarried partners and are not milking the system.
New dole recipients are pretty teed off by people like Joan Burton suggesting anyone motivated to work would view the dole as a "lifestyle choice".
Certainly the professionals on the dole don't seem to be set up to receive anything like the payments the dole scroungers are getting.


There is a growing awareness among both the new jobseekers and the employed classes that there is a hard core of 150,000 unemployed.
These people have never managed to become gainfully employed even at the height of the boom.
It is clear that there is a huge amount of scamming going on that needs to be sorted.

So int that sense, yes, there is a new attitude.
New dole recipients are pretty teed off by people like Joan Burton suggesting anyone motivated to work would view the dole as a "lifestyle choice"

Thats not what she said. She said there were some who viewed it as a lifestyle choice. And she was talking about school leavers who automatically avail of this "choice". I'm no fan of hers but you can'y manipulate statements when it suits you.

Certainly the professionals on the dole don't seem to be set up to receive anything like the payments the dole scroungers are getting."

You seem to be then agreeing wth her point here???

There is a growing awareness among both the new jobseekers and the employed classes that there is a hard core of 150,000 unemployed.
These people have never managed to become gainfully employed even at the height of the boom.
It is clear that there is a huge amount of scamming going on that needs to be sorted.

Fully agree.
There are a lot of professionals currently on the dole who do not have ten kids with several different unmarried partners and are not milking the system.
New dole recipients are pretty teed off by people like Joan Burton suggesting anyone motivated to work would view the dole as a "lifestyle choice".
Certainly the professionals on the dole don't seem to be set up to receive anything like the payments the dole scroungers are getting.


There is a growing awareness among both the new jobseekers and the employed classes that there is a hard core of 150,000 unemployed.
These people have never managed to become gainfully employed even at the height of the boom.
It is clear that there is a huge amount of scamming going on that needs to be sorted.

So int that sense, yes, there is a new attitude.

Do you read the Daily Mail much?

While there is a hardcore never employed number on the dole to state that they're all having kids willy nilly with different partners is fairly pathetic.
Do you read the Daily Mail much?

While there is a hardcore never employed number on the dole to state that they're all having kids willy nilly with different partners is fairly pathetic.

In fairness, he didn't exactly say that. And also in fairness, there are a significant number of irresponsible people who, despite already being on their own with a child and having to rely on social welfare still go on to have another child and another one with subsequent partners who are unable or unwilling to support them. This has been going on for years, even when times were good and healthy young people should have had no problem getting jobs. Of course, there are lots of other healthy people who were scrounging and refusing to work even when we had full employment. I have no sympathy for any of them and I think it's horrible for all the people who are now on the dole through no fault of their own and feel they're being bracketed with people like. that.
Problem is that there's no spotlight on dole payments when you have 2.3m people working at an average of €40k p.a. and 150k unemployed receiving an average of say €20k p.a.

The numbers tell the story, at those levels unemployment only 3% of your wages go on unemployment assistance.

In the current world we have 1.8m people earning €35k p.a. and 450k people on €18k benefits.

The story here is that unemployment assistance balloons to over 12% of the total wage bill.

Net result is that you lose 8-10% of your gross wage in new taxes to fund social welfare increases. No wonder people are complaining.

The irony is that the recently unemployed (who would work if they could) are the ones who are being made feel bad whilst it's the same old for those who were never interested in work.
There are a lot of professionals currently on the dole who do not have ten kids with several different unmarried partners and are not milking the system.
New dole recipients are pretty teed off by people like Joan Burton suggesting anyone motivated to work would view the dole as a "lifestyle choice".
Certainly the professionals on the dole don't seem to be set up to receive anything like the payments the dole scroungers are getting.


There is a growing awareness among both the new jobseekers and the employed classes that there is a hard core of 150,000 unemployed.
These people have never managed to become gainfully employed even at the height of the boom.
It is clear that there is a huge amount of scamming going on that needs to be sorted.

So int that sense, yes, there is a new attitude.

You've just agreed with Joan Burton.
If that's not bad enough I agree with you as well (though I'd include all skilled people, not just professionals). ;)
Unfortunately there is going to be anarchy if the benefits of certain lowlifes get touched. The cops had better be on their game. There will be an increase in burglaries and other thefts
Unfortunately there is going to be anarchy if the benefits of certain lowlifes get touched. The cops had better be on their game. There will be an increase in burglaries and other thefts

There should be a rule that all benefits are cut off for a period of time if you are convicted of a criminal offence.

Societies hard earned money should not go to people who dont follow the rules.
There should be a rule that all benefits are cut off for a period of time if you are convicted of a criminal offence.

Societies hard earned money should not go to people who dont follow the rules.

That's the other side of it. Good point. I agree with doing that. In soft old Ireland though, everyone's afraid of travellers and welfare abusers, for some strange reason
That's the other side of it. Good point. I agree with doing that. In soft old Ireland though, everyone's afraid of travellers and welfare abusers, for some strange reason

Welfare abuse/fraud is a crime , being a traveller is not.

I would also state that while I abhor welfare fraud , such abhorrence does not extend to travellers nor do I fear either category.
Welfare abuse/fraud is a crime , being a traveller is not.

I would also state that while I abhor welfare fraud , such abhorrence does not extend to travellers nor do I fear either category.

I think the inference is that travellers 'rights' get rolled out whenever an incident occurs and people back off for fear of being labelled a bigot.