Mary Coughlan performance as Employment Minister

This is only a rumour put about by someone with a vested interest in the status quo. DAA could have included a clause in the lease stating that the hangar could not be used as a terminal.

This is all about the unions who dominate Aer Lingus/DAA. The unions do not want those former members in SRT to go over the fence to be employed by non-union Ryanair. Aer Lingus/DAA/Government will put out all sorts of rumours about Ryanair's motives.

It's a disgrace.
I just knew that someone would try to pin this on the Unions !

Absolute hogwash
What's next - unions to blame for Henry's handball ?
Presumably if Ryanair went long-haul, somewhere near Standsted would make more sense?


Indeed yes, except its unlikely Mr G Brown will make any meaningful contribution for such a thing to be set up there.

Thats why these things tend to be in ( olddog takes cover ) godforesaken places like Prestwick ( or indeed SNN as is LTs Shannon Aerospace )
olddog - the question of why O'Leary didn't attempt to enter negotiations with the DAA instead of running to the press still hasn't been answered.

Thats down to DAA behaviour in the early days of RYR.

And also I don't see how you post answered my query in the first place

My postie was addressed to those posting who seemed to think that airframe maintenance is not an international business rather than 'your question in the first place'
This is only a rumour put about by someone with a vested interest in the status quo. DAA could have included a clause in the lease stating that the hangar could not be used as a terminal.

This is all about the unions who dominate Aer Lingus/DAA. The unions do not want those former members in SRT to go over the fence to be employed by non-union Ryanair. Aer Lingus/DAA/Government will put out all sorts of rumours about Ryanair's motives.

It's a disgrace.

I just knew that someone would try to pin this on the Unions !

Absolute hogwash
What's next - unions to blame for Henry's handball ?

It's actually quite funny that Slash's first post starts out by castigating other for spreading rumours, and then proceeds to make up a much bigger rumour (and a fairly nonsensical one, given that the SRT jobs are long gone now).

Anyway, pity Mary didn't ask Micko how many of the 300 would actually be Ryanair employees, or how many would be employees of some distant agency registered in some jurisdication where employee rights are a dirty word. Many Ryanair pilots and cabin crew are not paid by Ryanair, but are 'contracted' through agencies to avoid obligations under employment law.
Many Ryanair pilots and cabin crew are not paid by Ryanair, but are 'contracted' through agencies to avoid obligations under employment law.

You are going into Willie O'Dea territory there. Just because Ryanair outsource some of their jobs to agencies, it doesn't mean the employees are not covered by employee legislation. To imply that Ryanair are operating some sort of sweat shop is ridiculous in the extreme.
Many Ryanair pilots and cabin crew are not paid by Ryanair, but are 'contracted' through agencies to avoid obligations under employment law.

So what? As long as they operate under employment law, I don't see the problem. I also can't remember the last time Ryanair went on strike, which isn't bad considering how ruthless & profit centered they are perceived to be.
Just because Ryanair outsource some of their jobs to agencies, it doesn't mean the employees are not covered by employee legislation. To imply that Ryanair are operating some sort of sweat shop is ridiculous in the extreme.
That's exactly how Irish Ferries got around Irish minimum wage legislation.
Arent their two companies now occupying the former SR Technics premises? The newly formed Dublin Aerospace and Aer Lingus Maintenance. Both of these companies employ 100s of people. Is Ryanair advocating that these companies should be removed from Hanger 6 and replaced by Ryanairs employees? Doesnt that mean that there will be 100s of job losses in these companies?

According to these links ,there are 226 Dublin Aerospace workers and 350 AL workers. A lot more employment than Ryanairs 300 jobs.

[broken link removed]
That's exactly how Irish Ferries got around Irish minimum wage legislation.

Why are you comparing Ryanair to Irish Ferries? It is nothing like it. Ryanair don't bring staff over from Latvia, base them in Dublin and pay them the Latvian minimum wage. Are Ryanair staff paid less than the minimum wage? Are their pilots still not covered under working time directives?
I dont get the arguments against RA. So what if OLeary has an alterior motive, who cares? Let him do what he wants with it if he creates 500 jobs. H6 was empty when he asked for it July last year. DAA subsequently leased it to AL in November. If Coughlan had got off her backside back when H6 was requested she'd be enjoying many photo ops as the staff start back to work. Now its a mess since AL are already in there. She's a disaster.
You only have to weigh up the number of times you hear her name in the media and then whether the news story is positive or negative.

A politicians performance will be judged on what they do for the good of the section of society their ministry represents. She is a disaster because a) she has no backbone to stand up to the vested business interests or worse still b) she takes very good care of vested interests and things suffer as a result.

She is a poster child for the sorry state or our politicians. We need to take a leaf from France's book and they need to take a leaf from the UK's book. We should cause more of a racket when we are pushed around and they should have the honor to resign their positions when they are either in error or make significant mistakes. We need to show them that they are answerable to us, not the other way around.

As for Mr. O'Leary, we all know he is a ruthless businessman, but it is that sort of drive and ingenuity that makes change and keeps the world changing (for better or worse, but at least its a change of direction). Yes he may have an ulterior motive, but in the end it is about Mary's ego and that of the government thinking that no-one can push them around, again that they are answerable to no-one
H6 was empty when he asked for it July last year. DAA subsequently leased it to AL in November. If Coughlan had got off her backside back when H6 was requested
That's the key piece of information, thanks homeowner. The rest is fall-out from her inaction.
DB74 said:
Who did he ask? The landlords or the Dept Enterprise?

He asked her to act as an intermediary with the landlords on his behalf due to his bad relationship with DAA.

Thats a perfectly sane request.

Are you suggesting had he asked the DAA directly that he'd have the hanger now?

She should have bent over backwards to negotiate the deal.
Its what she gets paid to do - negotiate with companies and get jobs for ireland. She has flown all over the world in this capacity but she cant cross the hall to the dep of transport to request meeting with DAA and kick start negotiations?
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How do you know that the DAA/Dept Enterprise weren't already in discussions with Aer Lingus at that point?

The deal was signed in December 2009 so can we presume that discussions were ongoing long before that.

How come the offer of 500 jobs went down to 300 so quickly.

Why does O'Leary not take up the offer of a brand new custom built hangar as is the case in Scotland?
Why does O'Leary not take up the offer of a brand new custom built hangar as is the case in Scotland?

Maybe becuase he would have to wait 10 years for it, and the DAA would probably make it impossible to do it in any reasonable time frame. He is wise to avoid that option.
How do you know that the DAA/Dept Enterprise weren't already in discussions with Aer Lingus at that point?

The deal was signed in December 2009 so can we presume that discussions were ongoing long before that.

How come the offer of 500 jobs went down to 300 so quickly.

Why does O'Leary not take up the offer of a brand new custom built hangar as is the case in Scotland?

We don't know. That's the whole point of trying find out exactly what deal was done with Aer Lingus and on what terms.

We can't presume anything. Brian Cowan said there was a competition for the hanger. Ryanair said they never heard anything about it.

Because 200 jobs went to Scotland but that was only a couple of weeks ago.

Another question is why are they offering to spend taxpayers money to build a brand new hanger when one exists that is not being used for what it was designed for.
All very good points, to which I have no answer really.

I'm all out of ideas now.