Most memorable lines from the movie's/TV...anywhere!

It was " The Greatest Story ever told " with John Wayne playing a centurion present at the crucifixion which I saw in the cinerama cinema as a kid - that scene is indelibly imprinted on my mind.

If memory serves me right there was a roman soldier wearing a watch in another scene from the film.

Apparently the first take wasn't great so the Director told him to, you know, do it again but with more awe, so JW goes, Ahhh He surely was.....
Anyone into scary, thriller type movies will love "Julia's eyes", a Spanish movie playing now in the IFC. Many original takes on the obsession and looking into the mind of a deranged killer. Disturbing and graphic in parts, but if like me you love being scared, then this is a great movie.
I could fill the page with quotes from The Soprano's - the 'dialogue' track from the soundtrack album cracks me up every time. From memory, Corrado had some of the best ones, like;

"The Feds have their heads so far up my ass I can taste Brycream" and
"Flight risk! I've been farting into the same sofa cushion for 18 months now"
Inigo Montoya's is probably my all time favourite line, but also fond of a line from the start of Mean Girls: slagging off home schooling, there's a little clip of some inbred-looking southern US boys (so said in a southern drawl) saying their morning prayers: "On the 3rd day the Lord made the Remington pump-action rifle so man could fight the dinosaurs. And the ho-mo-sexuals. A-men"
25 Hours, that Edward Norton film

Pain for my sham friends and champagne for my real friends

It's so witty and clever, love it!
I believe it's originally from a Tom Petty song