Leaflets being delivered at 4am


Registered User
This morning coming down the stairs at 4am to get a drink the wife saw a shadow of a person walk by the front door (scream) awoke me. I thought the worst ...someone in the house. Thank God that was not the case.

I put lights on outside to disturb would be thief and make noise by knocking on windows.S o I decide to now go outside with a little friend in my hand for protection to check around the house and no one there thank God .

As I am checking out the front I noticed a guy is delivering leaflets into letter boxes, so I check my letterbox and find a leaflet to give any spare clothing etc.

I think this is really not the time 4am to be delivering leaflets, if this was in some part of America the police would be retrieving a body.

I know the milkman delivers early but you see his milk van etc.
Re: Leatlets been delivered at 4AM

Whatever about little friends (!) those leaflets are a pain in the backside. Same thing, I was getting up to get a drink downstairs and the person was putting the leaflet in. It is actually more sinister than that, because the person actually tried the handle on my door to see if I had left it open as people often do. Those dodgy leaflet people did away with my mam's solar lights and my mam's neighbour's pot plants. A neighbour did see them lifting the pot into the van - but was too late to get reg....northern or uk dirty old white van.

Be careful. I hate people who give anything to those fraudulent collections when there are so many good causes. It is not enough to say, sure it saves me getting rid of it.....I get those stupid leaflets nearly every day now.
Re: Leatlets been delivered at 4AM

I thought all you wannabe business people were doing business by 4.00am. Were you on a half day the day the person dropped in the leaflet?
thats mad but in the times we live in folks.................2010

always............. EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED:(
Always wondered that if you put up a sign on your letterbox such as the one below, would you be legally entitled to enforce it - through small claims if necessary (isnt this similar to those private clamping charges?):

"All advertising, flyers and junk mail prohibited. Any advertiser/individual/organisation who deposits any of the aforementioned in this letterbox will be liable for a penalty charge of €100."
Leaflet drops at 4am sound to me like a cover for burglars.

Could they be checking for unlocked doors and then if challenged just say they are dropping leaflets?
Leaflet drops at 4am sound to me like a cover for burglars.

Could they be checking for unlocked doors and then if challenged just say they are dropping leaflets?

First thing I thought of too.

Highly unusual to be dropping leaflets at that time I would have thought.

It's something I did once upon a time and we were advised never to drop leaflets between 9pm and 10am.
Leaflet drops at 4am sound to me like a cover for burglars.

Could they be checking for unlocked doors and then if challenged just say they are dropping leaflets?

Yeah, thats what I thought as well. Id be very annoyed if I came across someone dropping leaflets in my door at that time - Id be onto the guards immediately.
It happened to me once at around 6am - I nearly died of fright.
I rang the mobile number on the leaflet to complain, but nobody answered.
I often come downstairs in the morning to find leaflets on the mat that weren't there the night before.
Does anyone actually read these leaflets? Usually go in the bin.

You would have a job to convince a court of a cause of action.

I have to pay bin charges to get rid of the leaflet. I also have the inconvenience of having to clean out my mailbox on a regular basis and sift through the junk.

Legally speaking, the cause of action is that I will be charging people a fee for depositing advertising in my mail box. I'm quite entitled to do so as its my mailbox.
Does anyone actually read these leaflets? Usually go in the bin.

I have to pay bin charges to get rid of the leaflet. I also have the inconvenience of having to clean out my mailbox on a regular basis and sift through the junk.

Legally speaking, the cause of action is that I will be charging people a fee for depositing advertising in my mail box. I'm quite entitled to do so as its my mailbox.

+1 was talking about this at the weekend. Why should I have to pay for the pleasure of disposing of other people's junk?
+1 was talking about this at the weekend. Why should I have to pay for the pleasure of disposing of other people's junk?

Ive put up a No Junk Mail sign and it has cut down on the amount of junk considerably, however some people do ignore it and just post the junk regardless. On one occasion I went out and accosted the deliverer who posted some junk and pointed out the No Junk Mail sign, but was only rewarded with a confused look and a non english response.
No Junk Mail Signs simply don't work on eastern europeans hired to do the leaflet drops.
Its very strange to have junkmail delivered at that time of night. It could be as some suggested someone trying the doors, but it could also be someone who is double jobbing and is doing this before hitting their other job?

Anyway, as for the junk itself, collect them for a while and then post them all back to them with a little letter saying thanks, but you can keep your own rubbish in future!
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I always find these leaflets, particularly the 'charity' ones in the hallway very very early in the morning. I put them straight into my recycling bin. It gives me the creeps to think the people who deliver them could be, in some cases, up to no good. :(