Gay young people

I have a very strong preference that none of my children turn out/are (I don't know whether the in vogue reason for being gay is by choice or by nature) gay. I suspect that many (most) parents would have a similar view, if not express it publicly. Equally I would expect mine to be in the minority of expressed views on AAM.

I think it is a fair reaction considering the amount of rubbish that gay people still have to put up with (getting better though). I presume it is not the actual 'gay' part that you have the problem with of course.
I think it is a fair reaction considering the amount of rubbish that gay people still have to put up with (getting better though). I presume it is not the actual 'gay' part that you have the problem with of course.
Well, I'll presume you're not being disingenuous and simply baiting me, but you presume too much.
I have a terrible fear of lesbains - they make me feel very unwanted and useless!
I would hope that none of my kids are gay but if they are then I will accept them. It would not be my preference for them though.
Well, I'll presume you're not being disingenuous and simply baiting me, but you presume too much.

I am not baiting you but I don't believe that the majority of parents in this country would be upset that their kids turned out gay because they have problems with the whole idea of homosexuality. I think most people would just prefer that their kids did not have to suffer prejudice.
I am not baiting you but I don't believe that the majority of parents in this country would be upset that their kids turned out gay because they have problems with the whole idea of homosexuality. I think must people would just prefer that their kids did not have to suffer prejudice.
Fair enough. We just differ on the rationale for parents preference for a hetero child so.
C'mon, he had never even heard of the concept? :rolleyes:

Thats what he claimed. I disputed this as well - but he was from a small village and had come to America as an 18 year old - so its possible he was just naive.

And Complainer - he WAS aware of the concept of beastiality :)
Perhaps you might like to explain the rationale for your own preference so.
Not particularly, I don't really want to get into a PIAF (not the deceased French warbler) debate. It suffices to say that I view homosexuality as an aberration. That said I don't care what consenting adults get up to, but I do have an issue with the gay agenda.
Not particularly, I don't really want to get into a PIAF (not the deceased French warbler) debate. It suffices to say that I view homosexuality as an aberration. That said I don't care what consenting adults get up to, but I do have an issue with the gay agenda.

As I understand it you are fairly staunchly catholic and conservative in your views - not an intended insult, just an observation. And that's fine.

But the highlighted phrase looks seriously like right wing paranoia to me.
As I understand it you are fairly staunchly catholic and conservative in your views - not an intended insult, just an observation. And that's fine.

But the highlighted phrase looks seriously like right wing paranoia to me.
I'm a failed agnostic but my views aren't informed by religion. I'm definitely right of centre on many issues. I don't believe I'm paranoid but as the saying goes "just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you" :).
I am not baiting you but I don't believe that the majority of parents in this country would be upset that their kids turned out gay because they have problems with the whole idea of homosexuality. I think most people would just prefer that their kids did not have to suffer prejudice.
That's my view, though upset might be a bit strong.
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I am not baiting you but I don't believe that the majority of parents in this country would be upset that their kids turned out gay because they have problems with the whole idea of homosexuality. I think most people would just prefer that their kids did not have to suffer prejudice.

I'll stick my neck out on this and even accept any bashing and shouts of hypocrasy, bigotry or whatever.

I don't have any issue with being gay (insert cliche that some of my best friends etc). Sexuality doesn't concern me, doesn't shock me, doesn't enter into my thought process. It's who you are, same as they're short, tall, dark, fair, etc.

But, if I had a preference would I prefer a child to be "straight"? Yes. Is this because they'll face prejudice and I want to protect them? I'd love to say yes it is. I'd love to keep my liberal, accepting, understanding, inclusive, diversity tag and say any reservation would be because I didn't want my child to suffer any harm. But that'd be a lie, it's because I just would prefer them to be straight.

I know if they were gay I would support them and it really wouldn't bother me or affect my relationship, but if the question is "preference", I'd prefer them to be straight. I could spout some pseudo-scientific justification that it's because being straight means I have a greater chance of my genetic material passed on for another generation. Yeah, that's it, genetic material. But no, I'd just prefer them to be straight.

Maybe there's a psychoanalysis argument that it's to do with "sharing" things as father and son or whatever, maybe Freud would suspect latent, hidden stuff deep down.

It's completely hypocritical, it's completely against my own moral compass, I disgree with michaelm's views on the nature of being gay, but I stand by my preference.
I'll stick my neck out on this and even accept any bashing and shouts of hypocrasy, bigotry or whatever.

I don't have any issue with being gay (insert cliche that some of my best friends etc). Sexuality doesn't concern me, doesn't shock me, doesn't enter into my thought process. It's who you are, same as they're short, tall, dark, fair, etc.

But, if I had a preference would I prefer a child to be "straight"? Yes. Is this because they'll face prejudice and I want to protect them? I'd love to say yes it is. I'd love to keep my liberal, accepting, understanding, inclusive, diversity tag and say any reservation would be because I didn't want my child to suffer any harm. But that'd be a lie, it's because I just would prefer them to be straight.

I know if they were gay I would support them and it really wouldn't bother me or affect my relationship, but if the question is "preference", I'd prefer them to be straight. I could spout some pseudo-scientific justification that it's because being straight means I have a greater chance of my genetic material passed on for another generation. Yeah, that's it, genetic material. But no, I'd just prefer them to be straight.

Maybe there's a psychoanalysis argument that it's to do with "sharing" things as father and son or whatever, maybe Freud would suspect latent, hidden stuff deep down.

It's completely hypocritical, it's completely against my own moral compass, I disgree with michaelm's views on the nature of being gay, but I stand by my preference.

It's fair enough. I will leave the psycho-analysis to someone better qualified!
Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, Latrade, but how much of your opinion is informed by how gay people are today.

Because I genuinely feel that what a 'gay person' is like today will be changed substantially- already has changed and will continue to do so due to the changes in society.

When being gay becomes mainstream, accepted, on a par with not being gay- then our perception of what a gay person is will also change.

They will no longer be someone apart from the norm, they will just be the norm.

I'm explaining it badly, but I think some peoples fear of their child being gay is because of what they think being gay means- something different. And when mainstream society accepts them as not being different, the fear will be gone.
I'm explaining it badly, but I think some peoples fear of their child being gay is because of what they think being gay means- something different. And when mainstream society accepts them as not being different, the fear will be gone.

Being honest, for me it's nothing to do with that, well in the main. I think being gay is slowly getting to the point where it is no longer whispered behind hands, where it is accepted. I see myself as being part of that inclusive group of people for who it really isn't an issue, the personal caveat is that I think the inclusion and diversity is great, I fully support rights and equality, I fully support people being accepted and comfortable even if they're of a different sexuality to me...just as long as it's someone else's child.

As I say, if a child of mine was gay, I'd love them and support them with every once of being I have. I'd just prefer if they were straight. I accept that probably means there's some latent homophobia there.