Laya Laya switching people to paperless billing unless they object


Registered User
If you are used to getting your renewal in the post it appears that Laya have now moved to email renewals. Unfortunately if you are not expecting your renewal by email you will not be aware of this. The second problem is that they will renew your policy automatically unless you tell them not to.

I get emails from Laya about their annual Street Performers Festival which they sponsor. I automatically delete these. So don't do as I do because you could be deleting your renewal notice and having your policy renewed while waiting for your normal notification by post.
OP, I also got the email from LAYA saying the moved to email, but I was able to go into members area online and change it back to post.
I got this letter in early November, but just getting around to dealing with it today.

I am not sure about getting renewal details for such an important issue by email. I find it easier to overlook an email than a piece of paper.

It would be renewed automatically I suppose if one did not respond.

But I would worry about losing continuity of cover and therefore all the implications of that for medical insurance.

Although the letter said you must change your preferences within 5 days of the letter, I did this today without any problem.
