Gay young people

I wouldnt care less if I had a child who turned out to be gay.

What would bother me would be if I had a child who turned out to be a nasty person.
Latrade pretty much sums up my thoughts. Maybe it's because I would like my kids to be more like me I dunno but yeah in terms of preference I'd prefer if they were straight.
Latrade pretty much sums up my thoughts. Maybe it's because I would like my kids to be more like me I dunno but yeah in terms of preference I'd prefer if they were straight.

I wonder would gay people prefer their kids to be gay!
As I say, if a child of mine was gay, I'd love them and support them with every once of being I have. I'd just prefer if they were straight. I accept that probably means there's some latent homophobia there.

I'm with you on this Latrade and you did a better job than I could in explaning it without offending anyone.
I wonder would gay people prefer their kids to be gay!

So even though I preempt my thought with "maybe" and end it with "I dunno" you have to pick this up as a contentious statement Sunny! I probably should have followed the same line as Firefly and just said I agreed with Latrade!
So even though I preempt my thought with "maybe" and end it with "I dunno" you have to pick this up as a contentious statement Sunny! I probably should have followed the same line as Firefly and just said I agreed with Latrade!

No no, wasn't aimed at you at all. Just wondering if it worked the other way!
I would also prefer my kids to be straight, just from the point of view that a) its what I know (ok not a great reason) and b) I'm looking forward (already) to playing with my grandchildren and, without getting into the whole gay marriage & right to adopt or whatever, I think it would be lot more strightforward if those grandkids were as a result of a marriage of man and woman.

A traditional outlook I know, but not to say its less valid that others. But to re-iterate, like all other posters, if my kids were gay I'd just had to bottle my initial dissappointment (arising from selfish reasons) and make sure I supported them in every way I could - its their life, their right to be happy, what I want for them doesnt count as compared to what they want for themselves.
Civil partnerships for same-sex couples coming next year

Personally I would prefer either same-sex couples get full marital rights OR else that hetero couples can avail of the same legislation

Its discrimination otherwise IMO

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I wonder would gay people prefer their kids to be gay!

haha very good :)

I have read this with great interest. I am a 28 year old gay male and not one thing said here has bothered me, if anything, i think its great that people are having an honest, intelligent conversation.

For those who would prefer their kids to be straight, of course they would when you look back over the past years. It was frowned upon, it was the 'Them' attitude. There were beatings and bullying.

But, attitudes change as does society as do people. When i came out at 17 and started going to gay bars / clubs, every second person walking by as you entered the bar would be gawking at you like you were entering the realm of all evil.

Today, not one person would bat an eyelid. Infact, it got to the point in the George (dublins main gay club) that they had to start turing away straight people (what does that say).

But all in all, if your child does turn out to be gay, be there to support them. When i told my parents on a saturday morning over a cup of tea, the first thing my father said was - are you happy - the second thing he asked - when are you bringing us into the George. I was extremely lucky but i have met many a friend over the years who have no contact with their family and its very very sad.

Those families and the gay child have missed out on so much.

On a light hearted note - I can see why poeple look funny at the extremely loud camp gays running around - I look at them funny too ;)