Most beautiful women of the century

hmmm...for me this is a 'who would I most like to look like' list.

The girl who plays Penny Widmore in Lost.
Angelina Jolie
Kate Winslet
Jane Russell
Raquel Welch

Seriously girls - we need a version of this thread for the most handsome men!!

Most handsome man of the last century:

Sean Connery gets my vote.

Re 'who I would most like to look like:

Audrey Hepburn
Vivien Leigh
Maggie Gylenhaal
Damn how did I forget her especially in Fabulous Baker Boys

Big +1
Cindy Crawford has to be there as well (but she's very smart so maybe not ;))
Ann Hathawaywould also be there as well as Ashley Judd.

I never found Jennifer Aniston very attractive and not even remotely attractive.
This is the way I look at it - "beautiful" - in the sense of objectively beautiful, form, structure, everything in the right place etc but doesn't neccessarily mean you are "sexy" - basically, the quailty that inspires animal lust I guess. You can be neither (or a bit of both) and still be "attractive" which is for me, a combination of being pleasantly featured, warmth, inspiring affection.

So that's B, S & A. Now, pay attention, here is the news, out of 10:

Caveat, you worry me.

Kelly Brooke for me every time. :D
I've never been one for blondes so I'll stick to the more quirky brunettes. I agree with Hepburn, Loren, Kelly, Leigh, Russell, Rosselini, Love Hewitt and Becksindale.
Was Jessica Alba or Liz Hurley mentioned? They should be.
I also think Kirsty Gallagher is very attractive.
Adriana Lima, Aishwarya Rai and Megan Fox are all gorgeous.
And if you want a good looking royal then it has to be Queen Rania of Jordan.
oh another brunette I used to absolutely adore in her (and my!) earlier days - Winona Ryder, gorgeous.
oh another brunette I used to absolutely adore in her (and my!) earlier days - Winona Ryder, gorgeous.

I think she's cute but not attractive. Can we add cute to the categories?

Take Tatou, for example -I know you're thinking "Don't mind if I do!!" - She's as cute as a button but I don't think she's attractive, sexy or beautiful. Ditto for Hathaway.