Leaflets being delivered at 4am

Because of the position of our house I can often see the people coming, so have a bit of fun by opening the door while they are putting the leaflet through, then insisting they take whatever they are posting away with them. Other than that it's straight in the bin or on the fire!
Always wondered that if you put up a sign on your letterbox such as the one below, would you be legally entitled to enforce it - through small claims if necessary (isnt this similar to those private clamping charges?):

"All advertising, flyers and junk mail prohibited. Any advertiser/individual/organisation who deposits any of the aforementioned in this letterbox will be liable for a penalty charge of €100."
If you had it in Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Estonian (?) etc., you may get a result :D
Also have them delivered at all hours of the night - main reason I'm aware of this is the dogs let me know. Horrible thought that they may be checking the house door etc.

The leaflets go straight in the bin, 99 times out of 100 they're not legitimate charities and rarely have waste collection permits. Don't even bother trying to phone the mobile numbers on the stickers, you'll never get an answer.

Worst thing of all now, is that many of them are doing a very good job posing as well known legitimate charities whom I would happily support - but never without calling the charity in question. Polio society was latest fraudent one I had.
I can see from some of the posts here that many know nothing of housebreaking. Your house is more likely to be broken into at 4.00pm than 4.00am. Dont give criminals any reason - keep all valuables out of sight always. Furthermore, it is unlikely that any leaflet deliverer is casing the joint.

Delivering leaflets at 4.00am is a new business i.e. you get the leaflet for your breakfast. Nice sales ploy.
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Re: Leatlets been delivered at 4AM

Whatever about little friends (!) those leaflets are a pain in the backside. Same thing, I was getting up to get a drink downstairs and the person was putting the leaflet in. It is actually more sinister than that, because the person actually tried the handle on my door to see if I had left it open as people often do. Those dodgy leaflet people did away with my mam's solar lights and my mam's neighbour's pot plants. A neighbour did see them lifting the pot into the van - but was too late to get reg....northern or uk dirty old white van.

This is one posters experience.
last night 4am More leaflets through my door. I nearly had a heartattack as yes I was downstairs getting a drink..
I can see from some of the posts here that many know nothing of housebreaking. Your house is more likely to be broken into at 4.00pm than 4.00am. Dont give criminals any reason - keep all valuables out of sight always. Furthermore, it is unlikely that any leaflet deliverer is casing the joint.

Delivering leaflets at 4.00am is a new business i.e. you get the leaflet for your breakfast. Nice sales ploy.

These people are opportunist. I am not saying they are casing the joint. More grab and run. They are not bone fide leaflet deliverers. I know what I saw and I saw the guy try the handle on my door. Also, they would be looking for other opportunist things, kids bikes left outside, people leaving car doors unlocked with phones, ipods, inside etc. As people do.

The charities involved are not legit.......usually a northern irish mobile number and a ni or uk registered van.

We get a chap who delivers leaflets outlining special offers for our local Eurospar and he delivers every Friday about 8.30am. I am not speaking about these kind of people only doing a job.

Legitimate charities like Barnardos are suffering because of these bogey people, I had read a spokesman for Bernardos say that these people often take the bags of clothes people leave out for Bernardos by getting up earlier and covering the route.

This rag collecting is a huge business with massive turnover for those involved. Do not give them anything.

Incidentially after the incident in my mam's with the solar lights and the neighbours pot plants, the Guards were notified. Their take on it was that the stuff would show up at the weekend at some car boot sale or sunday market.
we get overnight deliveries too - and they try car door handles on their way up the driveway. I'd often woken up thinking had heard strange noise until one night I actually saw them in action. trying all the cars on the street on their leaflet rounds. I've now got sensors on the outdoor lights so place is all lit up to "welcome" the overnight visitors. I find these work better than lights left on all night as the kinda shock you when they turn on.
We've had those clothes collection stickers come through in the middle of the night a couple of times, once it set the alarm off down stairs and woke the whole house, the wife and children were scared out of their minds, till we discovered what had tripped it (by discovered I mean, build up the bottle to go downstairs at 4am :) )