wedding cash gift - how much?

The whole idea behind the wedding gift used to be to help the couple set up a home and a life together. These days people generally have their kettles and toasters etc and usually a home.
I think these days one should aim to leave them start their married life without debts associated with the costs of ther wedding.
I have always given 200 euro cheques as gifts.
I'm now getting married myself in a few months and have been asked by a few close friends what I would like. Some are of the same mindset as myself and are happy to give cash or vouchers. I couldn't believe it when one of my closest friends was appalled by this. He wants to buy me some piece of crap gift. I thought he knew what I was about!!? He must have been disgusted by the cheque I gave him.
I dont mind more distant relatives etc giving me whatever they like but I would hope those closer to me will give a cheque. I have absoultely no interest whatsoever at any time in glass/picture frames/blah blah blah.
If I want them (and I never will), I'll buy them myself.

Good god, I find this post appalling. This is where the brash vulgar wedding culture of our time comes from. Not all from you personally but people who throw money at couples who got married, expecting it back in return or dare you be sneered at for being mean for giving "some piece of crap gift". I say you will have fun the day after your wedding opening your presents and seeing you gave you the most and who is on the blaclist for not conforming
I'm not thinking how much I'll make. People will want to give something and I don't want or need anything. Thus I'll take cash or vouchers preferrably. If I receive art or a toaster or such like I'll smile and thank them I guess. I only hope I can do it convincingly.

If you don't want or need anything why don't you ask people to make a donation to a charity of your or their choce.
Honey, you come across like a moneygrabbing so and so who does not understand the concept of gift. Tara I totally agree.
I have been invited to a work colleagues wedding but I cannot attend. I would be close to this person at work but it stops there. How much should I give as a single person even though I can't attend the wedding ?


I would reckon 50 euro is sufficient or a voucher to that amount. Maybe a nice gift you could think of that they may like.
If you can't go to the wedding then I honestly would not give anything. I'm getting married in a few months and honestly would not expect a thing from the people not attending, and would hate for any of the guests to feel under pressure to give me something. I've attended weddings and know how expensive it is for the guest before you even look at giving a gift.