leaving the country owing 35k .what will happen

nothing to add but insults? Ireland has been robbed and you justify the thieves with moral high ground and blame the victims. That really makes me laugh. Keep working and paying your 'debts' like a good slave. Will your kids be following the same loser ideology? The world needs mugs like you so the rich can enjoy.
The reason the lad got into debt is the money was thrown at him,

No, it was because he has a gambling problem.

nobody bothered checking until he couldnt pay it back.
Why would they?

They didnt care if he paid back the cash from gambling or anything 'immoral' once it was paid back.
Probably not but when I buy a TV do you think the retailer thinks "hmmm I hope that money isn't stolen" ?

Now they have the hounds after him.
Of course, because he has their money.

Bankers were never great. They are legal loan sharks with the law as their henchmen. Screw up and they'll take everything you own and throw you in jail. You will be their slave working all your life to 'pay back' what you owe them. They take a cut from every deal as 'interest'. They make that from you and me slaving away paying interest on a mortgage that is equivalent to the price of your house.
Well, difficult to disagree with much of that, but everyone enters a deal or contract knowing what they are letting themselves in for. If not, the onus is on them to educate and familiarise themselves.

Let's not forget, banks are a business - they are not a convenience or free service - people seem to forget that. Yes, thay have a lot to answer for (especially these days) but you don't really expect them not to pursue debts?

Good on the lad for doing a runner, good luck to him in his new life.
I'm sure it doesn't need pointing out that you are congratulating someone on breaking the law - maybe you don't have a problem with that (especially in in this instance) but would you feel the same if it was your money he had?
I was in the district court one day and there was a few people up for not paying debts. A young lad was there for not paying AIB 7000. They were looking for an instalment order for some crazy amount. The Judge was having none of it and said to the chap, "Well AIB gave you 7000 and they took a risk with you, they lost and they must accept the result of that risk." She then granted an order for €10 a month.
Alright, disdain maybe for the bank/greed - but they were just chancing their arm - why not? the lad was certainly chancing his arm by trying not to pay?!

To my knowledge, no bank has ever claimed to have the higher moral ground. It's just business in this case.
well actually its not the banks money, they borrow it from somewhere else and lend it on at a profit. They cant pay their debts so all the tax payers are bailing them out. They have defaulted on loans but of course the exec still get a large payout.
Whats the difference?

They are the 'Financial Experts'. Its got nothing to do with buying TVs or gambling.

Your logic would also defend drug pushers and wife beaters as from what you are saying its the victims fault.

If you give a kid a bag of sweets are you shocked if they are all gone when you get back. Do you then enslave the kid for life to pay back with interest.

You are forgetting the responsibility, potential profit and risk is with the lender.

I wouldnt lend money to someone who gambles. I wouldnt expect to get my money back.

what are you gonna do? give him 20 years? I'd put the bank official in jail as they definitley know better and throwing money at people causes a false economy that crashes as in Ireland.

The bank have to take the responsibility here
I know its not a good idea abd moraly its wrong , im looking for advice on what will happen when the ban ks cant sumons me to court
Can posters please restrict themselves to answering the OP's question, rather than debating the moral rights and wrongs of defaulting on a bank loan? Otherwise this thread will be locked.
OP you could try asking Mr. P Kelly who seems to be in the same predicament as you in relation to the question of how to get out of paying back the debt. He has plenty of money, either a multi millionaire or billionaire, I'm not sure which, but that's just a matter of scale. He probably had the best legal and financial advice available to anyone in Ireland and you know what, he's in trouble because the banks gave him the money. Same as yourself really. I don't think he's going to do a runner though.

Maybe it's only idiots who pay their debts. I'm beginning to think so.
In relation to the advice you have sought:

The obvious thing to do if you're moving abroad is to send home enough to cover the repayments on your loans.

If the full repayments are too much, pay the interest and part of the capital.

Bankruptcy would clear out your debts, but not really worth it for €35k!
everyone is complaining and not answering his question, he really wants to know if he will be punished if he move out of Ireland, which I don't think so. I think you credits will go down and will reach bad credits.
The OP hasn't posted since Page 1 of this thread (now on Page 4) so it looks like not much point in replying to him any more - he's probably in Oz !!!