Militants hang 8-year-old boy in southern Afghanistan


Registered User
Militants in Afganistan hanged an 8 year old boy because his father wouldn'y provide them with a police car to use in an attack. :mad:

Of course it's probably all the fault of those evil Americans :rolleyes:
That's disgusting behaviour.

I hate to say it about anyone, but I hope they burn in hell.
Things like this make me feel physically sick.

I know atrocities happen every day, but how can you go through with something like this, without at some point, something inside you saying "stop"

I hope they are found, and tortured to within an inch of life and left to suffer.
They were probably just trying to make sure they got the gender balance right; they forced an 8 year old girl to blow herself up in a suicide bomb attack a few weeks ago by threatening to kill her family.
Awful stuff alright. An image was posted online a few yrs back of two 17 or 18 yo boys being hanged in Iran for being gay I wish I'd never seen it because I can't forget the look on their faces. It was all the worse because it was state-sanctioned.

Tho foreign intervention in Afghanistan has definitely led to the brutalisation and radicalisation of that society. From the Brits to the Russians, and recently the Yanks and Al Queda. Being the major source of drugs to feed western drug-addicts hardly helps either. Not excusing the killing BTW, just pointing this out.
Tho foreign intervention in Afghanistan has definitely led to the brutalisation and radicalisation of that society. From the Brits to the Russians, and recently the Yanks and Al Queda. Being the major source of drugs to feed western drug-addicts hardly helps either. Not excusing the killing BTW, just pointing this out.

It is a tribal region and they were killing each other there long before the Brits, the Russians or Islam. Brutality is the oldest part of their culture. The closest they ever got to being "normal" was when the Russians were there.
Thank goodness civilised white people would never do such a thing.

Except, possibly, Serbs and Croats a few years back, or Germans who managed to get rid of hundreds of thousands of Jewish and Romany children -with the willing aid of their Lithuanian,Latvian,Estonian and other East European helpers.
Comrade Stalin managed to get rid of a few million in gulags or starvation though I'm not sure how many kids perished.

But at least Anglo-Celts generally don't such abominable deeds -though I suppose thousands of children were burnt to death in Hiroshima or Dresden, and more, recently, U.S. napalm bombings in Vietnam. (that's besides the many US/Nato "accidents" in Iraq/A'stan )

And I wonder if anyone knows how many little boys and girls were murdered by our own true patriots in various bombing atrocities in the last thirty years ?

Apologies to those European I've missed out.
or Germans who managed to get rid of hundreds of thousands of Jewish and Romany children -with the willing aid of their Lithuanian,Latvian,Estonian and other East European helpers.

You'll have to add in the willing French,Hungarian and Italian Governments who all helped load their Jewish people on to the trains out of their countries, and who then took the jews homes and what was left of their possessions. Which then then refused to return to the familiess "if" they made it back from Auschwitz/ Dachau etc.

Edit: plus the french & belgians hardly have clean hands over their escapades in Africa.
You'll have to add in the willing French,Hungarian and Italian Governments who all helped load their Jewish people on to the trains out of their countries, and who then took the jews homes and what was left of their possessions. Which then then refused to return to the familiess "if" they made it back from Auschwitz/ Dachau etc.

Edit: plus the french & belgians hardly have clean hands over their escapades in Africa.

Then there’s the Germans and Italians in Africa, the Dutch in Africa and the Pacific, the Spanish during and after their civil war (I won’t include what they did in South America as it’s a long time ago). Then there’s what the British did in Africa, India and China (oh, and we Irish were up to their elbows in blood as we were part of the UK at the time).
Then there’s America in the Philippines when they took it from Spain, the American war of conquest when they invaded and annexed vast parts of Mexico. Really, there’s nobody to leave out who had the means to engage in mass killing. The thing is that that’s history. These guys are hanging children now.
Yes -absolutely- and the list goes on.
History -indeed current events - tell us that most humans are capable of the utmost horror no matter how educated,civilised or cultured they appear to be.
It is a tribal region and they were killing each other there long before the Brits, the Russians or Islam. Brutality is the oldest part of their culture. The closest they ever got to being "normal" was when the Russians were there.

That is quite a statement Purple. You mightn't be jumping the gun a bit here? A few people or one person hung this child. That doesn't represent the entirety of Afghanistan, it's history and it's people. Most afghani's perhaps most taliban fighters, would denounce this. And having foreign armies using your country like a chess-piece and arming one group or another, like the Yanks armed the taliban in the Russian-era, at best doesn't encourage a Scandanvian Nirvana. The drone attacks by the USA "take out" more children I suspect, than the taliban ever did or will. It just looks cleaner because someone presses a button in Idhao and apologises if they get it wrong. Don't much matter, the civvies are still as dead.
These guys are hanging children now.


I don't think for a minute anyone is saying that the historical crimes are any less abhorrent, but there is something quite "intimate" about hanging ( not the best descriptive I know) They would have handled him, felt his face as they put the noose round his neck, that's the bit that I can't handle, when do they lose all their humanity?
That is quite a statement Purple. You mightn't be jumping the gun a bit here? A few people or one person hung this child. That doesn't represent the entirety of Afghanistan, it's history and it's people. Most afghani's perhaps most taliban fighters, would denounce this. And having foreign armies using your country like a chess-piece and arming one group or another, like the Yanks armed the taliban in the Russian-era, at best doesn't encourage a Scandanvian Nirvana. The drone attacks by the USA "take out" more children I suspect, than the taliban ever did or will. It just looks cleaner because someone presses a button in Idhao and apologises if they get it wrong. Don't much matter, the civvies are still as dead.

My point is that it’s not a country by any ethnic or cultural standard. It is a tribal area. People have been arming them and using them as chess pieces for thousands of years. Before the Americans (before there was an America), before the Russians, before the British and before the Turkic Muslim armies converted them to Islam. It’s like Scotland or Ireland a thousand years ago; tribe killing tribes. The idea that they’ve been brutalised by the current war just doesn’t stack up.

Oh, and hanging a child in reprisal is a world away from killing one by accident in a bombing raid.
Talk to a soldier who has served there and ask him or her about their rules of engagement. If you don’t know anyone who was there read “Callsign Hades” by Patrick Bury. It was written by a Dubliner who served as an officer in the Royal Irish Regiment in Afganistan.
It is certainly true that deliberately killing a child is not the same as accidently killing one.
But deliberately bombing a village, house, wedding party or car knowing there is a chance that children may be killed cannot be called an accident. The bomber hopes that there won't be kids or other innocents involved but experience and/or logic dictates that there may well be. Yet he will still press the button, whether he be an American or British serviceman or I.R.A. bomber (who today may well be an Irish T.D.) and children die.

Actual physical contact when killing would be much harder for most westerners nowadays. We've had decades of peace in western Europe and thus haven't been brutalised recently. Nor are most of us personally involved in killing animals as our great grandparents on the farm would have been. Most of us today couldn't even wring a chickens neck -never mind a child's.

To a religious fanatic fighting God's battle and/or the freedom of his country, killing children may also be awful. But he knows that the child will go to heaven-he'll be a martyr. And if it brings the day of final victory nearer then the terrible deed will have been worth it. Like Christians (the right ones) burning other Christians(the wrong ones) was worth it. Like dropping the bomb on Hiroshima was worth it.

I suppose it depends on one's cause, beliefs and background. I reckon we're all savages underneath a thin veneer of civilisation.
Purple I think we can all agree the crime is heinous. But if you are making the point that because the place is tribal, and not a country and is endemically brutal, then it's fair game to say that the USA is likewise in many respects. Recall some of the mentally deficient that have been legally executed, and indeed persons who were children at the time of their crime. Recall also the sheer extent of American "collateral damage" in wedding parties and the like. Recall "Gitmo" and rendition, recall Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The list goes on.

I would aslo say that American policy, is not only brutal and brutalising, but is a failed policy in Afghanistan where they are now trying to cut a deal with the very same taliban and the war is costing the Yanks a billion a month (or is it a week?). Add to that the economic damage to the US and the collateral rise of China. America aimed at Afghanistan/Iraq/ME and shot itself in the foot both physically in the body-count of US soldiers dead and maimed and also morally and economically. Recent US foreign policy in the ME is suicidal in every sense.
I agree that US policy in the Middle East was utterly counter-productive. The current administration is doing a good job extracting itself from that mess.
Again; take a look at the rules of engagement for the troops on the ground; if they so wished the Americans could end the war in a few weeks. Yes, the collateral damage has been horrendous but considering the firepower they can deploy the civilian death rate is still very low.
Can any of the lawyers on the site offer an opinion as to the possibility of a conviction of some of the bishops etc on the grounds of being an accessory to child abuse? Helping someone to hide the money after they rob a bank is a crime. Covering up the rape of a child and/or facilitating the rapist to rape again should be covered by the same sort of law.

Presumably you will apply the same criteria to the pursuit of the politicians and bureaucrats who stood over the deaths of the [broken link removed] who died while in State care over the past 10 years, especially as until recently the HSE only admitted to a tenth of these cases.
I think the key word in Purple's original post is "Militants" an oddly fudged term.
I wouldn't be surprised if these people were not even local if they're caught.

Because this wasn't about getting a police car for use in an attack.
They could have stolen any police car for use in such an attack.

That was a cover story - an excuse - for hanging a child.

Presumably the child was a Muslim child - on the balance of probability.
I have met and gotten to know many Muslims over my 50-odd years.
Some dislike America and the RECENT atrocities it has committed.

None would even contemplate a crime against a fellow Muslim, never mind a child.

To suggest these "Militants" equate with or are typical of ANY Muslims or Afghanis is a terrible slur on that people and that religion.
Its is blinkered Western thinking at its worst.


People simply cannot believe the cruel heartlessness of the psychopathic Tribal Warlords running Afghanistan outside of the cities.
They may also be unknowing of he American/UK strategy which invaded Afghanistan on the pretext of getting an oil pipeline across it.
One of two pipelines, the other was to cross the Balkans and we all saw what happened in that unfortunate part of the world to achieve

The prime movers in the middle east are internal looking for recognition and/or support {Saudi Arabia, Taliban, Pakistan Junta}.
They are also external and their interests centre on oil and the endgame is spreading power and influence and making vast profits.
Power and money. Money and power. Oil is the currency of choice at the moment and people are merely tools to be used or collateral damage.

Oh, and I nearly forgot, the control of Opium-growing regions in the region was not an oversight but an end in itself.

The "secret" history of the original encounters with the Taliban - who were not planning on bombing anybody in the US as far as I can determine - is now so well known that simply putting in the search term "bury you under a carpet of bombs" gets thousands of hits.
This in itself is a bit of myth-making fostered by the Americans - "this is what happens if you mess with us" but given that it has never been contradicted publicly (please update me if you can find some evidence of that) I would accept it as far as it goes.

Oil References:

Balkan Pipeline


From The Asia Times November 20, 2001

"At one moment during the negotiations, the US representatives told the Taliban, 'either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs,'" Brisard said in an interview in Paris.

Additional comments

"U.S. dependence on Middle East oil is not a secret. The U.S. national energy policy, released by the Bush administration earlier this year, stated, "The Gulf will be a primary focus of U.S. international energy policy."


Opium References:

Both the British and Americans supported the local warlords by buying their Cash Crop - OPIUM - for several years - before considering legalising it in 2007. Englands love affair with the plant and how it can be used to destabilise and control entire populations [both foreign and indigenous] goes back to a certain Scottish man around the time of the Boxer Rebellions.

From The Independent - Asia Section - Sunday, 1 April 2007

[broken link removed]


Don't ever assume that the cruel hanging of a child means anything more to these heartless creatures than a manipulation of the mood of the local population.
America/UK has misjudged the Muslim world - it wanted a war with Militant Islam, only to find that most Muslims are peaceful, far more so than Christians under similar circumstances.
External enemies are hard to find these days, and without enemies, your own subject populations will question the money spent on the military budgets at a time when their backs are to the wall financially.

With the plug finally being pulled on the American Troops abroad and still no sign of a third world Christian/Muslim Religious war, the powers that be are getting desperate.
Atrocities - like the ones in Norway and this strocious hanging, will happen more frequently, and America will try to destabilize the world economy once again.
Its always easier to get people to fight for a cause, even one they don't believe in, when they have no food in their bellies or money in the bank.

Expect America to default in its debt in August, or appear to do so, and watch the world teeter on the brink.

Banking Crisis 1907 - WWI 1914-1918
Wall Street Crash 1929 - WWII 1939-1945
World Economic Crisis 2008 - WWIII 2012-2018?

"Outrageous! The world isn't run by a handful of American Oil Magnates and Bankers!" I hear you say.

We'll wait and see, but I for one won't be surprised when it happens.

And now, at least, neither will ye.

That's dreadful news from Afghanistan. Just for context, lethal injection is no walk in the park either.

Lol, yes, that's right; America's death penalty is equivalent to hanging an innocent 8 year old boy.
One cancels out the other so as long as there’s anything wrong with America they have no right to criticise others. If we apply that standards we should never open our mouths... or we could raise the level of debate above that of a couple of 14 year olds (or the Socialist Workers party idiots that were outside Lidl the other day).