Attitude change where someone points out high level of SW payments & are critized?

Nice money if you can get it!

"... figures by Labour Party Senator Jimmy Harte which suggested one unemployed married couple with four children were receiving more than €1,700 a week in payments – more than €90,000 a year – under various schemes."

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I'm confused - if Joan Burton is saying that neither she nor SW/HSE/etc. can get a clear picture on the totality of SW/HSE/other(?) payments in individual cases then how has the Jimmy Harte managed to do this? I can't see any more detailed info anywhere including on his own website. Which reminds me - did anybody ever ascertain the veracity and existence of that ex public servant out west who couldn't afford food never mind his mortgage repayments?
Nice money if you can get it!

"... figures by Labour Party Senator Jimmy Harte which suggested one unemployed married couple with four children were receiving more than €1,700 a week in payments – more than €90,000 a year – under various schemes."

[broken link removed]

Remember that this is tax free - so you'd have to earn a lot more to have this takehome pay.

I can't understand the rationale behind the HSE making welfare payments for some categories of welfare. All payments should be within the SW system.