Talk Talk, up to 600 jobs gone!


Registered User
600 jobs have been lost at Talk Talk in Waterford..

This is devastating news to all concerned..

I didnt hear the reasons for the closure..does anyone know what happened?
Devastating..I watched reeling in the years about the 80s and it is so similar to 2011 ,with so much emigration etc,very sad.
Apart from the 600 jobs ,there will be so many others who will be indirectly affected by this.
Was surprised talk talk employed so many people, such a big loss. I too think the same when watching reeling back the years in the 80's, but think think these times are worse, way more personal debt.

At work I say about once a week "lord will it ever end", soon I hope, but in my head I think we have another 5 years to go.
600 jobs have been lost at Talk Talk in Waterford..

This is devastating news to all concerned..

I didnt hear the reasons for the closure..does anyone know what happened?

The reason given is that the calls to the call centre have dropped off by around 40% as more people use the on line facility. That doesn't really explain why they are shutting the whole thing down.

It's a profitable company. As someone said to me last night, the IDA grant must have run out....

I know a couple of people who work(ed) there. Devastated, crushed, despondent.

I could weep. I have been out of work since March and I know too well there is no hope once you lose your job. There simply aren't any jobs to go out and find.
All the employees inteviewed on the news last night were young. They were all understandibly upset.
Devestating news.
The bottom line is that Talk Talk will continue to provide this service, be it through a sub-contractor or directly, but they will do it for less money somewhere else.

We will all move to service providers that are cheaper than their competitors. That's the way things are and always have been. If Talk Talk's competitors move to a low-cost economy that gives them a competitive advantage. If Talk Talk don't do the same thing they will eventually go out of business.
If consumers in Europe put the location of manufacture/service provision ahead of price when they bought a product or service then the jobs would stay in Europe. The fact is that they (we) don't so the jobs go where costs are lowest. That's isn't going to change any time soon.
If consumers in Europe put the location of manufacture/service provision ahead of price when they bought a product or service then the jobs would stay in Europe. The fact is that they (we) don't so the jobs go where costs are lowest. That's isn't going to change any time soon.

It's a good point. I was involved in outsourcing back office functions including some customer service roles for a UK financial institution to India. It was an unmitigated disaster. Customers hated it and complained in their droves. They moved everything back to the UK very quickly. I have heard the same with other financial institutions as well.
Terrible news for the City , County & the South East generally.

The local radio station , WLR , has stated that unemployment levels in the City could be as high as 30 % !

I really fear for Waterford's future - Waterford was a great place to grow up in but was always a tough City ( partially related to it's history as a major port ) but with such huge unemployment levels I think the law & order structure may come under increasing pressure & I certainly get the impression that there is a view locally that Waterford has been abandoned by successive Governments & the IDA leading to a palpable level of anger.
The bottom line is that Talk Talk will continue to provide this service, be it through a sub-contractor or directly, but they will do it for less money somewhere else.

This assumes that quality doesn't matter.

They will suffer from the quality issues that are inherent from outsourcing to asia.
It's a good point. I was involved in outsourcing back office functions including some customer service roles for a UK financial institution to India. It was an unmitigated disaster. Customers hated it and complained in their droves. They moved everything back to the UK very quickly. I have heard the same with other financial institutions as well.
I hear what you are saying but it doesnt nessarsaily mean we get the best service from our own either ,the reason I say that ,is I read this thread on AAM ;

Deiseblue ;
Terrible news for the City , County & the South East generally.

The local radio station , WLR , has stated that unemployment levels in the City could be as high as 30 % !

I really fear for Waterford's future - Waterford was a great place to grow up in but was always a tough City ( partially related to it's history as a major port ) but with such huge unemployment levels I think the law & order structure may come under increasing pressure & I certainly get the impression that there is a view locally that Waterford has been abandoned by successive Governments & the IDA leading to a palpable level of anger.
Why has that happened? Why is Waterford being so badly affected?
Was there a union in Talk Talk?
If it is true that the company closed in Waterford because it could outsouce for cheaper,how come they havnt closed the UK offices of which there are many?
I know you may not know the answers ,Im just pondering the whys...

It is absolutely devastating for all those involved.
Talk Talk were not unionised(not that that makes a blind bit of difference if a multi-national decides to pull out of a country). From what I heard they're closing a number of call centres and consolidating the work into the remainder

Problem with companies like Talk Talk are that the jobs are "yellow pack" jobs with no real added value, they don't make anything, they're not supporting the local market or customers, no real skill involved in what they do (unlike say high end IT or manufacturing jobs) and therefore, the jobs are easy to relocate

We shouldn't really give out about companies relocating to India etc, after all, people in other countries have often lost their jobs when the company relocated to Ireland
Quite correct , Talk Talk were non unionised - a fact now being bemoaned by quite a number of employees being interviewed on various media outlets - they are of the view that their redundancy terms would be enhanced if a Union was in situ.
We shouldn't really give out about companies relocating to India etc, after all, people in other countries have often lost their jobs when the company relocated to Ireland

Absolutely. Hopefully some use can be made of the facilities in place and some jobs can be saved.

We need to stop looking to the IDA and multinationals to come in and solve this. It is not going to happen. The days of huge job announcements for the regions are gone. We are going to have to solve this ourselves. Time to start offering grants and very generous taxbreaks to Irish businesses and especially to start up companies.
Quite correct , Talk Talk were non unionised - a fact now being bemoaned by quite a number of employees being interviewed on various media outlets - they are of the view that their redundancy terms would be enhanced if a Union was in situ.

Why? It's closing down. What would they have done? Picketed outside a deserted building.
I suppose at the end of the day,that this is the reality in the real can be made redundant at the flick of a switch...
Why? It's closing down. What would they have done? Picketed outside a deserted building.

Because across all sectors it is quite clear that traditionally & generally where Unions have been involved employees have received better redundancy terms than non unionised employees - I would reference the Public Sector & the Banks as most recent examples.

It is also true to say that the larger Union organisation worldwide has access to all forms of media & as such large Multinationals are conscious of bad press.

It is apparent from the soundbites from some Talk Talk employees that they share this view.

This is of course a peripheral discussion - the main point is that 575 people have received dreadful news - my sympathies to all.
Because across all sectors it is quite clear that traditionally & generally where Unions have been involved employees have received better redundancy terms than non unionised employees - I would reference the Public Sector & the Banks as most recent examples.


True, but in those cases, they were usually for voluntary redundancy pacakages which management want staff to accept, and the unions have the threat of strike to bargain with.. In the case of Talk Talk, staff have no bargaining chip and if management in the UK are quite prepared to put 600 people on the dole, they won't care about a bit of bad publicity.
True, but in those cases, they were usually for voluntary redundancy pacakages which management want staff to accept, and the unions have the threat of strike to bargain with.. In the case of Talk Talk, staff have no bargaining chip and if management in the UK are quite prepared to put 600 people on the dole, they won't care about a bit of bad publicity.

Unions have proved far more effective in enhancing redundancy payments whether such redundancies are voluntary or otherwise in Ireland - a fact that has not escaped Talk Talk employees.
Unions have proved far more effective in enhancing redundancy payments whether such redundancies are voluntary or otherwise in Ireland - a fact that has not escaped Talk Talk employees.

Talk Talk may not have located here in the first place if they had to deal with a union.